3. Сегодня путь к успеху возможен, только если ты научился думать о другом. Научился думать о своем клиенте и потребителе. Маркетинг отношений предполагает социальную ответственность бренда, кампании, ответственность реальную, а не сымитированную маркетологами. А это всегда сложно. Кроме того, компания, исповедующая маркетинг отношений, должна исповедовать его во всем. В отношениях не только с потребителями, но и с партнерами, сотрудниками.
4. Мне импонирует стиль построения взаимоотношений с клиентами компании «Мак-дональдс». Особенно в части целевой аудитории, если говорить о семьях с детьми, где драйверами покупки выступают именно дети. Работа ведется системно, корректно и с соблюдением этических норм. Даже такие стандартизированно-корпоративные действия, как детский праздник, welcomm-ball, игрушка в хэппи-миле, создают атмосферу особого внимания к отдельной части ЦА.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
3. today, the road to success is possible only if you have learned to think about something else. Learned how to think about your client and consumer. Relationship marketing involves social responsibility campaigns, brand responsibility real, not simulated by marketers. And it's always difficult. In addition, the company formed in relationship marketing, should practise it all over. In relations not only with customers but also with our partners and employees.4. I am impressed by the style of building relationships with clients the company "mc donalds. Especially in terms of target audience, if we talk about families with children, where drivers of purchase serve children. Work is being carried out systematically, accurately and in compliance with the ethical standards. Even such standartizirovanno-corporate actions, as children's Festival, welcomm-ball, a toy in Happy Valley-mile, creating an atmosphere of special attention to a particular part of Central Asia.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
3. Today, the path to success is only possible if you have learned to think of something else. Learn to think about their customers and consumers. Relationship marketing involves social responsibility of the brand, the campaign, the real responsibility, and not simulated marketers. And it is always difficult. In addition, the company professing relationship marketing must confess it around. In a relationship not only with consumers but also with partners and employees.
4. I like the style of building relationships with customers the company "McDonalds". Especially it is the children act as part of the target audience when it comes to families with children where the purchase drivers. The work is conducted systematically, correctly and ethically. Even such a standardized, corporate actions, as the children's festival, welcomm-ball, a toy in the happy-mile, create an atmosphere of special attention in a separate part of Central Asia.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
3. today, the road to success is possible only if you learn to think about other things. learn to think about your client and the user. marketing relationship assumes social responsibility brand campaign, the liability of the real, and not сымитированную маркетологами. and this is always difficult. in addition, a company confessing marketing relations, should follow him around. in a relationship, not only the consumer, but also with partners, employees.4. i was impressed by the style of building relationships with customers the company "mac дональдс». especially in the part of the target audience, for families with children, where the drivers of purchase are children. work systematically, correctly and with ethical norms. even стандартизированно corporate actions such as a children's festival, welcomm - ball, a happy one, create the atmosphere of the special attention to the separate parts of the car.
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