Любовь это лучшее чувство в мире. Если мы спросим кого-то "Что такое любовь?", он или она вряд ли найдут достаточно слов, чтобы выразить её смысл. Любовь может быть разной. Существует любовь к родителям, любовь к детям, любовь к животным, любовь к друзьям, первая любовь, любовь к парню или девушке. Когда вы любите кого-то или что-то, то сердце и душа наполняются теплом и добротой. Люди, которые несут любовь в своих сердцах, всегда счастливы и в хорошем настроении. Любовь помогает жить и выживать в трудные моменты нашей жизни.
Возьмем пример из истории: раньше, ну и сейчас большинство войн начинались из-за любви к женщине. Ярким примером является Наполеон. В своих письмах он не раз писал о том, что в его противостоянии с Россией, которая все время выступала союзницей Пруссии, виновата женщина. А точнее, прусская королева Луиза. Также Наполеон хотел взять себе в жены княгиню Анну, но также получил отказ, так как ей было 14 лет.
И все же, я думаю, что любовь это самое главное в жизни каждого человека. Вот почему поэты слагают стихи, режиссеры снимают фильмы и композиторы пишут песни о ней. Все люди в мире хотят любить и быть любимыми. Когда любовь взаимна, это лучшее, что может случиться с человеком.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Love is the best feeling in the world. If we ask someone "what is love?", he or she is unlikely to find enough words to express its meaning. Love can be different. There is love to parents, love children, love for animals, love of friends, first love, love for the guy or girl. When you love someone or something, then the heart and soul filled with warmth and kindness. People who carry the love in their hearts are always happy and in a good mood. Love helps to live and survive in difficult moments of our lives. Take an example from history: previously, and now most wars started because of the love of a woman. A prime example is the Napoleon. In his letters he wrote that in his confrontation with Russia, which has opposed all the time ally of Prussia, blame the woman. More specifically, the Prussian Queen Louise. Napoleon also wanted to take his wife Duchess Anna, but also received a refusal, since she was 14 years old.And yet, I think that love is the most important thing in the life of every human being. That is why poets compose poems, directors shoot films and composers write songs about it. All people in the world want to love and be loved. When love is mutual, it's the best thing that can happen to a person.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Love is the best feeling in the world. If we ask someone, "What is love?", He or she is unlikely to find enough words to express its meaning. Love can be different. There is the love of parents, love for children, love for animals, love for friends, first love, love the guy or girl. When you love someone or something, the heart and soul are filled with warmth and kindness. People who carry love in your hearts, always happy and in a good mood. Love helps to live and survive in the difficult moments of our lives.
Take an example from history: in the past, well, and now most of the wars started because of the love of a woman. A prime example is Napoleon. He often wrote in his letters that in its confrontation with Russia, which is all the time an ally of Prussia appeared to blame the woman. More specifically, the Prussian Queen Louise. Napoleon also wanted to take his wife Princess Anna but also was rejected, since she was 14 years old.
And yet, I think that love is the most important thing in everyone's life. That's why poets compose verses, directors make films and composers write songs about it. All people in the world want to love and be loved. When the love is mutual, this is the best that can happen to a person.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
love is the best feeling in the world. if we ask someone, "what is love?" he or she can hardly find enough words to express it. love may be different. there is the love of parents, love children, love animals, love for friends, first love, love to the boy or girl. when you love someone or something, the heart and soul of overflowing with warmth and kindness. people who have love in their hearts, always happy and in a good mood. love helps us to live and survive in the difficult moments of our life.take the example of the history: before, so now most wars started out of love for a woman. a vivid example is the napoleon. in his letters, he often wrote about in his confrontation with russia, which has all the time have an alliance with prussia, was a woman. more precisely, the prussian queen louise. as napoleon wanted to take my wife grand duchess anna, but also had refused, since she was 14 years old.and yet, i think love is the most important thing in life. that's why poets do poetry, directors made movies and composers write songs about it. all the people in the world want to love and be loved. when the love each other, that is the best thing that could happen to a person.
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