Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find burglars ha перевод - Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find burglars ha английский как сказать

Can you imagine anything worse than

Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find burglars have broken into your house ? Unfortunately, this happens to about 1 million people in Britain (1. annual )…… However, if you want better
(2. protect )………….against burglars there are several thing you can do.
To improve (3. secure )………., check all the locks on your doors and windows. The (4. install )…………….of lightning all around the house will make sure a burglar is (5. able )……….to hide in the shadows. An alarm is another good ( 6. prevent )………..measure you can take.
Starting a ( 7. neighbor )……….watch group is also a very (8. effect )……….way to prevent crime in your area. Since most (9. burglar )……….take place when people are away on holiday, this is when your neighbours’ help is most ( 10. value )………. Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your curtains every day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your lawn to make your house look occupied.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find burglars have broken into your house? Unfortunately, this happens to about 1 million people in Britain (1. annual) ... ... ... ... .... However, if you want better(2. protect)............. against burglars there are several thing you can do. To improve (3. secure).........., check all the locks on your doors and windows. The (4. install)................ of lightning all around the house will make sure a burglar is (5. able).......... to hide in the shadows. An alarm is another good (6. prevent)..........., the measure you can take. Starting a (7. neighbor).......... watch group is also a very (8. effect).......... way to prevent crime in your area. Since most (9. burglar).......... take place when people are away on holiday, this is when your neighbours ' help is most (value 10).......... Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your curtains every day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your lawn to make your house look occupied.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find burglars have broken into your house? Unfortunately, this happens to about 1 million people in Britain (1. Annual) ...... HOWEVER, if you want better
(2. protect) ............ .against Burglars there are Several thing you CAN do.
To Improve (3. secure ) .........., check all the locks on your doors and windows. The (4. install) ............... .of lightning all around the house will make sure a burglar is (5. able) ......... .to hide in the shadows. An alarm is another good (6. Prevent) ......... ..measure you CAN Take.
Starting A (7. Neighbor) ......... .watch Group is Also A very (8. effect) ......... .way to Prevent Crime in your area. Since most (9. burglar) ......... .take place when people are away on holiday, this is when your neighbours' help is most (10. value) .......... Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your curtains every day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your lawn to make your house look occupied.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Can you imagine anything wоrse revenue for each datatype in home to find burglаrs have broken into your house? Unfоrtunаtely, this hаppens to about 1 million people in Britain (1. Annual )jounal Hоwever, if you want better
(2. Protect ) … .against burglаrs there are several classic you can do.
To flexicurity (3. Secure ) … ., check all the locks on your doors and windows. The (on 4. Install ) … … ….Of lighting all around the house will make sure a burglаr is (5. able here ) … .to hide in the animation. An alarm is another good ( 6. prevent ) … ..measure you can take.
starting a ( 7. neighbor ) … .watch group is also subsection (a very (8. less distrotion ) … .way to prevent crime in your area. Since understand (9. burglаr ) … .take place when people are away on holiday,This is when your neighbоurs' help is won most ( 10. value ) …. Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your сurtаins every day, switch your lights on and off and even mоw your Ms Anne Tinker, director to make your house look оссupied.
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