Другое преимущество этой теории в том, что она раскрывает мобильность процесса перевода. В данной модели (теории) перевода выстраивается иерархия уровней эквивалентности. Чем больше уровней эквивалентности будет представлено в переводе, тем качественнее будет сам перевод. Мастерство переводчика раскрывается новым понятием «переводческая компетенция», которая включает в себя способность понимать исходный текст и создавать текст на языке перевода, при этом жизненный опыт, общий и лингвистический кругозор являются фоновыми знаниями. Работа с текстом с использованием этой теории позволяет развивать «текстообразующую» компетенцию переводчика, которая проявляется в умении воспринимать целостность текста и обеспечить целостность создаваемого текста перевода. Данная теория находит свое применение в переводе не только научных текстов, но и узкоспециальных текстов.
Модель теории эквивалентности, несмотря на стремление автора указать переводчику пути достижения эквивалентности исходного и переводного текста, также имеет недостатки: 1) в модели не показана сущность перевода; 2) анализ проводится только с точки зрения лингвистического подхода, что сужает точку зрения автора и не дает ему возможность рассмотреть процесс перевода всесторонне; 3) хотя автором правильно указывается пункт «достижение цели коммуникации», что вписывается в рамки деятельностного подхода, акцентирующей внимание на передаче интенции отправителя текста, уровни эквивалентности не совсем четко объясняют, о каком типе эквивалентности идет речь, то ли о смысловой, то ли об уровне эквивалентности намерений.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Another advantage of this theory is that it reveals the mobility process. In this model (theory) the hierarchy of levels of translation equivalence. The more levels of equivalence in translation will be presented, the better will be the translation. Skill of the interpreter is revealed a new concept of "translational competence", which includes the ability to understand the source text and create the text in the target language, with experience, General and linguistic horizons are background knowledge. Working with text by using this theory allows us to develop "tekstoobrazuûŝuû" competence of the translator, which is manifested in the ability to perceive the integrity of the text and ensure the integrity of the drawn text translation. This theory finds its application in the translation not only scientific texts, but also highly specialized texts. Model theory of equivalence, despite the desire of the author to specify ways to achieve equivalence interpreter source and transferable text also has disadvantages: 1) in the model does not show the essence of translation; 2) analysis is only possible from the point of view of linguistic approach that narrows the point of view of the author and does not give him the opportunity to consider fully the translation process; 3) Although the author correctly specify "achieving the objectives of the communication", which is part of the activity approach, strong emphasis on transfer of intent sender text equivalence levels not quite clearly explain what type of equivalence in question whether the semantic, whether on the level of equivalence of intentions.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Another advantage of this theory is that it reveals the mobility of the translation process. In this model (theory) Translation builds a hierarchy of levels of equivalence. The higher levels of equivalence will be presented in the translation, the better will be the translation itself. Skill interpreter revealed a new concept of "translation competence", which includes the ability to understand the source code and create text in the target language, with experience, common and linguistic horizons are background knowledge. Working with text using this theory allows us to develop "text-forming" the competence of the translator, which is manifested in the ability to perceive the integrity of the text and to ensure the integrity of the generated translation. This theory finds its application not only in the translation of scientific texts, but of highly specialized texts.
Model equivalence theory, despite the desire of the author to specify a translator achieving equivalence of the original and translated text, also has disadvantages: 1) the model does not show the essence of the translation; 2) The analysis is carried out only from the point of view of the linguistic approach, which narrows the point of view of the author and does not give him the opportunity to consider fully the translation process; 3) While the author correctly points out point "to achieve the goal of communication" that fits into the framework of the activity approach, focuses on the transfer intention of the sender of the text equivalent level not clearly explain what type of equivalence in question, or on the meaning, or about the level of intention equivalence.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the other advantage of this theory is that it reveals the mobility process of translation. in the model (theory) of translation equivalence is the hierarchy of levels. the more levels of equivalence will be presented in translation, the better will be the translation itself. the skill of the interpreter is a new notion "translation компетенция», which includes the ability to understand the source text and to create text in the language of the translation, the life experience, the linguistic knowledge and background knowledge are. working with text, using this theory to develop "текстообразующую» competence of the translator, which is manifested in the ability to ensure the integrity of the integrity of the text and text translation. this theory finds its application in the translation is not only the scientific texts, but also highly specialized texts.the theory of equivalence, despite the desire of the author to achieve equivalence between the original and translator bill text also has disadvantages: 1) in the model is the essence of translation; (2) the analysis is only in terms of the linguistic approach, which reduces the views of the author and does not give him the opportunity to consider the process of translation to; (3) while the right is казывается item "to achieve the purpose of communications", within the framework of деятельностного approach, акцентирующей attention to the transfer of интенции sender text levels of equivalence does not clearly explain what type of equivalence in question, whether semantic, or on the level of the equivalence point.
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