В ворота гостиницы губернского города NN въехала довольно красивая рессорная небольшая бричка, в какой ездят холостяки: отставные подполковники, штабс-капитаны, помещики, имеющие около сотни душ крестьян, — словом, все те, которых называют господами средней руки. В бричке сидел господин, не красавец, но и не дурной наружности, ни слишком толст, ни слишком тонок; нельзя сказать, чтобы стар, однако ж и не так чтобы слишком молод. Въезд его не произвел в городе совершенно никакого шума и не был сопровожден ничем особенным; только два русские мужика, стоявшие у дверей кабака против гостиницы, сделали кое-какие замечания, относившиеся, впрочем, более к экипажу, чем к сидевшему в нем. «Вишь ты, — сказал один другому, — вон какое колесо! что ты думаешь, доедет то колесо, если б случилось, в Москву или не доедет?» — «Доедет», — отвечал другой. «А в Казань-то, я думаю, не доедет?» — «В Казань не доедет», — отвечал другой. Этим разговор и кончился. Да еще, когда бричка подъехала к гостинице, встретился молодой человек в белых канифасовых панталонах, весьма узких и коротких, во фраке с покушеньями на моду, из-под которого видна была манишка, застегнутая тульскою булавкою с бронзовым пистолетом. Молодой человек оборотился назад, посмотрел экипаж, придержал рукою картуз, чуть не слетевший от ветра, и пошел своей дорогой.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
At the gate of the provincial City Hotels NN entered quite a beautiful spring a small carriage ride in which Bachelors: retired colonels, Lieutenant-captains, landlords, having about a hundred souls of peasants — in short, all those who were referred to as Lords high hands. In light carriage sat a gentleman, not handsome, but also not bad appearance, nor too stout or too thin; We cannot say that the old, but not too young. His entry is not made in absolutely no noise and was not attached to anything special; only two Russian man, who stood at the door of the tavern against hotels, made some comments, however, belongs more to the crew than gave it. "Just you," said one to another,-Vaughn what wheel! What do you think, let the wheel if b happened to Moscow or not go? "—" Go, "replied another. "But in Kazan-what I think not go?" — "in Kazan will not go," replied another. This conversation and stoped. So even when the carriage drove up to the hotel, he met a young man in white kanifasovyh some very narrow and short, in a dress with pokušen′âmi on fashion, from which visible was Dickey buttoned, tul′skoû bulavkoû with bronze pistol. The young man turned back, looked up the crew, held by CAP, almost Cupid having descended from the wind, and went his way.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
At the gates of the hotel provincial city NN drove quite pretty small spring chaise, in which travel bachelors: Retired lieutenant colonel, the staff-captain, landowners have about a hundred peasant souls, - in short, all those who are called masters of the mediocre. In the cart sat lord, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too thick nor too thin; I can not say that is old, however, and not so young too. its entrance is not produced in the city is absolutely no noise and was not accompanied by nothing special; Only two Russian peasant, who stood at the door of the tavern opposite the hotel, made some comments, concerns, however, over the crew, than sitting in it. "You see you, - said one to another, - out of a wheel! what do you think will reach the wheel, if I happened to Moscow or will not make it? "-" drive away "- answered the other. "In Kazan, I think, will not make it?" - "In Kazan will not make it", - he answered the other. This conversation is over. Moreover, when the chaise drove up to the hotel, I met a young man in white trousers kanifasovyh, very narrow and short, in a frock coat with the attempt to fashion, from beneath which was visible dickey, Tula pins fastened with a bronze gun. The young man he turned back, looked crew held the hand of his cap, just not the flying in the wind, and went his way.
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