Я не знала, что в Берлине много озер. Расскажи, пожалуйста, какие в городе есть интересные места, которые тебе нравятся. И у тебя замечательная мечта, К, мечты же иногда сбываются, может еще все впереди. Есть ли у тебя любимые праздники?
I didn't know that many lakes in Berlin. Please tell us what the city has interesting places that you like. And you have a wonderful dream, dreams do come true sometimes, may still lie ahead. Do you have favorite holidays?
I did not know that a lot of lakes in Berlin. Tell me, please, what the city has attractions that you like. And you have a wonderful dream, K, same dreams sometimes come true, can still ahead. Do you have a favorite holiday?
i didn"t know that in berlin, many lakes. tell me please, what there are interesting places that you like. and you have a great dream, dreams sometimes come true, maybe another time. if you have a favorite holiday?