ТРЦ «КомсоМолл» в Иркутске возведен в центральной части Иркутска, рядо перевод - ТРЦ «КомсоМолл» в Иркутске возведен в центральной части Иркутска, рядо английский как сказать

ТРЦ «КомсоМолл» в Иркутске возведен

ТРЦ «КомсоМолл» в Иркутске возведен в центральной части Иркутска, рядом с историческим местом города на пересечении дорожной развязки через реку Ангара (Академический мост), которая соединяет две части города, с ул. 3 июля. Рядом находится живописное место отдыха горожан, где планируется построить парк культуры и отдыха городского значения.

ТРК «КомсоМолл» обладает отличной доступностью за счет расположения и зоны охвата, которая распространяется на Иркутск и Иркутскую область. Архитектурные решения комплекса имеет превосходную навигацию и разделяет центр на зоны покупок и зону развлечений.

Арендаторами комплекса является известный пул операторов, некоторые из них новые для региона. Зона развлечений представляет мультиплекс 8 залов с 3D и 4D, боулинг, детский центр, фуд-корт, ресторан-клуб с панорамным лифтом, кафе, концептуальные рестораны. Торговый центр «Комсомолл» - это прекрасный шопинг и новые возможности для развлечения всего региона.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Shopping Centre «KomsoMoll» in Irkutsk was erected in the central part of Irkutsk, near the historical site of the city at the intersection of road junction over the river Angara (Academic bridge), which connects the two parts of the city, with street. 3 July. Nearby is the scenic vacation spot townspeople, where there are plans to build a park of culture and leisure city.TRK «KomsoMoll» has excellent availability due to location and coverage area, which extends to Irkutsk and Irkutsk region. Architectural solutions of the complex has excellent navigation and shared the Centre shopping zones and entertainment zone.Tenants of the complex is a famous pool operators, some of them new to the region. Entertainment area is multiplex 8 halls with 3D and 4 d, bowling, children's Center, food court, restaurant-Club with panoramic lift, a café, a conceptual restaurants. Shopping Center «Komsomoll» is a wonderful shopping and new possibilities for entertainment throughout the region.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
SEC "KomsoMoll" in Irkutsk was erected in the center of Irkutsk, near the historical places of the city at the intersection of road junction through the Angara River (Academic Bridge), which connects the two parts of the city, st. 3 July. Nearby is the picturesque place of citizens, where it is planned to build a recreation park of city value. TRC "KomsoMoll" has excellent accessibility due to the location and coverage area, which extends to Irkutsk and Irkutsk region. The architectural solution of the complex has an excellent navigation and shares the focus on shopping areas and entertainment area. The tenants of the complex is a well-known pool of operators, some of them new to the region. Entertainment zone is a multiplex 8 halls with 3D and 4D, bowling, children's center, a food court, a restaurant-club with a panoramic lift, a café, conceptual restaurants. Shopping center "KomsoMALL" - is a great shopping and entertainment opportunities for the entire region.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
tec "комсомолл» in irkutsk, erected in the central part of the center of the city, near the historical site of the city at the intersection of road interchanges across the river angara (academic bridge), which connects the two parts of the city, with street. on 3 july. there is a beautiful place of rest of the townspeople, where plans to build park of culture and leisure of urban values.fuel dispensers "комсомолл» has excellent accessibility through the location and coverage area that extends to irkutsk and иркутскую area. architectural decisions compound has excellent navigation and shares the centre zone of shopping and entertainment area.tenants complex is a famous pool operators, some of them new to the region. entertainment is the multiplex 8 halls with 3d and 4d, a bowling alley, a child care centre, food court, club, restaurant, panoramic elevator, coffee shops, the restaurants. "комсомолл» shopping centre is a shopping and entertainment opportunities for the entire region.
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