Анастасия Фукс В июле на том же французском курорте Сен-Жан-Кап-Ферра отгремела пышная свадьба дочери крупнейшего строительного магната в московском регионе Павла Фукса.
Anastasia FuchsIn July at the same French resort of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat otgremela splendid wedding of the daughter of Europe's largest construction magnate in the Moscow region Paul Fuchs.
Anastasia Fuchs In July, the same French resort of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat died down magnificent wedding daughter's biggest construction magnate in the Moscow region Pavel Fuks.
anastasia fuchsin july, the french resort of saint jean cap ferrat to lavish wedding daughter of construction magnate in the moscow region, paul the fuxes.