Что есть время? Время ─ это жизнь. Как часто мы волнуемся о том, что тратим время впустую, ведь тратить время ─ значит тратить жизнь. Все мы ─ рабы Хроноса, пленники прошлого или будущего. Мало кто живет настоящим, наслаждаясь каждым днем: одних чересчур волнует будущее, другие живут былым. Так, герои «Вишневого сада» Чехова погрязли в рутине минувшего. Трофимов, вечный студент, размышляет: «Мы отстали, по крайней мере, лет на двести, у нас нет еще ровно ничего, нет определенного отношения к прошлому, мы только философствуем, жалуемся на тоску или пьем водку. Ведь так ясно, чтобы начать жить в настоящем, надо сначала искупить наше прошлое, покончить с ним, а искупить его можно только страданием, только необычайным, непрерывным трудом.» Но ему ли говорить о важности прошлого, увязшим в прошлом настолько, что оно не дает ему продвинуться дальше, стать кем-то большим, чем просто студентом? Зацикленность на былом или грядущем отравляет жизнь, не дает ощутить ее в полной мере, познать со всех сторон. Но без дум об этом не обойтись, иначе можно забыть о чем-то важном, оставшемся в прожитом, или, не задумавшись о предстоящем, не понять, чего хочется от жизни. Старуха Изергиль Горького жила настоящим, в какой-то мере она прожила свою жизнь счастливо, повинуясь провидению, не задумываясь о завтрашнем и быстро забывая о проходящем. «А то еще турка любила я. В гареме у него была, в Скутари. Целую неделю жила, — ничего... Но скучно стало...» ─ так говорит она. И действительно, вся ее жизнь ─ своеобразный гарем времени: на смену дням идут годы, на смену одним любовникам другие, настоящего дома у нее нет, и ее ничто из этого ее нисколько не волнует. Прошлое и будущее ─ бессмертные стражи литературы, мне известно совсем немного произведений, где тема времени оставалась бы в стороне. Это и граф Монте-Кристо Дюма, сделавший время своим вечным спутником свершения мести, и Маргарита, готовая ждать встречи с Мастером хоть бесконечность, и Павел Петрович Кирсанов, живущий пережитками прошлого. Время ─ наш друг, и лишь от нас самих зависит, в какую сторону мы будем крутить стрелки циферблата, чтобы устроить жизнь.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
What is time? Time ─ is life. How often are we worried that spend time wasted, because wasting time ─ means wasting life. We all ─ slaves of God Chronos, captives of the past or future. Few lives in the present, enjoying every day: some are too worried about the future, other living wonders. So, the heroes of "the Cherry Orchard" Chekhov are mired in a rut of the past. Eternal student Trofimov, speculates: "we are behind at least two hundred years, we have exactly nothing, no definite relationship to the past, we only filosofstvuem, complain about the longing or drink vodka. It is so clear to start living in the present, we must first atone for our past, to end with him, and it can only be atoned for by suffering, only extraordinary, uninterrupted work. "but he does talk about the importance of the past, immersed in the past so that it does not allow him to move on, to become someone more than just student? Focusing on past or upcoming poisons life, does not feel it fully, learn from all sides. But without the doom about it won't do, otherwise you can forget about something important, remaining in help, or not thinking about coming, don't understand what I want from life. The old woman Izergil′ Gorky lived in the present, to some extent, she lived her life happily obeying Providence, not thinking about the future and quickly forgetting about cutting. "And something else I loved. Turk in a harem was, in Scutari. A whole week has lived, is nothing ... But boring. " ─ so she says. Indeed, her whole life ─ peculiar: on change time harem days go years to replace one other lovers, present home she doesn't have, and its nothing that she did not care. The past and the future ─ the immortal guardians of literature, I know quite a few pieces, where the theme of time would remain on the sidelines. This and the count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, who time their eternal companion accomplishments of revenge, and Margarita ready wait meeting with Master though infinity, and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov living relics of the past. Time ─ is our friend, and only up to us which way we are going to twist the dial arrow to have a life.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
What is time? ─ Time is life. How often we worry about what time to waste, because waste time ─ then spend a life. ─ All of us are slaves to Cronus, the prisoners of the past or the future. Few people live in the present, enjoying each day: one is too worried about the future, while others live onetime. Thus, the heroes of "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov bogged down in the routine of the past. Trofimov, the eternal student, thinks: "We are lagging behind, at least two hundred years, we have absolutely nothing else, there is a certain relationship to the past, we only philosophise, complain of depression or drink vodka. It's so clear to start living in the present, we must first atone for our past, to do away with him, and atone for it can only be suffering, only extraordinary, continuous work. "But he has to say about the past importance, mired in the past, so that it does not It gives it to go further, to become something more than just a student? Fixation on bygone or coming poisons life, does not feel it to the full, to learn from all sides. But no thoughts about it can not do, otherwise you can forget about something important, stay in the living, or not thinking about coming, not to understand what you want from life. Old Isergil Gorky lived this, in some way she lived her life happily in obedience to providence, not thinking about tomorrow and quickly forgetting about the passing. "And yet I loved Turk. The harem has been in Scutari. For a whole week living - nothing ... but bored ... »─ so she says. In fact, her whole life ─ a kind of harem time: to replace the days are years to replace one other lovers, this house it does not have, and it is nothing out of this it does not care. Past and future ─ immortal guardians of literature, I know very few works in which time the topic would remain on the sidelines. That Count of Monte Cristo Dumas, who made time his eternal companion accomplishments revenge, and Margarita, ready to wait for a meeting with the Master even infinite, and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov living vestiges of the past. ─ Time is our friend, and only depends on us which way we turn the dial arrow to make a living.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
what is time? time means life. how often we worry about wasting time, wasting time means wasting life means. we all - servants of chronos, the past or the future. few people lived to enjoy every day, some are too worried about the future, the others are old. thus, the characters are in a rut "cherry сада» chekhov"s past. trofimov, the eternal student, thinking: "we are, at least for two hundred years, we have not yet exactly nothing, no specific relationship to the past, we only философствуем, complain about boredom or drink vodka. is it okay to live in the present, you have to pay for our past, kill him, and make him only suffering only a singular, continuous трудом.» but he did talk about the importance of the past, mired in the past so that it enables him to move to become something more than just a student? fascination with the nuclear past or future poisons life, does not enjoy it fully, to on all sides. but without thinking about it now, or we can forget about something important, remaining in a lifetime, or don"t stand and i think about the forthcoming, don"t understand what you want from life. the old woman изергиль bitter lived this, to some extent, she lived her life happily, those of without thinking about tomorrow and quick forgetting takes place. "it"s the turk i loved him. in the harem he had in shkoder had gone. a week to live, nothing... but boring became "- so she says. indeed, her whole life - a harem of time: shift days coming years to replace one lovers, this house has no, and none of it will not bother her. the past and future - the immortal guardians of literature, i know a little bit of time, where the topic would have remained on the sidelines. it"s the count of monte cristo dumas and his constant companion, the revenge, and margaret, ready to wait to meet master at infinity, and pavel petrovich kirsanov living remnants of the past. time - the one and only is up to us, where we will have the hours to make a life.
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