5. Шел дождь, когда мы расстались, но когда мы подъехали к дому, он уже прекратился. 6. Туристы были довольны, так как программа была очень хорошо спланирована гидом. 7. Советы моих родителей, конечно же правильны, но не думаю, что я смогу их использовать. 8. Учитель прокомментировал контрольные работы своих учеников и сказал, что трое из них получили высшие оценки. 9. Мы слышали, что он опубликовал новый роман год назад. Вы его читали? О чем он? 10. Мы слышали, как он громко разговаривал со своим шефом. Они опять спорили.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
5. It was raining when we parted, but when we pulled up to the House, he had already stopped. 6. Tourists were satisfied, because the program was very well planned. 7. The advice of my parents, of course, correct, but I don't think I will be able to use them. 8. the teacher commented on the tests of his disciples and said that the three of them got top marks. 9. We have heard that he published a new novel, a year ago. You've read? What is it? 10. We have heard him talking loudly with his boss. They were arguing again.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
5. The rain was falling when we broke up, but when we got to the house, he was stopped. 6. The tourists were satisfied, because the program has been very well planned tours. 7. Tips of my parents, of course, correct, but I do not think I will be able to use them. 8. The teacher said test papers of his students and said that the three of them got the highest marks. 9. We have heard that it has published a new novel, a year ago. You read it? What is he talking about? 10. We have heard him talking loudly with his boss. They were arguing again.
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