я нашла оВариант 4Промышленные регионы на постсоветском пространстве я перевод - я нашла оВариант 4Промышленные регионы на постсоветском пространстве я английский как сказать

я нашла оВариант 4Промышленные реги

я нашла оВариант 4
Промышленные регионы на постсоветском пространстве являются реальной экономической основой общества, источником образования добавленной стоимости, ключевых общественных благ и благосостояния домохозяйств.
Понятие «промышленный регион» означает наличие одного или нескольких крупных предприятий, находящихся на территории одной административной
единицы. Промышленные регионы формировались в течение длительного периода времени – начиная с конца IXX века, вплоть до наших дней.
Вербальная привязка термина «промышленность» к административной терминологии зародилась в ходе административной реформы СССР, которая проводилась в начале 60-годов. В тот период «промышленные районы» создавались как противовес сельским районам, очевидно с целью изменения отраслевой структуры народного хозяйства –развитие промышленных предприятий, которые обеспечивали более скорое выполнение хозяйственных планов.
В наше время наблюдается ситуация в которой ведущие промышленные предприятия действительно играют ключевую роль в жизнедеятельности территориальных общин, а также формированию и поддержке их статуса в структуре государственного управления. Каждое предприятие, считающееся крупным, является совокупностью большого числа рабочих мест. Таким путём предприятие, как работодатель, обеспечивает две важные для общества составляющие: доход домохозяйств и поступления средств в бюджетную систему.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I found oVariant 4Industrial regions in the former Soviet Union are a real economic basis of society, the source of value added, the key public goods and household wealth.The concept of "industrial area" means one or more large enterprises, residing in the territory of one administrativeunit. Industrial regions were formed over a long period of time, starting from the end of the 19TH century, right up to the present day.Verbal pegging of the term "industry" to administrative terminology has arisen in the course of administrative reform in the SOVIET UNION, which was held at the beginning of the 60-years. At that time, "industrial districts" were created as opposed to rural areas, obviously with the aim of changing the industrial structure of the economy-development of industrial enterprises, which provide more speedy implementation of management plans. In our time there is a situation in which the leading industrial enterprises really have played a key role in the life of local communities, as well as the formation and support of their status in the structure of Government. Every enterprise that is not considered to be major, is a collection of a large number of jobs. In this way the enterprise as an employer who provides two important components of society: household income and revenues in the budget system.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I found oVariant 4
Industrial regions on the post-Soviet space are real economic basis of society, the source of the formation of value added, the key public goods and household wealth.
The term "industrial area" means that one or more large enterprises in the territory of a single administrative
unit. Industrial regions formed over a long period of time - since the end of IXX century until the present day.
Verbal binding term "industry" administrative terminology originated in the course of administrative reform the Soviet Union, which took place in the early 60's. At that time, "industrial districts" were created as opposed to rural areas, apparently in order to change the sectoral structure of the economy -development of industrial enterprises, which provide a more speedy implementation of economic plans.
Nowadays, there is a situation in which the leading industrial enterprises do play a key role in the life local communities, as well as the formation and support of their status in the structure of government. Every company, is considered the largest, is a collection of a large number of jobs. In this way, the company, as an employer, provides two important social components: household income and the receipt of funds in the budget system.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I have found оВариант 4
industrial regions in the post-soviet space are a real economic the basis of society, is a source of educational value added,Key public goods and well-being of households.
the notion of "industrial region" means the presence of one or a few large enterprises, in the territory of a single administrative
units.Industrial regions have evolved over a long period of time - starting with the end of the IXX century, up to our days.
Note verbale mapping term "industry" is the administrative terminology was born in the administrative reform of the USSR, which was carried out in the early 60s.In the period of the industrial areas" were established as a counterweight rural areas, it is clear with the aim of changing sectoral structure of the economy -development of industrial enterprises,That would ensure a more speedy implementation management plans.
In our time there is a situation in which the leading industrial enterprises have a key role in vital signs territorial communities,As well as to fostering and support of their status in the structure of public administration. Each enterprise, allegedly a major, is a range a large number of jobs. In this way business,As an employer, provides two important for society components: income and household income of funds in the budget system.
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