Пациентка П., 29 лет, страдающая хроническим пиелонефритом, поступила в клинику при сроке беременности 35 недель с диагнозом нефропатии I степени. При поступлении уровень АД 140/90 мм рт. ст, протеинурия 0,19 г/л, явления гиперкоагуляции по данным коагулограммы, повышение степени и скорости агрегации тромбоцитов, снижение порога чувствительности первичной агрегации. Была начата комплексная терапия гестоза и назначен фраксипарин 0,3 мл 1 раз в день в течение 7 дней. В результате проведённого лечения произошло снижение и стабилизация уровня АД в пределах 120/80-130/80 мм рт. ст., протеинурия в разовой порции мочи не превышала 0,033 г/л, отмечено снижение интенсивности агрегации тромбоцитов. Пациентка была родоразрешена в срок через естественные родовые пути, оценка новорождённого по Апгар 8 баллов. Кровопотеря в родах составила 200 мл. Мать и новорождённый были выписаны домой на 7-е сутки послеродового периода.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Patient p., 29 years old, suffering from chronic pyelonephritis, came into the clinic with 35 weeks gestation with a diagnosis of nephropathy of I degree. When you receive a level of HELL 140/90 mm Hg. Church, proteinurija 0.19 g/l, hypercoagulation phenomena according to increasing coagulogram and platelet aggregation velocity, reducing the threshold sensitivity of primary aggregation. Was started by integrated therapy for gestosis and appointed fraksiparin 0.3 ml of 1 times a day for 7 days. As a result of the conducted and declined treatment, stabilization of HELL within 120/80-130/80 mm Hg. Church, proteinuria in single servings of urine does not exceed 0.033 g/l decreased the intensity of aggregation of platelets. The patient was rodorazrešena in term vaginally, score for neonatal Apgar score of 8. Blood loss during childbirth was 200 ml. Mother and newborn were discharged on the 7th day postpartum period.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Patient P., 29 years old, suffering from chronic pyelonephritis, was admitted to hospital at 35 weeks gestation with a diagnosis of nephropathy of I degree. When a blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg. Article, proteinuria 0.19 g / l, a phenomenon hypercoagulation according coagulation, increase the degree and rate of platelet aggregation, lowering the threshold of sensitivity of primary aggregation. complex therapy of preeclampsia and appointed fraxiparine 0.3 ml of 1 times a day for 7 days was started. As a result of the treatment was a decrease and stabilization of blood pressure in the range of 120 / 80-130 / 80 mm Hg. v., proteinuria in a single urine sample does not exceed 0.033 g / l, decreased platelet aggregation intensity. The patient was in a period rodorazreshena vaginally, Apgar score of the newborn by 8 points. Blood loss at delivery was 200 ml. Mother and newborn were discharged home on day 7 post-natal period.
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