Милый Пип, мальчик сирота, судьба его наградила, как Золушку, преподнесла ему мешок с деньгами, и понеслись слепые надежды, пустые ожидания. Ожидания любви и свадьбы, состоятельности и продвижения в Лондоне быстрыми темпами. И все рушилось, стоило Пипу только об этом подумать. Он думал, что все реально. Вот оно, протяни руку- судьба все приготовила на блюдечке с голубой каемочкой- любимую женщину, успех, благородство. И стали теряться настоящие люди и чувства - дружба, доверие, искренность. Все оказалось не таким, каким виделось и мечталось. Это нечто настоящее, чистое, незамутненное, он так невероятно красиво рассказал о самом важном в жизни, о том, что надо ценить, как отделять зерна от плевел.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Cute boy PIP, an orphan, his fate has awarded as Cinderella, gave him a bag with money, and the worst blind hope, empty out. Expectations of love and marriage, wealth and career in London at a rapid pace. And everything fell apart, it was worth only think of Pipu. He thought all real. Here it is, stretch out your hand-the fate of all cooked on a silver platter-a beloved woman, success, and nobility. And have lost real people and feelings of friendship, trust and sincerity. It was not the same as has been seen and dreamed. It is something real, pure, clear, he's so unbelievably beautiful presented the most important in life, about what you have to appreciate how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Dear Pip, an orphan boy, his fate was awarded as Cinderella, presented him with a bag of money, and flew blind hope, empty expectations. Expectations of love and marriage, and promote consistency in London rapidly. And all collapsed, Pip cost only think about it. He thought it was all real. Here it is, Stretch ruku- fate all cooked on a silver kaemochkoy- beloved woman, success, generosity. And they lost real people and feelings - friendship, trust and sincerity. It was not the way seen or dreamed of. This is something real, pure, untainted, he was so incredibly beautiful spoke about the most important in life, that it is necessary to appreciate how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i'm Pip, an orphan boy, the destiny of his awarded, such as Cinderella, history has taught him the bag with money, and clover remained blind hope, empty expectations. Expectations of love and marriage,Viability and promotion in London rapidly. And all matter, it may be worthwhile Пипу only thought about it. He thought that all real. This is it,He stretched it to the fate of the all father the colossal frustration- your favorite woman, success, generosity. And these people have been lost and the sense of - friendship, trust and sincerity. All turned out to be not so,How harsh words spoken and doled. This is what is now, a clear sky undimmed by, it's so incredibly beautifully described the most important in life, that must be valued, how to separate grain from the chaff.
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