3. На ней было новое пальто и шляпа . впервые в жизни она сама купила себе одежду. 4.Я не видел ее с тех пор, как мы окончили университет. Она сильно изменилась. 5. На ней было элегантное шерстяное платье зеленого цвета. Между прочим, она сшила его сама. 6. Я хотела помочь ему убирать сухие листья, но он закончил работу к тому моменту, как я, наконец, вышла в сад. 7. Она как раз вошла в дом, когда и ей позвонила. Я была раза, что застала ее. 8. Не успела она войти в дом, как зазвонил телефон. 9 она зашла в дом, и в это время зазвонил телефон.10 это был единственный раз, когда она опоздала на работу. из-за сильного снегопаоа транспорт остановился, и ей прищлось 45 минут. 11 Он был типичным неудачником. Он начинал и не заканчивал разные занятия последние несколько лет. Он намеревался начать своё дело , но потратил деньги на какое-то странное изобретение.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
3. On the new coat and hat. for the first time in her life she herself bought his clothes. 4. I have not seen her since we graduated from University. She has changed a lot. 5. It was an elegant wool dress green. Among other things, she sewed herself. 6. I wanted to help him clean up the dry leaves, but he finished the job by the time I finally came out into the garden. 7. She's just entered the House when and she called. I had times that caught it. 8. She did not manage to enter the House, as the phone rang. 9 she came into the House, and this time the phone rang. 10 it was the only time she was late to work. due to the strong snegopaoa transport stopped, and prishhlos' 45 minutes. 11 It was a typical loser. He started and not finished the different classes for the last few years. He had intended to start a business of my own, but spent money on some strange invention.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
3. It was a new coat and hat. for the first time she bought a dress. 4. I have not seen her since we graduated from university. It has changed a lot. 5. She was elegant woolen dress green. Incidentally, she sewed it herself. 6. I wanted to help him clean up the dry leaves, but it finished by the time I finally came out into the garden. 7. She had just entered the house, and when she called. I was twice that found her. 8. Before she could enter the house, the phone rang. 9 she entered the house, and at that time rang telefon.10 it was the only time she was late for work. due to strong snegopaoa transport stopped, and she prischlos 45 minutes. 11 He was a typical loser. He started and did not finish the different classes the last few years. He intended to start a business,
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
3. she was wearing a new coat and hat. for the first time in her life, she bought some clothes. 4.я haven't seen her since we graduated from university. she has changed a lot. 5. she was an elegant wool dress green color. by the way, she made it herself. 6. i wanted to help him clean up the dry leaves, but he finished the work by the time i finally got into the garden. 7. she just walked into the house, and when she called. i had time, i caught her. 8. before she could go into the house, the phone rang. 9 she went into the house, and at this time the телефон.10 it was the only time she was late for work. because of the strong снегопаоа transport stopped, and she прищлось 45 minutes. 11 he was a loser. he started and finished different classes over the past few years. he intended to start a business, but spent money on some weird invention.
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