Однажды в ночь морозной зимы в замке принца появилась уродливая старух перевод - Однажды в ночь морозной зимы в замке принца появилась уродливая старух английский как сказать

Однажды в ночь морозной зимы в замк

Однажды в ночь морозной зимы в замке принца появилась уродливая старуха и попросила, чтобы он разрешил ей погреться и она отблагодарит его. Но принц был безжалостным и низким человеком, он отказал ей. Старуха вспомнила, что настоящая красота находится в сердце, и это незаметно. Принц все еще не проявляет интереса к ней, и старуха становится всесильной волшебницей. Как наказание за жестокость принца, она околдовала его и его слуг в замке, превратив его в монстра, и в их мебели, свечах, чашках чая и других материальных объектах. Весь замок становится, ужасные ангелы превращаются в горгулью. Это проклятие продолжится, пока монстр не будет знать то, что любовь, и любой не влюбится в него. это должно произойти перед последним лепестком замечательных роз,иначе ужасным он останется навсегда. Позади многих лет уже, монстр находится в отчаянии, и всегда немедленно становится разъяренным, задаваясь вопросом о том, кто полюбит такого.Такая девушка существует,её зовут Белл, которая живет с ​​ отцом Морисом в небольшой французской деревне. Морис изобрёл личное оригинальное изобретение. Жители города, пропускающего красоту Белл считают её необычной из-за её привлекательности к книгам. Как думается в то время, все женщины должны быть немного глупыми. Как Гастон, один из жителей деревни, "Это неестественно, если женщине нравится читать. Ее красота вызвала интерес местного охотника и героя Гастона, но Белл думает, что он груб и высокомерен, и презирает его.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Once frosty night of winter in the castle of the Prince appeared ugly old woman and asked that he allowed her to warm up and she will thank him. But the Prince was ruthless and low man, he refused it. The old woman remembered that real beauty is in the heart and it's seamless. Prince still shows no interest in it, and the old woman becomes the all-powerful sorceress. As punishment for the cruelty of the Prince, she charmed him and his servants in the Castle, turning it into a monster, and in their furniture, candles, cups of tea and other material objects. The entire Castle becomes terrible Angels turned into a Gargoyle. This curse will continue until the Monster will not know what love is, and any fall in love with him. This must happen before the last petal of the wonderful roses, otherwise horrendous he will remain forever. Behind many years already, the monster is in despair, and always immediately becomes angry, wondering about who will love this. This girl exists, her name is Bell, who lives with his father Maurice in a small French village. Maurice invented personal original invention. Residents of the city, allowing the beauty of Bell consider it unusual due to its attraction to books. How to think at that time, all women should be a little stupid. As Gaston, one of the villagers, "it's unnatural, if a woman likes to read. Her beauty has aroused the interest of local Hunter and hero Gaston, but Bell thinks he is rude and arrogant, and despises it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One cold winter night in the castle of Prince ugly old woman appeared and asked him to let her warm up and she will thank him. But the Prince was ruthless and low man, he refused her. The old woman remembered that real beauty is in the heart, and it is imperceptible. Prince still has no interest in her, and the old woman becomes all-powerful sorceress. As punishment for the cruelty of the prince, she put a spell on him and his servants at the castle, turning it into a monster, and their furniture, candles, tea cups and other material objects. The entire castle becomes terrible angels turn into a gargoyle. This curse will continue until the monster does not know what love is, and anyone not fall in love with him. this should happen before the last petal remarkable roses, otherwise terrible it will remain forever. Behind many years already, the monster is in despair, and always immediately becomes furious, wondering about who will love takogo.Takaya girl there, her name is Bell, who lives with her father Maurice in a small French village. Maurice invented private original invention. Residents of the city overlooking a beautiful Belle consider it unusual because of its appeal to the books. How to think at the time, all women should be a little silly. As Gaston, one of the villagers, "It is unnatural that a woman likes to read. Its beauty aroused the interest of the local hunter and hero Gaston, but Belle thinks he's rude and arrogant, and despises him.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Once in the night freezing winter in the castle prince is a democratic respectability bundle and requested that he had allowed it to highchairs and she отблагодарит it. But the prince was ruthless and low man, he had denied it.Bundle remember that real beauty is in the heart, and it is invisible. The Prince is still not shown any interest in it, and it becomes what gift can bundle tells. As a punishment for cruelty, prince,It околдовала and his servants in the lock, turning it into monster, and in their furniture, candle light dinners, tea cups and other material objects. The entire castle is, terrible angels becoming the горгулью. This curse will continue,Until monster will not know that love, and any not is in it. This should occur before the last tang remarkable roses,otherwise terrible it will remain forever. Behind many years already,Monster is in despair, and always immediately becomes a rebellion had been quelled, answering the basic question of who loves such.This girl exists,her name is bell,Which lives with ​​ father Maurice in a small French village. Maurice invented personal original invention. The residents of the city, carrier (beauty Bell believe it unusual because of its attractiveness to books.As soon as I think at the time, all of the women must be a little bit silly. As Gaston, one of the inhabitants of the village, "This is unnatural, if a woman likes to read. Its beauty has aroused interest in local hunter and hero Gaston,But Bell thinks that he men cooks and untutored, and knowing his.
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