1. Как ты собираешься провести субботу и воскресенье? - Я хочу поехать перевод - 1. Как ты собираешься провести субботу и воскресенье? - Я хочу поехать английский как сказать

1. Как ты собираешься провести субб

1. Как ты собираешься провести субботу и воскресенье? - Я хочу поехать в Кавголово походить на лыжах. 2. Поехали в Павловск! - Давай поедем на велосипедах! Отсюда часа два езды. 3. Если хочешь, я могу проводить тебя до театра. 4. Манчестер находится к северу от Лондона. 5. На неделе у студентов обычно мало времени для развлечений (entertainments). 6. Когда поезд прибывает на Белорусский вокзал? 7. Что Люся делает? - Смотрит какой-то фильм по телевидению. 8. Любимое занятие моих детей - слушать сказки по радио. 9. Некоторые (some people) любят читать в постели. Врачи это не одобряют.
1. Не забудьте, что в половине четвертого у нас собрание. 2. Уже поздно, я должна идти домой. 3. Я могу дать вам эту книгу в субботу. 4. Ясно как день, что он неправ. 5. Я хочу купить новые (наручные) часы, потому что мои часы все время идут неправильно. 6. Я думаю, что мои часы спешат. На ваших часах шесть, а на моих десять минут седьмого. 7. Поезд опаздывает на три часа. 8. Вы можете достать эту книгу к пятнице? 9. Так поздно? Тогда выключили радио. Пора (it's time) ложиться спать. 10. Кого ты ждешь? - Катю. Она никогда не приходит в назначенное время и всегда находит оправдание. 11. Я хочу поставить свои часы по твоим. Где они? - Вот они, на письменном столе. 12. Сегодня он отвечает лучше, чем обычно. 13. Я надеюсь увидеть его через день или два. 14. Что-то случилось с моими часами, я должен отдать их в починку. 15. Позвони (to ring up) мне от (between) двух до трех. 16. Взгляните, пожалуйста, на часы. Который час на ваших часах? - Мои часы идут неправильно, они спешат. Где ваши часы? - На столе. - Они ведь правильно идут? - Я боюсь, что они отстают, как всегда. По моим часам половина девятого. Мы должны торопиться (to hurry up). 17. Мои часы не ходят.- Что случилось? - Я не знаю. 18. Включите радио, пожалуйста. Я хочу поставить часы по радио. 19. Уже без пяти семь. Где Петя? Сеанс (show) начинается ровно в семь.- Не волнуйтесь (to worry). Петя всегда приходит вовремя. 20. У меня сегодня выходной день (day off), и я хочу приготовить грамматику сегодня, а не завтра.- Ты прав. Не откладывай до завтра того, что можешь сделать сегодня. 21. Я люблю заниматься утром.- Да, утро вечера мудренее. 22. Что вы делаете? - Я перевожу статью с английского на русский. Я должен перевести ее к завтрашнему дню.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. How are you going to spend Saturday and Sunday? -I want to go to go skiing Kavgolovo. 2. went to Pavlovsk. -Come on Let's go biking! Two hours ' drive from here. 3. If you want, I can conduct you to the theater. 4. Manchester lies to the North of London. 5. during the week for students usually have little time for entertainment (entertainments). 6. when the train arrives at the Belarusian railway station? 7. That Lisa Miller does? -Watching a movie on television. 8. my kids ' favorite pastime is listening to on the radio. 9. some (some people) like to read in bed. Doctors don't approve of it.1. do not forget that half of the fourth, we collected. 2. it's late and I should go home. 3. I can give you this book on Saturday. 4. Clear as day that he is wrong. 5. I want to buy a new (wrist) Watch, because my watch all the time go wrong. 6. I think that my watch is slow. On your six o'clock, and on my ten minutes of the seventh. 7. train is late for three hours. 8. you can get hold of this book by Friday? 9. so late? Then turn off the radio. Pora (it's time) to go to bed. 10. who are you looking forward to? -Katyu. It never comes on time and always finds an excuse. 11. I want to put my watch on yours. Where are they? -Here they are, on the desk. 12. today, it is better than usual. 13. I hope to see him in a day or two. 14. something is wrong with my clock, I should bring them to fix. 15. call (to ring up) me (between) two to three. 16. take a look, please, on the clock. What time is it by your watch? -My hours go wrong, they hurry. Where is your watch? -On the table. -They are right? -I'm afraid that they are lagging behind, as always. According to my watch half of the ninth. We must hurry (to hurry up). 17. my clock does not go.-what happened? -I don't know. 18. turn on the radio, please. I want to put the clock on the radio. 19. without the five seven. Where Is Peter? Session (show) starts exactly at seven.-do not worry (to worry). Peter always arrives on time. 20. I have a day off today (day off), and I want to cook your grammar today, not tomorrow.-you're right. Do not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today. 21. I love doing morning.-Yes, morning, PM mudrenee. 22. What do you do? -I translate an article from English into Russian. I must translate it by tomorrow.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. How are you going to spend Saturday and Sunday? - I want to go to Kavgolovo like skiing. 2. We went to Pavlovsk! - Let's go on a bike! Hence two hours drive away. 3. If you want, I can walk you to the theater. 4. Manchester is located to the north of London. 5. During the week the students usually have little time for leisure (entertainments). 6. When the train arrives at the Belarusian railway station? 7. What does Lucy? - Looks a movie on television. 8. A favorite activity of my children - listen to stories on the radio. 9. Some (some people) like to read in bed. Doctors do not approve of this.
1. Do not forget that half of the fourth meeting we have. 2. It's late, I must go home. 3. I can not give you this book on Saturday. 4. It is clear as day that he is wrong. 5. I want to buy a new (wrist) watch because my watch all the time go wrong. 6. I think my clock hurry. On your six hours and ten minutes on my seventh. 7. The train is late for three hours. 8. You can get this book by Friday? 9. So late? Then turn off the radio. It's time (it's time) to go to bed. 10. Who are you waiting for? - Katya. She never comes on time and always finds an excuse. 11. I want to put my watch on yours. Where are they? - Here they are, on the desk. 12. Today, he is responsible better than usual. 13. I hope to see him in a day or two. 14. Something is wrong with my watch, I have to give them to fix. 15. Call (to ring up) by me (between) two to three. 16. Take a look, please, at the clock. What time is your watch? - My clock is wrong, they are in a hurry. Where are your hours? - On the table. - They're coming right? - I am afraid that they are lagging behind, as always. According to my watch half of the ninth. We have to hurry (to hurry up). 17. My watch is not hodyat.- What happened? - I do not know. 18. Turn on the radio, please. I want to put the clock on the radio. 19. For five to seven. Where is Peter? Session (show) begins promptly at sem.- Do not worry (to worry). Peter always arrives on time. 20. I have a day off today (day off), and I want to prepare a grammar today, not zavtra.- You're right. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 21. I like to do utrom.- Yes, tomorrow is another day. 22. What are you doing? - I translate an article from English into Russian. I have to translate it for tomorrow.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. As you're going to be held on Saturday and Sunday? - I want to go in Кавголово resemble the skiing. 2. Go to the heir! - Let's go on the bike! Hence the two hour drive away. 3. If you want, i can hold you up to the theater.4. Manchester is located to the north of central London. 5. During the week the students usually have little time for entertainment (entertainments diverse television arm includes its). 6. When the train arrives at the station? 7. That Люся makes? - Watching a movie on television.8. What is your favorite hobby my children - to listen to fairy tales on the radio. 9. Some (some people) love to read in bed. Doctors are not supported.
1. Don't forget that, in half of the fourth we have a meeting. 2. It's late, I should go home. 3.I can give you this book on Saturday. 4. It is clear as day, that he was wrong. 5. I want to buy new ones (watches) the hours, because my watch all the time is wrong. 6. I think that my clock is fast. On your hours six,As well on my ten minutes seventh. 7. The train is running late for three hours. 8. You can get this book by Friday? 9. So late? Then turned off radio. It is high time (it's time) to sleep. 10. Who are you waiting? - Press.It never comes at the designated time and always finds an excuse. 11. I would like to place their hours on thee. Where are they? - They are, at the writing desk. 12. Today, he is better than usual. 13.I hope to see it in a day or two. 14. Something is wrong with my clock, I must pay them in repairs. 15. Leave Word Calling (to ring up) me from the (between) two to three. 16. Take a look, please, at the hours of the day. An hour on your clock?- My clock is not functioning properly, they rush. Where your clock? - On the table. - They are correct? - I am afraid that they are lagging behind, as always. On my clock half the ninth. We must delay (to hurry up). 17. My clock does not run.- What happened? - I do not know. 18. Turn on the radio, please. I would like to clock on the radio. 19. Already without five to seven. Where Petya? The session (show) starts at exactly seven.- Don't worry (to fireworks show). Petya always comes in time. 20.
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