Джон встретил Пенни.Она рассказала ему,о своем походе в зоопарк.Как она была шокирована потому,что в фонтане плавала большая,оранжевая змея,которую потом изловил охранник и вернул в клетку.
John met penny, she told him about her campaign to the Zoo she was shocked because in big orange floating fountain snake which then I guard and returned to the cell.
John met Penni.Ona told him about his trip to the zoopark.Kak she was shocked because the swim in the fountain of a large, orange snake, which then caught a security guard and returned to the cell.
john met пенни.она told him about his trip to зоопарк.как she was shocked, because in the fountain had a big orange snake, which then caught guard back in the cage.