В наши дни мобильные телефоны укоренились в нашей повседневной жизни,  перевод - В наши дни мобильные телефоны укоренились в нашей повседневной жизни,  английский как сказать

В наши дни мобильные телефоны укоре

В наши дни мобильные телефоны укоренились в нашей повседневной жизни, и большинство людей вряд ли может представить себя без мобильных телефонов. Что же это просто дань моде или необходимость современного человека?Во-первых начнем с того, что сегодня многие люди чувствуют себя беспомощными, если они оставляют свои мобильные телефоны дома. В первую очередь мобильный телефон дает нам возможность поддерживать связь с людьми в любом месте и в любое время (это особенно важно для деловых людей). Кроме того, современные мобильные телефоны обеспечивают доступ к Интернету.Во-вторых мы не можем отрицать, что мобильные телефоны вызывают ряд проблем. Люди начали видеть друг друга не так часто. Но самый большой недостаток мобильных телефонов, конечно, их вредное воздействия на здоровье людей.На мой взгляд, в настоящее время мобильные телефоны являются неотъемлемой частью жизни любого человека, и мы не можем ее остановить. Мне лично телефон чтобы поддерживать связь с друзьями и родственниками, хотя я знаю о его вредном влиянии на мое здоровье. Но я стараюсь избегать пустой болтовни по телефону, чтобы уменьшить влияние вредных радиоволн. Я пытаюсь найти золотую середину.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
These days, mobile phones have taken root in our daily life, and most people can hardly imagine myself without mobile phones. What is this just a fad or a necessity of modern man? <br><br>First we start with the fact that today many people feel helpless if they leave their cell phones at home. The first mobile phone gives us the opportunity to communicate with people anywhere and at any time (this is especially important for business people). Moreover, modern mobile phones provide access to the Internet. <br><br>Secondly, we can not deny that mobile phones cause a number of problems. People began to see each other less frequently. But the biggest drawback of mobile phones, of course, their harmful effects on human health.<br><br>In my opinion, now mobile phones are an integral part of everyone's life, and we can not stop it. I personally phone to keep in touch with friends and family, even though I know about its harmful effects on my health. But I try to avoid empty talk on the phone, in order to reduce the impact of harmful radio waves. I'm trying to find a middle ground.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
These days mobile phones are ingrained in our daily lives and most people can hardly imagine themselves without mobile phones. What is it just a tribute to fashion or the need of a modern man?<br><br>First, let's start with the fact that today many people feel helpless if they leave their mobile phones at home. First of all, the mobile phone gives us the opportunity to keep in touch with people anywhere and at any time (this is especially important for business people). In addition, modern mobile phones provide access to the Internet.<br><br>Secondly, we cannot deny that mobile phones cause a number of problems. People didn't see each other that often. But the biggest drawback of mobile phones, of course, their harmful effects on people's health.<br><br>In my opinion, mobile phones are now an integral part of any person's life, and we cannot stop it. I personally have a phone to keep in touch with friends and family, although I am aware of its harmful effects on my health. But I try to avoid empty chatter on the phone to reduce the impact of harmful radio waves. I'm trying to find a middle ground.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Today, mobile phones have taken root in our daily life. Most people can't imagine that there is no mobile phone. Is this just a homage to the fashion of modern people or a need of modern people?<br>First of all, today, if many people leave their cell phones at home, they will feel helpless. First of all, mobile phones give us an opportunity to communicate with people everywhere and at any time.)( In addition, modern mobile phones can access the Internet.<br>Second, we cannot deny that mobile phones cause some problems. People don't see each other very often. But the biggest disadvantage of mobile phones, of course, mobile phones are harmful to human health.<br>I think at present, mobile phones are an integral part of everyone's life, and we can't stop it. My personal phone calls my friends and relatives, although I know its harmful effects on my health. But I try to avoid chatting on the phone to reduce the impact of harmful radio waves. I tried to find a middle.<br>
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