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Разве вы не заходите на сайт, не заходите в интернет разве, чтоб посмотреть есть ли вам письмо от меня? Я же пишу вам, мой дорогой, пишу со всей искренностью и нежностью!
Сейчас, когда я пишу вам, я словно останавливаю время...на миг, словно живя здесь, представляю вас и мечтаю о прекрасной жизни вместе.
Мне очень плохо, дорогой… К сожалению, я не смогу рассказать тебе, из-за чего, но, поверь, это того стоит. Не хочу тебе ничего об этом говорить, не хочу, чтобы ты испытывал ко мне жалость. Просто верь мне, что моя что на душе так больно.
И знаешь, самое страшная не беда, а то, что ее не с кем разделить. Некому рассказать, некому помочь, некому просто быть рядом. Я одна. Я всегда была одна. Я так много думаю о вас с момента нашей встречи на сайте. Когда я вас увидела, я поняла, что хочу быть вашей женщиной!
Иногда мне уже кажется, что мои чувства в никуда… мне кажется, что на них нет и не будет ответа… когда жизнь в сотый раз учит меня (а порой слишком жестоко), как опасно верить и доверять, открывать душу, сердце и мысли, отдавать себя, свое время, а порой и свой мир тому, кто, возможно, никогда этого не оценит. Но не смотря ни на что я хочу вам открыться! Я не перестаю верить в настоящие чувства.
Ветер опять стучит в мой дом, одиночество лезет в каждую щель… Не смогу рассказать, почему не сплю этой ночью и множеством ночей до и еще, уверена, большим количеством ночей после!!!
Так почему же я так сильно люблю?! Я хочу, чтоб ты накрыл меня морем страсти и тепла, понимания, заботы и я хочу поддаться этому чувству, сдаться.
Знаешь, меня тянет к тебе. Как магнитом тянет. Каждый день я проверяю свой почтовый ящик в поисках письма, каждый день я думаю, что же ты мне ответил, и дошло ли это письмо до тебя. А может, ты мне и вовсе бы не ответил? И удалил бы письмо, словно того и не было…
А ведь говорят, что противоположности притягиваются… Может, это и так. Может, мы и противоположны, но в одном мы схожи — мы оба одиноки. И, знаешь, я думаю, что пока такие, как мы будем держаться вместе, никто не будет одинок.
Дорогой, я очень жду вас в мою жизнь. Я хочу быть для вас всем, и очень надеюсь сейчас что вы прочли мое письмо и почувствовали это же притяжение что и я!
Я очень нуждаюсь в вас! Я знаю, что вы мужчина, который заслуживает большого счастья, и я хочу вам дарить его как можно скорее!
С любовью
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello!Do you not visit the site, do not access the Internet is to see whether there is a letter from me? I am writing to you, my dear, write in all sincerity and tenderness!Now, when I am writing, I like stop time ... for a moment, as if living here, imagine you and I dream of a beautiful life together.I am very bad road ... Unfortunately, I won't be able to tell you that, but, believe me, it's worth it. Anything you do not want to talk about it, don't want you to have pity on me. Just believe me that my heart hurt so much that. And you know, it's not a terrible problem, and that it does not share with anyone. There is no one to tell, there is no one to help, no one to just be near. I have one. I've always been one. I think a lot about you since we met on the site. When I saw you, I knew that I wanted to be your woman!Sometimes I feel that my feelings to nowhere ... It seems to me that they do not and will not answer ... When life for the umpteenth time has taught me (and sometimes too harshly) as dangerous to believe and trust, open soul, heart and mind, give yourself, your time and your world to someone who, probably, never will. But no matter what I want you to see! I do not cease to believe in the true sense.Wind again tapping into my home, loneliness creeps into every crevice of ... I can not tell why not sleep that night, and many nights before and still, I am sure a lot of nights after it!So why am I so much love?! I want to make you fell upon me the sea of passion and warmth, understanding, caring, and I want to be this sense of surrender. You know, I am drawn to you. As the magnet pulls. Every day I check my mailbox for letters, every day I think you answered me, and came to this letter to you. Maybe I would not answer at all? And deleted the email, as if that was not ...But they say that opposites attract... Maybe this is true. We are opposed, but one we are similar — we're both alone. And, you know, I think that as long as such as we'll stick together, no one is alone. Dear, I am very much looking forward to you in my life. I want to be for you all, and I really hope now that you have read my letter and felt the same pull that I am!I really need you! I know that you are a man who deserves much happiness, and I want you to give it as soon as possible!With love Irina
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Can not you go to the site, do not access to the Internet has evolved to see whether there is a letter from me? I am writing to you, my dear, I write with sincerity and affection!
Now, when I write to you, I like to stop time for a moment ... like living here, imagine you and I dream of a beautiful life together.
I am very bad road ... Unfortunately, I can not tell you, because of what, but, believe me, it's worth it. I do not want you to say anything about it, do not want you felt sorry for me. Just trust me, my heart that hurts so much.
And you know the worst thing it does not matter, but the fact that it is no one to share. There is no one to tell, no one to help, no one just to be around. I'm alone. I was always alone. I think a lot about you since we met on the site. When I saw you, I knew I wanted to be your woman!
Sometimes I already think that my feelings to nowhere ... it seems to me that they do not and will not answer ... when life teaches me for the hundredth time (sometimes too cruel) the danger of believing and trusting, open the soul, heart and mind, to give themselves, their time and sometimes their world to anyone who may never appreciate. But no matter what I want you to discover! I continue to believe in the true sense.
The wind again knocking at my home, loneliness creeps into every crevice ... could not tell you why I do not sleep that night and a lot of nights before and I'm sure a lot of nights after !!!
So why am I so much love ?! I want you to me, covered the sea of passion and warmth, understanding, caring, and I want to give in to this feeling, to give up.
You know, I'm drawn to you. As a magnet draws. Every day I check my mailbox in search of letters every day, I think what you said to me, and there came this letter to you. Or maybe you did and did not say? It would also remove a letter like that and was not ...
And they say that opposites attract ... Perhaps this is so. We may be opposed, but one we are similar - we both are alone. And, you know, I think it is such as we stick together, no one will be alone.
Honey, I'm looking forward to you in my life. I want to be for you all, and I hope today that you have read my letter and felt the same attraction that I am!
I'm looking for you! I know that you are a man who deserves a lot of happiness and I want you to give it as soon as possible!
With love
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
don't you come back to the site, do not extend the Internet is, we see whether or not you have a letter from me? I am writing to you, my dear, I am writing with all sincerity and affection!
now, when I am writing to you,I just like I let time ... at the moment, as if it were living here, I submit you and dream of beautiful life together.
i am very poorly, expensive ... unfortunately, I will not be able to tell you, because of the then, but cutbacks, it'll be worth it.Do not want to tell you anything about this to say, I do not wish to, to ensure that you have experienced to me pity. Just believe me that my that the shower so it is painful.
AND you know, the worst is not evil, and that its not with whom to share. There is no one to tell,No one to help them, there's no one simply to be next to. I am one. I have always been one. I have so much i think about you, since our meeting on the web site. When I first saw you, I realized that I want to be your woman!
sometimes i already seems to be,That my feelings of nowhere ... it seems to me that, to them there is no and will not answer ... when life in the pouring rain once again has taught me (and sometimes too badly), as it is dangerous to believe and to trust and to open up per capita, heart and thought, to give themselves, their time,And, sometimes, their peace, who, perhaps, will not do that will assess. But no matter what i want you to open! I am still amazed to believe in these feelings.
Wind once again knocks in my house,Loneliness reality in each slot ... i won't be able to tell us why don't sleep this night and many nights before and yet, sure, a large number of nights after!!!
so, why don't I have so much love?! I want to,I am sorrowful unto thy sea passion and heat, understanding, care, and I would like to succumb to this sense, to surrender.
You know, I am pulling for you. As a magnet pulls. Every day I check your mailbox in the search for a letter,Every day, I think, that thou me responded, and came to this letter to you. As well it may, you're me and it would have not responded? And has removed the letter, as if it were the fact and was not ...
but they say that opposites are attracted ... may,And this is so. Can we, and opposed, but in one we are similar - we both stand alone. And, you know, I think that, as long as such, as we stay together, no one will be alone.
Road, I am very excited you in my life.I want to be for you all, and I very much hope now that you have read my letter and felt the same pull that and i!
I am very need you! I know that you are a man, who deserves a great happiness,And I want to give you his as soon as possible!
with love
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