Я очень люблю шоу Интуиция Это очень интересное шоу. В этой телепередаче известные актеры угадывают то, чем занимаются их необычные поступки. Иногда встречаются очень интересные люди, которые работают на 6 работах сразу или подтягиваются 180 раз
I really love the show intuition is a very interesting show. In this telecast famous actors do that guess their unusual deeds. Sometimes you meet very interesting people who work on the 6 works immediately or tighten 180 times
I love the show Intuition This is a very interesting show. In this television show known actors guess whatever it is that their unusual behavior. Sometimes there are very interesting people who work on the 6 papers at once or 180 times tightened
i really like the show's intuition is a very interesting show. in the tv show well-known actors guess what doing unusual things. sometimes there are very interesting people.who work for 6 work immediately or come 180 times