долгое время я ценил мясо очень высоко, прежде чем я стал вегетарианце перевод - долгое время я ценил мясо очень высоко, прежде чем я стал вегетарианце английский как сказать

долгое время я ценил мясо очень выс

долгое время я ценил мясо очень высоко, прежде чем я стал вегетарианцем и предпочел овощи и фрукты мясу.

Мы выпускали новую модель подводной лодки в течение 2 лет, когда спрос на нее неожиданно упал.

Агенты не могли поднять цену на квартиру, потому что цена на аренду жилья в некоторых городах Америки находилась под контролем законодательства со времен нехватки жилья.

Потребитель покупал товар по текущей цене в течение нескольких недель, когда, наконец, он понял, что его финансовая жертва была больше, чем его удовлетворение от покупки данного товара.

Участники встречи обсуждали проблему контроля цен и введения карточек в течение 2 часов, прежде чем они пришли к выводу, что это единственный путь борьбы с временными нехватками продуктов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
for a long time, I appreciated the meat very much before I became a vegetarian and prefer fruits and vegetables to meat.We have released a new model of the submarine during the 2 years when demand unexpectedly dropped.Agents could not raise the price of the apartment, because the price of housing in some cities in America was under the control of the legislation since the housing shortage.Consumer goods bought at the current price for a few weeks, when finally he realized that his financial sacrifice was more than satisfied with the purchase of this product.The participants of the meeting discussed the issue of price controls and the introduction of cards within 2:00, before they came to the conclusion that this is the only way to combat temporary shortages of food.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
long time I appreciated the meat is very high, before I became a vegetarian and prefer vegetables to meat and vegetables.

We have produced a new model submarine for 2 years, when the demand for it fell unexpectedly.

Agents can not raise the price of the apartment, because the price of rental housing in some cities of America was under the control of the legislation at the time of the housing shortage.

Consumers to buy goods at the current price in a few weeks, when he finally realized that his financial sacrifice was more than satisfied with his purchase of this product.

The meeting participants discussed prices and the introduction of card control problem for 2 hours, before they came to the conclusion that the only way to deal with temporary shortages of products.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
for a long time, i was fond of meat is very high, before i became a vegetarian and prefer vegetables, fruit and meat.we have a new model of the submarine during the 2 years, when demand fell suddenly.the agents could not raise the price of the apartment, because the price of rental housing in some cities of america was under the control of law since the housing shortage.consumer buy goods on the current price in the next few weeks, when he finally realized his financial sacrifice was more than pleased with the purchase of this product.the meeting discussed the control of prices and the introduction of cards for 2 hours before they came to the conclusion that it is the only way to combat the provisional нехватками products.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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