В данной работе рассматривается проблема системы автоматизированной до перевод - В данной работе рассматривается проблема системы автоматизированной до английский как сказать

В данной работе рассматривается про

В данной работе рассматривается проблема системы автоматизированной доставки товаров, а точнее проблема использования новых разработок и новых подходов в принципе действия грузовых транспортных средств.
В наше время технологии стремительно развиваются и пользователи, наблюдая за разработками, несомненно, хотели бы получить представление о применении этих технологий в жизни. Данная тема предполагает использование технологии самоуправляемого транспортного средства для обеспечения большего удобства и безопасности жизни. Внедрение полной автономности машин, как показывают эксперименты и расчеты, сулит экспоненциальный рост безопасности на дорогах и сокращение столкновений до 80%.
Данная проблема актуальна для нескольких направлений транспортировки, таких как: доставка почты, доставка товаров из магазинов и еды. Перечисленные сферы наиболее перспективные и наиболее нуждающиеся в автоматизации процесса для экономии времени и материальных средств.
При использовании технологии самоуправления транспортного средства за счёт взаимодействия между автомобилями и улучшения движения в принципе, количество пробок уменьшится в разы, а так же будет осуществляться более маневренное передвижение за счет отсутствия человеческого фактора. Автоматизированное управление позволит значительно уменьшить расходы транспортные, временные и материальные. С помощью применения данной технологии будет осуществляться быстрая и экономически выгодная транспортировка для этих направлений.
В этой работе рассматривается не просто самоуправляемое грузовое транспортное средство, а транспортное средство, которое будет новым в отношении взаимодействия с пользователем. Таким образом, действие разгрузки для пользователя будет осуществляться иным способом, поскольку транспортное средство основывается на принципе системы кодирования товаров при погрузке, а так же обходится без водителя или курьера. На сегодняшний день, разработок в этой области мало, и потенциально это самая перспективная технология в сфере автомобилестроения. Практическая значимость исследования предполагает инновационный подход во взаимодействии системы погрузки в транспортном средстве с пользователем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This paper addresses the problem of the automated system of delivery of goods, or to be more precise, the problem of the use of new developments and new approaches in principle actions of freight vehicles.Nowadays technology is rapidly evolving and users watching the developments, no doubt, would like to get an idea about the application of these technologies in life. This topic involves the use of technology as an autonomous vehicle to provide greater convenience and safety of life. The introduction of full autonomy of machines, as shown by experiments and calculations, promises exponential growth in road safety and reduce collisions to 80%.This problem is relevant to several areas of transportation, such as mail delivery, delivery of goods from stores and food. Listed spheres of the most promising and the most needy in the automation process to save time and material resources. Technology self vehicle due to interaction between cars and better movement, in principle, the number of traffic jams will decrease significantly, as well as more maneuverable movement due to the absence of the human factor. Automated management will significantly reduce transport costs, time and material. Through the use of this technology will be implemented fast and cost-effective transport to these destinations.In this work is not simply a self-governing, the truck and the vehicle that will be new for interaction with the user. Thus, the discharge for the user will be carried out in a different way, because the vehicle is based on the coding system of goods loading, as well as complete without a driver or a courier. To date, research in this area is small, and potentially the most promising technology in the field of the automotive industry. The practical significance of the study involves an innovative approach in interacting system of loading a vehicle with the user.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In this paper we consider the problem of the automated delivery of the goods, but rather the problem of using new developments and new approaches to the principle of operation of commercial vehicles.
Nowadays, technology is rapidly evolving and users are watching the developments, of course, we want to get an idea of the application of these technologies in the life. This theme involves the use of a self-governing vehicle technology to provide greater convenience and safety of life. The introduction of a full stand-alone machines, as shown by experiments and calculations, promises exponential growth in road safety and reducing collisions up to 80%.
This is a problem for some areas of transport, such as mail delivery, the delivery of goods from stores and food. These spheres of the most promising and most in need of automating the process to save time and material resources.
By using technology self vehicle due to the interaction between vehicles and improve traffic, in principle, the number of tubes is reduced at times, and as will be more maneuverable movement by lack of human factors. Automated management will significantly reduce the cost of transportation, time and material. With the help of this technology will be a fast and cost-effective transportation to these areas.
In this paper, we consider not just a self-governing commercial vehicle, and a vehicle that is new in relation to the interaction with the user. Thus, the effect of unloading the user will be otherwise as the vehicle based on the principle of the coding system for loading of goods, and also dispenses with the driver or carrier. To date, research in this area is small, and potentially the most promising technology in the automotive industry. The practical significance of the study suggests an innovative approach in the interaction of load in the vehicle user.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this work addresses the problem of automatic delivery of goods, and more specifically the problem of new developments and new approaches in principle of freight vehicles.nowadays, the technologies are rapidly evolving, and users are watching developments, of course, would like to get an idea about the application of these technologies in the world.this topic involves the use of technology самоуправляемого vehicle in order to provide more convenience and safety of life. the introduction of full autonomy for carsas shown by experiments and calculations that are exponentially increasing road safety and reducing collisions of up to 80%. the problem is relevant to several areas of transportation, such as:mail delivery, the delivery of goods from the stores and food. the areas of the most promising and most in need of automation process to save time and material.
using the technology of the self vehicle on the interaction between vehicles and improve the movement principle, the number of traffic will be reduced significantly.it will be more маневренное movement due to the absence of the human factor. automated management will significantly reduce the costs of transport, time and material.
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