Будва по праву считается центром туризма в Черногории. Сюда, на побере перевод - Будва по праву считается центром туризма в Черногории. Сюда, на побере английский как сказать

Будва по праву считается центром ту

Будва по праву считается центром туризма в Черногории. Сюда, на побережье Адриатического моря, едут все, кому по душе активный, задорный отдых. Множество дискотек, баров, ресторанов, ночных клубов предлагают свои развлекательные программы, и жизнь на улицах не замирает круглые сутки. Отдых в Будве будет интересен и тем, кто увлекается историей, ведь поселение на этом месте возникло около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад. В этом старинном городке идеально сочетаются все прелести отдыха на Адриатическом побережье: обустроенные каменные, мелкогалечные и песчаные пляжи, спокойное чистейшее море, развитая инфраструктура и большое количество достопримечательностей, как в самой Будве, так и в окрестностях.
Каждое лето в Будве проходит множество музыкальных, литературных и театральных фестивалей, что позволяет всем желающим приобщиться к культурной жизни Черногории.

В Будве четыре основные церкви: церковь св. Иоанна, известная своими архивами, внушительной библиотекой и колокольней; церковь Святой Троицы - православный храм в византийском стиле, напротив которой находится могила известного писателя Степана Любиша; церковь Святого Саввы 12 века, примыкающая к южной крепостной стене; и храм Санта Мария ин Пунта - церковь Святой Марии "на мысе", которая находится в юго-западной части крепостных стен, обращенных к морю.
К счастью, в ближайших окрестностях Будвы есть огромное количество небезынтересных достопримечательностей - церкви, монастыри и даже элитный отельный комплекс в виде острова (да, речь именно о Святом Стефане).
Например, в двух километрах от города находится монастырь Подострог, бывший резиденцией черногорских царей, комплекс которого включает две одноименные церкви Успения Богородицы: одна 12 века, другая, побольше, 18 века.
На высоте 600 метров над уровнем моря, прямо над Будвой, возле деревни Побори (Pobori), находится еще один монастырь - Станиевичи (Stanjevici), а по пути в Котор, в 3,5 километрах от Будвы, женский монастырь Подластва, некогда бывший центром освободительного движения края.

До ближайшего пляжа: Slovenska plaza - Trocadero ~560 м
До ближайшего ресторана: 100м
До ближайшего магазина: 540м
До аэропорта Тиват/ Подгорица: 26км / 52км
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Budva is rightfully considered to be the Centre of tourism in Montenegro. Here, on the Adriatic coast, go all who enjoy active, playful recreation. Many discos, bars, restaurants, night clubs offer their entertainment programs, and life on the streets not freezes around the clock. Holidays in Budva will be interesting for those who are keen on history, because the settlement at this place occurred about two and a half thousand years ago. This historic town is ideally combines all the charm of a holiday on the Adriatic coast: furnished stone, Pebble and sand beaches, clean sea, well-developed infrastructure and a large number of attractions, both in Budva and surroundings.Every summer in Budva has many musical, literary and theatrical festivals that allows everyone to participate in the cultural life of Montenegro. Budva four main churches: the Church of St. John, known for its impressive archives, a library and a belfry; Holy Trinity Church is an Orthodox Church in the Byzantine style, opposite which is the tomb of the famous writer Stjepan Ljubisa; the Church of Saint Sava 12 century, adjacent to the southern fortress wall; and the Church of Santa Maria in Punta-St Mary's Church, "the Cape", which is located in the southwestern part of the walls facing the sea.Fortunately, in nearby Budva there are a huge number of interesting sights-churches, monasteries and even luxury hotel complex in the form of the island (Yes, it is exactly about Sveti Stefan).For example, two kilometers from the town is the monastery of Podostrog, former residence of Montenegrin Kings complex which consists of two identically named Church of the assumption of the Virgin: a 12 century, another, larger, 18 century. At an altitude of 600 metres above sea level, directly above Budva, near the village of Conquer (Pobori), is another monastery-Stanieviči (Stanjevici), and on the way in Kotor, 3.5 km from Budva, Podlastva monastery, the former Center of the liberation movement in the province.Nearest beach: Slovenska plaza-Trocadero ~ 560 mThe nearest restaurant: 100 mThe nearest shop: 540 m awayTivat airport/Podgorica: 26 km/52 km
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Budva is considered to be the center of tourism in Montenegro. Here, on the Adriatic coast, go all who prefer active, mischievous rest. A lot of discos, bars, restaurants, night clubs offer their entertainment, and life on the streets round the clock never stops. Holidays in Budva will be interesting for those who are interested in history, after settlement at this place there was about two and a half thousand years ago. This ancient town is ideally combines all the pleasures of relaxation on the Adriatic coast: furnished stone, pebble and sandy beaches, calm clear sea, good infrastructure and a large number of attractions, both in Budva and the surrounding area.
Every summer in Budva are many music, literary and theater festivals, allowing all who wish to join the cultural life of Montenegro. Budva four main churches: the Church of St. John, known for its archives, library and an impressive bell tower; Holy Trinity Church - an Orthodox church in the Byzantine style, in front of which is the tomb of the famous writer Stjepan Ljubisa; Church of St. Sava of the 12th century, adjacent to the southern wall of the fortress; and the temple of Santa Maria in Punta - St. Mary's Church "on the Cape" is located in the southwestern part of the city walls, facing the sea. Fortunately, in the immediate vicinity of Budva there is a huge amount without interest landmarks - churches, monasteries, and even an elite hotel complex in the form of the island (yes, it is about Sveti Stefan). For example, two kilometers from the town is the monastery Podostrog, the former residence of Montenegrin kings complex which includes two of the same name Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, one of the 12th century, the other, more, of the 18th century. On 600 meters above sea level, right above Budva, near the village of extortion (Pobori), is another monastery - Stanievichi (Stanjevici), and on the way in which, 3.5 kilometers from Budva, the convent Podlastva once was the center of the liberation movement of the region. The nearest beach: Slovenska plaza - Trocadero ~ 560 m to the nearest restaurant: 100 m The nearest shop: 540m Airport Tivat / Podgorica: 26km / 52km

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
budva is considered the centre of tourism in montenegro. here, on the coast of the adriatic sea, are all who like active, your rest. many nightclubs, bars, restaurantsclubs offer their entertainment, and life on the streets is not a 24 hours a day. rest in budva will be interesting for those who likes the story.for settlement on the site was about two and a half thousand years ago. in this ancient town is perfectly combines all kinds of holidays on the adriatic coast, developed....мелкогалечные and sandy beaches, calm from sea, well-developed infrastructure and a large number of attractions in the budva, and environs.every summer in budva's many musical, literary and theatrical festivals that allows all to partake in the cultural life of montenegro.

located four main churches: the church of st. john,known for its library and archives, one of the oldest bell tower; trinity church is an orthodox church in the byzantine style, in front of which is a famous writer stepan ljubisa;the 12th century church of saint sava, примыкающая south fortress wall; and the church of santa maria in punta "at cape st. mary's church, which is situated in the south western part of the fortress walls, facing towards the sea. fortunately,in the immediate vicinity of budva is the enormous amount of небезынтересных attractions - churches, monasteries and even luxury hotel complex in the form of islands (yes, it's about the st. stefan). for example,two kilometers from the city is the monastery подострог, former residence of the kings of the montenegrin complex which consists of two одноименные church uspenija of the virgin, one of the 12 century, another more, the 18th century.
at an altitude of 600 metres above sea level, just above the будвой, near the village of control (Pobori) is another monastery - станиевичи (Stanjevici), and on the way to 3.5 km from kotor, budva, convent подластва,once the centre of the former liberation movement.

to the nearest beach, Slovenska plaza - trocadero ~ 560 m
to the nearest restaurant: 100 m
to the nearest store, 540м
to the airport tivat / podgorica: 26км / 52км
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