1. Они должны действовать, как им сказали.
2. Я думаю, мне надо надеть другие туфли на вечеринку.
3. Я не могу уйти, не расплатившись.
4. Они должны вернуть все деньги.
5. Ты мог бы им позвонить и сказать, что не придешь.
6. Я так хотел есть, что чуть не съел всего цыпленка сразу.
7. "Мне взять зонт?" - "Да, похоже, что будет дождь".
8. Тебе удалось закончить работу?
9. Ситуация - хуже не придумаешь.
10. Ты не мог бы прийти немного попозже?
11. Неужели ты сам это написал?
12. Со мной этого не может случиться.
13. Я перебрал в уме все возможные случаи, когда я мог бы с ним познакомиться.
14. Может быть, он не захотел выступить.
15. Она никогда не рассказывала о своем детстве, и на то, по-видимому, была какая-то причина.
16. Но я просто не могу идти дальше.
17. "Он может отдохнуть в моем кабинете", - сказал м-р Болт.
18. Нора отвела сына в свою комнату. Мне было слышно, как они там разговаривали.
19. "Не нужно преуменьшать опасность", - сказал он.
20. Я смогу написать им завтра.
21. Никто не смог бы сделать больше, чем сделал ты.
22. Ник был таким сыном, которым мог бы гордиться любой родитель.
23. Я думаю, что он влюбился в вас потому, что никогда, должно быть, еще не встречал никого похожего на вас.
24. Я думаю, что не буду никуда выходить сегодня. В такую погоду я, пожалуй, лучше посижу в кресле у камина.
25. В конце концов, нельзя не восхищаться человеком с такими высокими принципами.
26. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
27. Право же, ты мог бы что-нибудь сделать с этим.
28. "Я не вижу, что еще я мог бы тогда сделать", - сказал он.
1. Его мать опять в больнице. Она, должно быть, серьезно больна.
2. Среди них не было никого, к кому бы я мог обратиться за помощью.
3. Я не понимаю, как ты мог вести себя так глупо.
4. Я невольно подумал, что мисс Грей выдала себя этими словами.
5. Он двигался так тихо, что не мог бы побеспокоить сон самого чуткого человека.
6. «Где мои очки?» - «Здесь их нет». - «Должно быть, я оставил их дома».
7. Я должен оставаться здесь весь день?
8. Он спросил, может ли он положиться на меня.
9. Он спросил, не могу ли я позаниматься с его классом на следующем уроке.
10. Когда ребенок так болен, вы, должно быть, чувствуете себя ужасно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. They must act, as they were told.2. I think I have to wear other shoes to the party. 3. I can't get away without paying. 4. They must return all the money. 5. you could call them and say don't come. 6. I so wanted to eat that almost ate all the chicken immediately. 7. "I take the umbrella?"-"Yes, it seems that it will rain". 8. Did you finish the work? 9. the situation is worse than not. 10. you could come a little later? 11. Do you wrote it? 12. With me this can't happen. 13. I am taking in mind all possible cases where I could meet with him. 14. Maybe he did not want to speak. 15. She never talked about her childhood, and, apparently, there was a reason. 16. But I just can't go on. 17. "he can rest in my Office," said Mr Bolt. 18. Nora devoted son to his room. I could hear as they talked. 19. "no need to downplay the danger," he said. 20. may I write to them tomorrow. 21. No one could do more than you did. 22. Nick was such a son, whom any parent would be proud of. 23. I think he fell in love with you because it never should be, haven't met anyone like you. 24. I think that I will not go anywhere today. In this weather I, perhaps the best surf in front of the fireplace. 25. At the end of the day, it is impossible not to admire a man with such high principles. 26. you can do whatever you want. 27. Right, you could do something with this. 28. "I don't see what else I could do back then," he said.1. His mother back in the hospital. She must have been seriously ill. 2. Among them, there was no one to whom I could turn to for help. 3. I don't understand how you could behave so stupid. 4. I involuntarily thought that Miss Gray issued these words. 5. He was moving so quietly that could disturb the sleep of human sensitivity. 6. "where are my glasses?"-"no" here. -"I must have left their homes." 7. Should I stay here all day? 8. He asked if he could rely on me. 9. He asked if I could work with his class on the next lesson. 10. When a child is so sick you must be feeling terrible.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. They must act, as they were told.
2. I think, I have to wear other shoes to the party.
3. I can't leave, not instantly.
4. They have to return all the money.
5. You could have them call and say that I do not come.
6.I would like is, that just does not eaten all the chicken immediately.
7. "I take an umbrella?" - "Yes, it seems that it will rain".
8. You were able to finish the work?
9. The situation is worse than that.
10. You could not have come to a little bit later?
11.Do you himself wrote?
12. With me this may not happen.
13. I young guys in mind all possible cases, when I could be with him to explore.
14. May be, it is not wanted to speak.
15.She has never talked about his childhood, and to the fact, apparently, was the cause.
16. But I simply can't go further.
17. "He can relax in my office", - said m-r the bolt.
18. Nora has withdrawn his son in his room.I have been heard, as they talked.
19. "Do not want to belittle the risk," he said.
20. I will write to them tomorrow.
21. No one would be able to do more, than made you.
22. Nick was such a son,Which could be proud of any parent.
23. I think that he had fallen in love with you because that will never be, had not yet met anyone similar to you.
24. I think that I will get nowhere to go today. I am in such weather,Perhaps it is best посижу in a chair in front of the fireplace.
25. In the end, we cannot but admire a man with such high principles.
26. You can do all that you want.
27. Right, you could have something to do with that.
28. "I do not see,That I could make," he said.
1. His mother again in the hospital. It should be, is seriously ill.
2. Among them was not anyone to whom I could turn to for assistance.
3. I don't understand, how could you behave so stupid.
4. I unwittingly, I thought that miss Gray has issued themselves with these words.
5. He was moving so quietly, that could disturb sleep the sensitive human rights.
6. "Where's my glasses?" - "here there are none". - "It must be, I left them at home".
7.I must remain here all day?
8. He asked if he could rely on me.
9. He asked, not can i workout with his class at the next lesson.
10. When a child is sick, you should be,Feel terribly.
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