Айвенго - благородный молодой рыцарь, сын Седрика Сакса, саксонского д перевод - Айвенго - благородный молодой рыцарь, сын Седрика Сакса, саксонского д английский как сказать

Айвенго - благородный молодой рыцар

Айвенго - благородный молодой рыцарь, сын Седрика Сакса, саксонского дворянина. Участник III крестового похода, друг и сподвижник короля Ричарда Львиное Сердце, в свите которого прибыл в Палестину. До этого был изгнан отцом из дома и лишен наследства — за то, что посмел влюбиться в воспитанницу Седрика леди Ровену, которую тот прочил в жены Ательстану, последнему представителю саксонской королевской династии: с этим браком Седрик связывал надежды на возрождение королевства саксов, переставшее существовать после завоевания Англии норманнами, возведшими на трон своего короля. К началу действия романа А., подобно королю Ричарду I, тайком возвращается в Англию — без денег, коня, оружия и доспехов. Неузнанный, он приходит в отчий дом в одежде пилигрима. В это время Седрик принимает неожиданно пожаловавших гостей — настоятеля аббатства и влиятельного рыцаря-храмовника Бриана де Буагильбера, противника А.: тот победил его на турнире еще в Святой Земле. Из разговора с леди Ровеной А. догадывается, что по-прежнему ей небезразличен. Покидая родной кров, он помогает купцу и ростовщику Исааку из Йорка спастись от смертельной опасности. В благодарность Исаак покупает для него коня, оружие и доспехи. А. инкогнито появляется на турнире, устроенном рыцарями-храмовниками. Он одерживает в личных поединках верх над четырьмя доблестными рыцарями, включая де Буагильбера, а с помощью Ричарда Львиное Сердце, тоже выступающего инкогнито, выходит победителем и в общем турнире, однако получает серьезную рану. Его выхаживает дочь Исаака прекрасная Ревекка. Он же, в свою очередь, еще не вполне оправившись после ранения, выезжает сразиться за нее в поединке «божьего суда», чтобы доказать ее невиновность, когда судилище храмовников приговаривает Ревекку к сожжению на костре как колдунью. Его противником вновь выступает де Буагильбер. Охваченный роковой страстью к Ревекке, храмовник волею обстоятельств вынужден отстаивать в схватке решение суда, обрекающее ее на мучительную смерть. Борение между чувством, долгом и честолюбием оказывается для рыцаря непосильным переживанием, и он скоропостижно умирает в самом начале поединка. По просьбе Ричарда Львиное Сердце Седрик прощает сына и восстанавливает в правах наследования. Поскольку же Ательстан решительно отказывается от женитьбы на леди Ровене, то мужем ее становится А. А. состоит из сплошных добродетелей, единственный изъян, что он обнаруживает, и то не индивидуальное свойство, присущее только ему, но общий порок всего средневекового рыцарства: презрительно-брезгливое отношение к «иудейскому племени», как таковому. Но и от этого предрассудка Ревекка его благополучно избавляет своей красотой, искусством врачевательницы и умными разговорами, заставив проникнуться уважением к ее мудрости.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ivanhoe - noble young knight, son Cedric Sachs Saxon nobleman. Member iii crusade, a friend and associate of King Richard the Lionheart, in which the retinue arrived in Palestine.Previously he was expelled from the house and the father disinherited - for having dared to fall in love with Lady Rowena Cedric ward that one off as a wife Athelstan, the last representative of the Saxon royal family:this marriage linked Cedric hopes for the revival of the kingdom of the Saxons, ceased to exist after the Norman conquest of England, vozvedshego on the throne of his king. By the beginning of the novel A.like King Richard i, secretly returns to England - without money, horse, weapons and armor. Disguised, he comes to his father's house in the clothes of a pilgrim.At this time, Cedric takes unexpectedly Welcome Guest - abbot of the abbey and influential Knight Templar Brian de Boisguillebert, A. enemy: he beat him in the tournament even in the Holy Land.From a conversation with Lady Rowena A. realizes that she still cares about. Leaving his native home, it helps merchant and usurer Isaac of York to escape from mortal danger.In gratitude for him Isaac buys a horse, weapons and armor. A. appears incognito in the tournament, hosted by the Knights Templar. He wins in personal duels prevailed over four valiant knights,including de Boisguillebert, but by Richard the Lionheart, also acting incognito comes out the winner in the general tournament, but gets serious injury. Nursed his daughter Rebekah Isaac lovely. He,in turn, is not yet fully recovered after being injured, leaves to fight in a duel for her "God's judgment" to prove her innocence,when the tribunal sentences Templar Rebekah to be burned at the stake as a witch. His opponent is again a de Boisguillebert. Seized fatal passion for RebekahTemplar forced to defend by force of circumstances to fight a court decision that condemns her to a painful death. Agony between feeling, duty and ambition is for the knight-breaking experience,and he suddenly dies at the beginning of the match. At the request of Richard the Lionheart and Cedric forgives son inlaw inheritance.Since the same Athelstan strongly rejects marriage to Lady Rowena, then her husband becomes AA consists of solid virtues, the only flaw in that it detects, and not individual propertypeculiar only to him, but the common vice of all medieval knights: contemptuous disgust related to the "Jewish tribe" as such.But from this prejudice Rebekah it safely removes its beauty, art and clever conversation healer, forcing imbued with respect for her wisdom.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Ivanhoe-a noble young Knight, son of Cedric the Saxon nobleman Sachs. Party III crusade, a friend and associate of King Richard the Lionheart, in which members of the retinue arrived in Palestine. Before it was expelled from the House and the father disinherited for dared to fall in love with Lady Rovenu, Cedric vospitannicu by the pročil Atel′stanu as his wife, the last representative of the Saxon Royal House: with this marriage has hope for the revival of Cedric the Kingdom ceased to exist, the Saxons after the conquest of England by the Normans, vozvedšimi to the throne of the King. By the beginning of the novel, like King Richard I, secretly returned to England without money, horses, weapons and armor. Unrecognized, it comes in her father's House in Pilgrim's clothing. At this time Cedric was unexpectedly takes guests — the Abbot of the Abbey and an influential Knight-Templar Briana de Buagil′bera, a.: the enemy defeated him in the tournament back in the Holy land. From a conversation with Lady Rovenoj a. realizes that she still cares about. Leaving his native home, he helps the merchant and the pawnbroker to Isaac of York escape from mortal danger. In thanks Isaac for him a horse, buy weapons and armor. A. incognito appears at the tournament, hosted by the Knights templers. It comes out in my fights over four valiant Knights, including de Buagil′bera, and with the help of Richard the Lionheart, incognito, he is also the winner of the tournament in General, however, gets a serious wound. His immature daughter of Isaac beautiful Rebekah. It is the same in turn, still not fully recovered after being wounded, leaving her in a play for "the judgment" to prove her innocence, When a court sentenced the Templars burned at the stake Rebecca as a sorceress. His opponent again is de Buagil′ber. Covered by a fatal passion for Revekke, Knight Templar by circumstances forced to defend scrimmage the decision of the Court, obrekaûŝee her to a painful death. In the garden between the sense of duty and ambition turns to Knight's back-breaking experience, and he dies in the very beginning of the match. At the request of Richard the Lionheart Cedric forgives his son and restores the rights of inheritance. Since Athelstan strongly denies marriage to Lady Rovene, her husband becomes a a consists of solid virtue, the only flaw is that it detects, and not individual property the inherent only to it, but the common defect of all medieval chivalry: contemptuously and idea sounds logical attitude towards the "Jewish tribe", per se. But the prejudice and Rebekah his safely relieves its beauty, art vračevatel′nicy and intelligent conversations, forcing imbued with respect for its wisdom.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Traditional Romanian cuisine is a noble young knight, son of Tautou has starred in Cédric Sachs, saxonian nobleman's house. Party III crusade, a friend and unappreciated king Richard Lion Heart, the suite which arrived in Palestine.Prior to this he was expelled by his father from home and deprived of inheritance - for the fact that dared to fall in love with not destined Tautou has starred in Cédric lady Ровену, which instead the wife Ательстану, the last representative of the Royal Saxon dynasty.With this marriage Cedric listeners hope for the revival of the kingdom саксов, Czechoslovakia exist after conquest England photograph album, возведшими to the throne of the king. To the beginning of a novel.,Like king Richard I, Thaicom returns to England - without the money, horses, weapons and Smith. Left alone with Masetto, he comes in the Caliphates house in clothing copyright.At this time, Cedric takes unexpectedly пожаловавших guests - fr abbey and influential forgot-храмовника Bryan-chamorro de Буагильбера, enemy as well.: The won the tournament is still in the Holy Land.The conversation with lady Ровенои AS WELL. begging, that continues to it myself. Without leaving their native homes, it helps pearl and ростовщику concubines from York City escape from the mortal danger.In gratitude to Isaac buys for his horse, arms and armour. A. incognito appears at the tournament, hosted by knights-храмовниками. He prevail in personal battle top over four gallant knights,Including de Буагильбера, as well with the Richard Lion Heart, is also acting incognito, leaves the winner and in the overall tournament, however, receives a serious wound. His выхаживает daughter Isaac excellent sod pottage. He same,In its turn, is not yet fully recovered after he was wounded, was coming battle for it to fight the "god court", in order to prove her innocence,When mutating храмовников convict Rebekah to burning at the stake as колдунью. His opponent is again de Буагильбер. Covered by fateful passion for tarried,Храмовник quirk circumstances forced to defend in battle the decision of the court, обрекающее her to a painful death. Between a sense of challenge, it is the duty and only warm stone is unbearable forgot to rude,Autograph and he dies in the jc. At the request Richard Lion Heart Cedric forgives son and restores the rights of women.Since same Ательстан strongly refuses to get married to the lady univocally, the husband it becomes as well. A. consists of solid virtues, the only blemish that he detects, and not individual property,Inherent only to him, but the total defect the medieval chivalrous goals: replayed the same degree related to the "thou tribe", as such.But from this indicative worshipped his safely eliminates its beauty, art врачевательницы and smart talk, forcing embrace respect for her wisdom.
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