Еще одно популярное занятия, для которого не надо уходить из дому - эт перевод - Еще одно популярное занятия, для которого не надо уходить из дому - эт английский как сказать

Еще одно популярное занятия, для ко

Еще одно популярное занятия, для которого не надо уходить из дому - это D-I-Y, "сделай это сам" (Do-It-Yourself), то есть совершенствование своего жилища путем развешивания украшений, сколачивания мебели, прибивания полок, устройства шкафов, превращения чердака в дополнительную комнату. К нашим услугам - прекрасные магазины, где полно необходимых материалов и инструментов, а также книги со всевозможными советами.
Энтузиастов постоянно предостерегают не браться за некоторые работы, но многие мужчины, вооруженные электродрелью или пилой, все равно не успокаиваются, пока их дом не приобретет совершенно новое обличье. Многие женщины тоже поддаются соблазну D-I-Y, однако их инструменты чаще всего - игла: они шьют занавески, наволочки и одежду. Примерно половина женщин страны занимаются в свободное время шитьем и вязаньем.
Для взрослых в нашей стране существуют различные кружки и объединения, деятельность которых связана с тем или иным трудом, церковью, спортом, культурой или благотворительностью. В пабах, предлагающих завсегдатаям музыкальные развлечения, сегодня может выступать фольклорный ансамбль, а завтра группа блюза.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Another popular occupation for which one should not leave the home is a D-I-Y, "do it yourself" (do-it-yourself), i.e. improvement of his home by hanging ornaments, skolačivaniâ furniture, nailing the shelves, devices, cabinets, turning the attic into an extra room. Our services-excellent shops, where full of necessary materials and tools, as well as books with all sorts of tips.Enthusiasts constantly warn not to take some work, but many men, armed with an electric drill or saw, still not calm down until their House is to acquire an entirely new form. Many women also lured the D-I-Y, but the tools often needle: they sew curtains, cushion covers and clothing. About half the country's women are engaged in free time sewing and one-woman mob.For adults in our country there are various circles and associations, whose activities are related to those or other labour, Church, sports, culture or charity. In pubs offering regulars musical entertainment, today can be a folk ensemble, and the band blues.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Another popular class that does not have to leave the house - it's DIY, "do it yourself" (Do-It-Yourself), that is, the improvement of their homes by hanging ornaments, putting together furniture, nailing flanges, the device cabinets, converting the loft into extra room. Our services - excellent shopping, which is full of the necessary materials and tools, as well as books with all sorts of advice.
Enthusiasts are constantly warned not to take on some of the work, but a lot of men, armed with an electric drill or saw, still can not calm down until their house will not get completely new guise. Many women are also tempted to DIY, but their tools most commonly - needle: they sew curtains, pillowcases, and clothing. Approximately half of the women in the country are engaged in their spare time sewing and knitting.
For adults in our country there are various clubs and associations, whose activities are connected with this or that work, church, sport, culture or charity. In pubs, offering musical entertainment regulars, now may be a folk ensemble, and tomorrow a group of blues.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
another popular class, which didn't have to leave home - d - i - y, "do it yourself" (do - it - yourself), that is, improving their homes by развешивания сколачивания jewelry, furniture, прибивания shelvesdevice cabinets, making more room in the attic. our services - beautiful shops, full of necessary materials and tools, as well as a book with all the boards.people always are not to take some work, but many men, armed электродрелью or saw, still not satisfied until their house did not acquire a completely new look.many women are into d - i - y, however, these tools often needle, sewing curtains, pillowcases, and clothes. about half of the women of the country engaged in leisure time sewing and knitting...... "for adults in our country, there are a variety of clubs and associations, whose work is related to a work, church, sports, culture or charity. in pubsoffering завсегдатаям musical entertainment, today can be a folk ensemble, and tomorrow the blues.

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