Прежде всего Говард Шульц придумал термин

Прежде всего Говард Шульц придумал

Прежде всего Говард Шульц придумал термин "третье место" - оно значит место между работой и домом, в котором можно одинаково успешно и расслабиться, и поработать
Еще одной фишкой этого бреда является персонализация - "Капучино для Анастасии" "Латте со взбитыми сливками для Алексея" вот что вы можете слышать когда впервые придете в Старбакс. Открытое общение с посетителями едва ли не прописано в должностных инструкциях бариста. Необщительных, будь они хоть триста раз профессионалами, в штат Старбакса не возьмут. А для того, чтобы бариста и посетители могли свободно видеть друг друга, в кофейнях даже переделывали стойки — чтобы пониже опустить громоздкие кофе-машины, которые закрывают обзор.Кстати, важным элементом оформления зала является музыка. В Старбакс она качественная и тщательно подобранная (а диск с этой подборкой можно купить). Причем во всех кофейнях сети есть что-то вроде диска дня — одна и та же музыка будет играть в точках Старбакс по всему миру. Так у посетителей создается чувство сопричастности к жизни всего мира — а это поднимает продажи.
Узнаваемость бренда так же поднимают уникальная обжарка кофе, которое вы можете купить, большое разнообразие десертов и закусок к кофе, а так же в каждой кофейне можно приобрести уникальную продукцию в виде кружек с знаменитым логотипом
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
First and foremost, Howard Schultz coined the term "third place"-it means place between work and home, which can be equally successful, and relax and workAnother chip of this nonsense is personalization-"Cappuccino for Anastasia" latte with whipped cream for Tony "here's what you can hear when you first come in Starbucks. Open communication with the visitors hardly spelled out in Barista job descriptions. Introverts, be they at least three hundred times by professionals, the staff won't take Starbucks. But to the barista and customers can easily see each other in the coffeehouse, even converted to rack down, delete the bulky machines that cover overview. Incidentally, an important element in the decoration of the Hall is the music. Starbucks it quality and carefully selected (a disk with this collection you can buy). All coffee houses network there are something like drive-one and the same music playing in Starbucks locations worldwide. So the visitors creates a sense of ownership to the life of the world — and this raises the sale. Brand recognition is the same raise unique roasting of coffee, you can buy a great variety of desserts and snacks for coffee, as well as in every coffee shop, you can purchase unique products in the form of a workshop with the famous logo
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
First of all, Howard Schultz came up with the term "third place" - it means a place between work and home, which can be equally successful and relax, and work
is another chip that delirium is personalization - "Cappuccino for Anastasia" "Latte with whipped cream for Alexis" here's what you can hear when you first come into the Starbucks. Open communication with the visitors perhaps written in the job descriptions of the barista. Uncommunicative, whether they are at least three hundred times by professionals in the state will not take Starbucks. And in order to baristas and attendees can see each other, even in coffee shops altered rack - to drop below the bulky coffee machines, which cover obzor.Kstati, an important design element is the music room. The Starbucks is quality and carefully selected (and the disk with this selection you can buy). And in all coffee shops have something like drive of the day - the same music will play in Starbucks locations around the world. So the visitors created a sense of belonging to the life of the world - and this raises the sale.
Brand awareness is raised as a unique coffee roasting, you can buy a wide variety of desserts and snacks for coffee, as well as in every coffee shop you can buy unique products in the form of mugs with the logo of the famous
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
first, howard schultz came up with the term "third place" - it means the place between work and home, which can be equally well and relax, and workanother thing that brad is personalising "cappuccino for anastasia" latte whipped cream for the first "so that you can hear when you first come to starbucks. open communication with visitors barely registered in the official instructions, a barista. необщительных, be they at least 300 professionals in the starbucks will not take. but to the barista and visitors can easily see each other at even to lower the cumbersome makeover at the coffee machine, who are обзор.кстати, an important element of the music is. starbucks's quality and carefully selected (a disc of the compilation you can buy). with all the coffee shop network is like a disk of the same music outlets starbucks around the world. so visitors have a sense of ownership to the rest of the world - and that makes the sale.brand recognition so as to raise the unique coffee roasting, which you can buy a variety of desserts and snacks to coffee, as well as in every coffee shop you can buy unique products in the form of with the famous logo
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