Власть — это способность и возможность оказывать посредством использов перевод - Власть — это способность и возможность оказывать посредством использов английский как сказать

Власть — это способность и возможно

Власть — это способность и возможность оказывать посредством использования различных инструментов (воли, авторитета, силы, права и т.д.) руководящее воздействие на поведение и деятельность людей. Власть изначально присуща человеческому обществу. Без властного управления общество неизбежно скатиться к хаосу и распаду. Властное управление необходимо в самых разных сферах общественное жизни. Государственная власть - это разновидность политической власти, оказывающая определяющее воздействие на общество в целом с помощью особой организации — государства. Государственная власть одна из видов сложной организованной формы власти. Как и другие виды власти - это управление общественны­ми процессами путём подчинения воли людей. От других видов власти государственная власть отличается следующим. Во-первых, она имеет особый субъект управления - государство. Во-вторых, это единственная форма власти, управляющая всем общест­вом, всеми основными сферами общественной жизни. В-третьих, государ­ственная власть является основным инструментом удовлетворения наибо­лее важных интересов. Характерные черты государственной власти: 1) она распространяется на все общество; 2) носит публично-политический характер; 3) опирается на государственное принуждение; 4) осуществляется специальными лицами (чиновниками, политиками и т.п.); 5) действует система налогов; 6) население делится по территориальному признаку; 7) ей присущи легитимность, легальность и т.п. Легитимность означает качество взаимоотношений власти и подвластных, которое выражается в добровольном признании цен­ности власти, в ее праве управлять. Легитимная власть воспринимается населением как правомер­ная и справедливая. И напротив, если правящая группа не пользу­ется общественным доверием и вынуждена постоянно прибегать к средствам принуждения, то власть такой группы принято считать нелегитимной. Государство — это организация политической власти, содейст­вующая преимущественному осуществлению конкретных классо­вых, общечеловеческих, религиозных, национальных и других интересов в пределах определенной территории. В обществе власть может существовать в разных видах: партий­ная, семейная, религиозная и т.п. Однако высшей властью, реше­ния которой обязательны для всех граждан, организаций и учреж­дений, обладает лишь государство. Оно осуществляет высшую власть в пределах собственных гра­ниц и само определяет, какими будут отношения с другими го­сударствами, а последние не вправе вмешиваться в его внутренние дела. Государство располагает суверенитетом независимо от ве­личины территории, численности населения, политического ре­жима.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Power is the ability to provide, through the use of various tools (will, authority, force, law, etc) leads to the behavior and activities of people. Power originally inherent in human society. Without overbearing management society inevitably devolve into chaos and disintegration. Power management is needed in all walks of public life. State power is a kind of political power, which indicates the effect on society as a whole by means of a special organization of the State. State power is one of the types of complex organized forms of power. Like other types of power is the management of the social processes by means of obedience to the will of the people. From other types of power, the power of the State is as follows. First, it has a special control-state entity. Secondly, this is the only form of authority that manages the whole society, all the main areas of public life. Thirdly, the authority of the State is the main tool for addressing the most important interests. Characteristics of State power: 1) it extends to the whole of society; 2) is the public-political; 3) relies on state coercion; 4) are special individuals (politicians, officials, etc.); 5) operates a system of taxes; 6) the population is divided on a territorial basis; 7) it has the legitimacy, legality, Legitimacy and quality of the relationships of power and means belonged to a voluntary acceptance of the values of power, its right of control. Legitimate power is perceived as legitimate and fair. Conversely, if the ruling party does not enjoy public trust and had to constantly resort to means of coercion, the power of such a group is considered to be illegitimate. The State is an organization of political power, in charge of the implementation of the specific preferential class, human, religious, national and other interests within a certain territory. Power in society can exist in different forms: party, family, religious, etc. But the Supreme authority, whose decisions are binding on all citizens, organizations and institutions that possess only the State. It exercises the supreme power within their borders and to determine what will be the relations with other States, and the latter shall have no right to interfere in its internal affairs. The State has sovereignty regardless of the size of the territory, population, political system.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Power - the ability and the ability to exercise through the use of various tools (will, authority, powers, rights, etc.) guiding influence on the behavior and activities of people. Power inherently human society. Without a powerful management society will inevitably slide into chaos and disintegration. Imperious management is needed in various areas of public life. State power - a kind of political power, has a decisive impact on society as a whole by means of a special organization - the state. State power is one of the types of complex forms of organized power. Like other types of power - is the management of social processes by submission will of the people. From other types of government authorities differ as follows. Firstly, it has a special subject of management - the state. Secondly, it is the only form of government that manages the entire society, all key areas of public life. Third, the government is the main tool to meet the most important interests. The characteristic features of the state: 1) it extends to the whole of society; 2) is a public-political nature; 3) based on state coercion; 4) is performed by special persons (officials, politicians, etc.); 5) a system of taxes; 6) the population is divided on a territorial basis; 7) are inherent legitimacy, legality, etc. Legitimacy is the quality of relations between the authorities and subordinates, which is expressed in the voluntary recognition of the value of power, its right to rule. Legitimate power is perceived by the public as a legitimate and fair. Conversely, if the ruling group does not enjoy public confidence and to constantly resort to means of coercion, the power of the group is considered to be illegitimate. State - is an organization of political power that promotes the implementation of specific preferential class, human, religious, national and other interests within a certain territory. In society, the power can exist in different forms: party, family, religion, etc. However, the supreme authority, whose decisions are binding for all citizens, organizations and institutions, has only a state. It exercises supreme authority within their own borders and itself determines what will be the relations with other states, and the latter are not entitled to interfere in its internal affairs. The state has sovereignty regardless of the size of territory, population, political regime.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Power - this is the ability and the opportunity to provide through the use of various tools (faith, authority, force, law, etc. ) leadership impact on the behavior and activities of people.Power was originally found in human society. Without accountability management society will inevitably roll to chaos and disintegration. Probationary contract management must be in the most different areas public life.The power of the state - this is a type political power, puts a determining influence on the society as a whole, using a special organization - the state.The power of the state one of the types of complex organized forms of power. As well as and other types of power - this is the office общественны got mi processes by subordinating the will of the people.From the other types of power power of the state is as follows. In the first place, it has a special entity control - the state. Secondly, this is the only form the authorities, administering all the public got pto,All the main areas of life. Thirdly, States for meeting program is the main tool for the deferred commencement bring important interests. The features of the state authorities.(1) it applies to all members of society; and (2) is a public-political in nature; and (3) is based on state coercion; (4) is carried out by special persons (officials, policy makers, etc. ).(5) operates the system taxes; (6) the population is divided on a territorial basis; (7) it has the legitimacy, legality, etc.. Legitimacy means quality power relationships and shamefully,Which is expressed in voluntary acceptance prices for meeting industry authorities, in its right to manage. Legitimate authority is perceived by people as правомер got gency and fair. And on the contrary,If the ruling party does not favor for meeting would be unnecessary public trust and had been forced to constantly resort to coercive means, the power such a group was not empowered.The State - this is the political authorities, promoting got rolled out might prove the implementation of specific классо got out, religious,National and other interests within a defined territory. In society power can exist in different forms: party got gency, the family, religious, etc. ). However, higher power,Decision got tion of which are mandatory for all citizens, organizations and agencies for meeting observations, has only the state. It is the supreme authority in the own gras got arc and is itself determines,What will be its relations with other th got by, and the last is not entitled to interfere in its internal affairs. The State has sovereignty regardless of ee got tenable territory, population,Political pe got Iwo Jima.
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