я бы даже сказала,что если сложно отказаться от просмотра телевизора,то лучше всего смотреть наше доброе хорошее кино,которое не вызывает у нас дурных чувств,которое не развращает,а,наоборот,возвышает наши чувства
I would even say that if it is difficult to abandon watching television, it is best to see our good good movie that we have no bad feelings, which is not corrupting, but, on the contrary, elevates our feelings
I would say that if it is difficult to give up watching TV, it is best to look good, our good movie that does not cause our bad feelings that are not corrupt, but rather elevates our feelings
in fact, i would say that if it is difficult to abandon the tv, it"s best to see our good good movie that makes us bad feelings that does not corrupt, but, on the contrary, will raise our feelings