На рынке труда сегодня прослеживаются две тенденции: с одной стороны р перевод - На рынке труда сегодня прослеживаются две тенденции: с одной стороны р английский как сказать

На рынке труда сегодня прослеживают

На рынке труда сегодня прослеживаются две тенденции: с одной стороны растет безработица, с другой – увеличивается спрос на квалифицированный труд. Важно, но очень непросто найти хорошую и интересную работу. Грамотно составленное резюме играет у нас не меньшую роль, чем на Западе. Оно должно быть лаконичным, ясным и ориентированным на конкретную должность. Важный этап – собеседование при приеме на работу. Именно после беседы с кандидатом окончательно решается – принять или отвергнуть его. Это своего рода "презентация" себя, и необходимо хорошо подготовиться: например, стоит побольше узнать о фирме, в которой вы хотите работать. Не стесняйтесь обсуждать вопросы зарплаты, медицинской страховки, дополнительных льгот, оплата сверхурочных и отпуска. Знайте свои сильные стороны, подчеркивайте их (образование, опыт, знание местных условий). При этом не скрывайте, но и особо не выделяйте слабые стороны.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the labour market today can be traced to two trends: on the one hand there is growing unemployment, increased demand for skilled labor. It is important, but it is very difficult to find a good and interesting work. Summary of well-constructed plays we have less of a role than in the West. It should be concise, clear and focused on a specific post. An important step is to interview for employment. After the conversation with the candidate finally solved is to accept or reject it. This kind of "presentation" yourself, and you must be well prepared: for example, you should learn more about the company in which you want to work with. Feel free to discuss salary, health insurance, fringe benefits, overtime pay, and leave. Know your strengths, emphasize their (education, experience, knowledge of local conditions). In doing so, do not hide, but not particularly highlight weaknesses.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
On the labor market, two trends are evident today: on the one hand increasing unemployment, on the other - increasing demand for skilled labor. It is important, but very difficult to find a good and interesting work. A well-written resume playing we do not have a smaller role than in the West. It should be concise, clear, and focused on a specific position. An important stage - the interview when applying for a job. It was after the conversation with the candidate finally solved - to accept or reject it. This sort of "presentation" myself, and need to be well prepared: for example, it is necessary to learn more about the company in which you want to work. Feel free to discuss salary, health insurance, fringe benefits, overtime and holidays. Know your strengths, emphasizing their (education, experience, knowledge of local conditions). It does not hide, but not particularly highlight weaknesses.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
on the market today there are two trends: on the one hand, rising unemployment, the other is the growing demand for skilled labour. it is important, but very difficult to find a good and interesting job. well written summary of the plays have a smaller role than in the west. it should be concise, clear and focused on a specific position. an important stage is the interview in hiring. that is, after the interview with the candidate finally decided to accept or reject it. this kind of "presentation", and should be well prepared, for example, need to know more about the company in which you want to work. feel free to discuss the issues of wages, insurance, benefits, overtime and leave. know your strengths, подчеркивайте (education, experience, knowledge of local conditions). and do not conceal, but not выделяйте weaknesses.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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