Привет дорогойЯ в порядке спасибо. У тебя все хорошо? С работой сейчас перевод - Привет дорогойЯ в порядке спасибо. У тебя все хорошо? С работой сейчас английский как сказать

Привет дорогойЯ в порядке спасибо.

Привет дорогой
Я в порядке спасибо. У тебя все хорошо?
С работой сейчас очень трудно. Во Львов приехало много беженцев из зоны конфликта. Постоянно угрозы терактов. Наша власть увеличила налоги и теперь люди закрывают свой бизнес и уезжают из страны. Мой сын уезжает в Мексику. Там живут родственники мужа, его бабушка и тетя. Надеюсь ему там будет хорошо, он очень талантливый учился в академии художеств. У меня сейчас не самое лучшее время. Извини пожалуйста. Я немножко решу свои дела и тогда мы спокойно сможем радоваться жизни. Мой ноутбук еще не готов. Перегорела видеокарта, когда будет готов не знаю. Не волнуйся у нас еще вся жизнь впереди.
У нас очень холодно, дождь со снегом. Надеюсь у тебя все гораздо лучше. Береги себя. Много не работай это вредно для здоровья. Как тебе спиться в новой спальне? Кровать большая?
Пиши мне все интересно. Целую тебя.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi dearI'm fine thank you. You are fine? With the work now is very difficult. Many refugees arrived in Lviv from the conflict zone. Constant threat of terrorist attacks. Our Government has increased taxes and now people are closing their businesses and leave the country. My son goes to Mexico. There are living relatives of the husband, his grandmother and aunt. I hope he will be fine, he's a very talented studied at the Academy of fine arts. I have now is the best time. Sorry please. I slightly decide their cases and then we will be able to enjoy life. My laptop is not yet ready. Burned video card, I don't know when it is ready. Don't worry we still have a whole life ahead. We have a very cold, rain and snow. I hope you are much better. Take care. Many don't work that is harmful to health. How do you become an alcoholic in the new bedroom? Bed?Do write to me all interesting. Kiss you. Svetlana.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello dear
I'm fine thank you. Are you all right?
Since the work is very difficult. Lviv attracted many refugees from the conflict zone. The constant threat of terrorist attacks. Our government has increased taxes and now people close their business and leave the country. My son goes to Mexico. There are living relatives of the husband, his grandmother and aunt. I hope there will be good to him, he is very talented studied at the Academy of Fine Arts. I have now is not the best time. Sorry please. I'm a little decide their case and then we will be able to safely enjoy life. My laptop is not ready yet. Burned out video card will be ready when I do not know. Do not worry, we still have a whole life ahead.
We are very cold, rain and snow. I hope you all much better. Take care of yourself. Many do not work is harmful to health. How do you like sleeping in a new bedroom? Large bed?
Write to me all interesting. I kiss you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hello dear
i in order thank you. You are all well?
WITH the work now is very difficult. The Lions stayed many refugees from the conflict zone. Constantly threat terrorist attacks.Our power has increased taxes and now people were closing their business and leaving the country. My son Timothy to Mexico. There are living relatives her husband, his grandmother and aunt. I hope it will be there well,He was a very talented artist in Academy of arts. I have now is not the best time. I'm sorry please. I think will decide their case and then we will be able enjoy life. My laptop is not yet ready.Burned out graphics card, when will be ready do not know. Don't worry we still have the whole life ahead.
We have very cold, rain and snow. I hope you all are much better. Alyaksandr Kazulin. Many do not look at yourself this is harmful to the health.How do you rule of a club is hospitality in the new bedroom? Bed large?
lady knows me all interesting. An entire you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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