1. Я был уверен, что он жалеет, что поссорился с ней. 2. Я подумал, чт перевод - 1. Я был уверен, что он жалеет, что поссорился с ней. 2. Я подумал, чт английский как сказать

1. Я был уверен, что он жалеет, что

1. Я был уверен, что он жалеет, что поссорился с ней. 2. Я подумал, что он устал, и спросил его, что он делал все это время. 3. У меня было впечатление, что он находится там уже некоторое время. 4. Я кивнул и сказал "да", чувствуя, что это именно то, что ей хочется. 5. Она говорила, что не может понять, почему они переменили решение. 6. У меня было подозрение, что она забыла упомянуть, что я жду его. 7. Я не имею понятия, знает ли она, что Фил будет здесь. 8. Кстати, Тед знает, что моя сестра приезжает завтра? 9. ОН*еще не знал, что будет делать в Нью-Йорке. 10. Он сказал, что они обсудят этот вопрос, как только директор вернется из Москвы. 11. Я думал, что вы позвоните мне, когда получите телеграмму. 12. Я сказал, что прочту эту книгу только после того, как сдам экзамены. 13. Он сказал, что не пойдет домой, пока не закончит эту работу. 14. Я боялся, что он будет-сердиться, если я не приду вовремя. 15. Он пообещал мне, что поговорит с профессором, если увидит его в университете.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I was sure he regret having quarreled with her. 2. I thought he was tired, and asked him what he had been doing all this time. 3. I have had the impression that he is there for some time. 4. I nodded and said "Yes", feeling that this is exactly what she wants. 5. She said that he could not understand why they changed the decision. 6. I had a suspicion that she forgot to mention that I'm waiting for it. 7. I don't have a clue whether she knew that Phil will be here. 8. By the way, Ted knows that my sister arrives tomorrow? 9. he still did not know what will do in New York. 10. He said that they would discuss this issue once the Director returned from Moscow. 11. I thought you call me when you get a telegram. 12. I said I will read this book just once give exams. 13. He said that he would not go home until there finishes the job. 14. I was afraid that he would get angry if I didn't come on time. 15. He promised me that he will speak with the Professor, if he sees him at the University.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I was sure that he regrets that he had quarreled with her. 2. I thought he was tired, and asked him what he was doing all this time. 3. I had the impression that it is already there for some time. 4. I am a "yes" nodded and said, feeling that this is exactly what she wants. 5. She said she could not understand why they changed their decision. 6. I had a suspicion that she had forgotten to mention that I am waiting for him. 7. I have no idea if she knew that Phil will be here. 8. By the way, Ted knows that my sister is coming tomorrow? 9. He * did not know what he would do in New York City. 10. He said that they will discuss this question as soon as the director returned from Moscow. 11. I thought you would call me when you get a telegram. 12. I said that I read this book only after pass the exam. 13. He said that he will not go home until he finished the job. 14. I am afraid that he will be angry, if I do not come on time. 15. He promised me he would speak with the professor, if you see him at the university.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i was sure that he"s sorry he had an argument with her. 2. i thought he was tired, and asked him what he was doing all that time. 3. i had the impression that he"s been there for a while. 4. i nodded and said "yes", feeling that this is exactly what she wants. 5. she said that she could not understand why they have changed the decision. 6. i had a hunch that she forgot to mention that i"m waiting for him. 7. i have no idea if she knows that phil is here. 8. by the way, ted knows that my sister is coming tomorrow? 9. he still didn"t know what to do in new york. 10. he said that they would discuss this issue as soon as the return from moscow. 11. i thought that you will give me a call when you get a telegram. 12. i said that i read this book after i passed the exams. 13. he said that he didn"t go home until he finishes the job. 14. i was afraid he would be mad if i don"t come on time. 15. he promised me he would talk with the professor if he sees him at the university.
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