.Они обсуждают этот вопрос очень давно, но пока ничего не решили. 2. М перевод - .Они обсуждают этот вопрос очень давно, но пока ничего не решили. 2. М английский как сказать

.Они обсуждают этот вопрос очень да

.Они обсуждают этот вопрос очень давно, но пока ничего не решили. 2. Мы не встречались с тех пор, как он уехал в Лондон. Но всё это время мы переписываемся. 3. — Почему твои волосы мокрые? — Я плавала. 4. Где мои очки? Где я их опять оставила? Ну почему я их всё время теряю? 5. Полиция следит за ним вот уже несколько дней и собирается арестовать его. 6. — Я здесь уже полчаса. А ты где был? — Я был в лаборатории. 7. У него маленький бизнес. Он у него уже несколько лет. 8. — Ты прочитал инструкцию к телефону? — Да, я сделал это минуту назад. 9. Мы только что были в зоомагазине (petshop) и накупили много еды нашей собаке. 10. — Посмотри! Коробка пустая. Кто-то съел все конфеты! — Это точно Лиза. Она всегда была любительницей шоколада. — А я ни одной конфетки не попробовала. 11. Она расстроена. Она только что была в банке, но её деньги ещё не пришли. 12. — Прости меня! — Уже простила и всё¸ забыла.
13.— Ты жуёшь всё¸ то время, что мы с тобой разговариваем. Ты не слышал, что это вредно (плохо)? — Да, это плохая привычка. 14. — Вы слышали последние новости? — Ну а кто же их не слышал? Все уже знают их. 15. — Ты когда-нибудь пыталась бросить (give up) курить? — Я много раз пыталась сделать это, но пока мне не удалось сделать это. 16. — И как давно всё это продолжается? — Это всё¸ началось в прошлом году.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
They are discussing this issue for a very long time, but nothing is yet decided. 2. We have not met since he went to London. But we talk all the time. 3. Why is your hair wet? "I swam. 4. Where are my glasses? Where I left them again? Why can't I lose all the while? 5. Police monitors him for several days and is about to arrest him. 6. I have been here for half an hour. And where are you? I was in the lab. 7. He has little business. It is already several years old. 8.-did you read the instructions to the phone? -Yes, I made it a minute ago. 9. We have just been in the pet shop (petshop) and bought a lot of food for our dog. 10.-look! Box is empty. Someone ate all the candy! Is exactly Lisa. It has always been a lover of chocolate. — And I'm no candy is not attempted. 11. She is upset. She was in the Bank, but the money has not arrived. 12. — forgive me! Is Already forgiven and everything ... I forgot.13. žuëš′-you are everything, while we talk with you. You didn't hear that it is harmful (bad)? — Yes, it's a bad habit. 14.-have you heard the latest news? — Well, who hasn't heard them? Everyone already knows them. 15.-have you ever tried to quit (give up) smoking? I many times tried to do this, but so far I have failed to do so. 16. — and how long ago it all lasts? Is everything, began last year.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
.They Are discussing this issue for a long time, but so far nothing has been decided. 2. We have not met since then, he went to London. But all this time we corresponded. 3 - Why is your hair wet? - I swam. 4. Where are my glasses? Where I left them again? Why did I lose them all the time? 5. The police followed him for several days and was going to arrest him. 6. - I've been here half an hour. Where have you been? - I have been in the laboratory. 7. He has a small business. He had for several years. 8. - Did you read the instructions in the phone? - Yes, I did it a moment ago. 9. We have just been in a pet store (petshop) and bought a lot of food to our dog. 10. - Look! An empty box. Someone ate all the candy! - It's just Lisa. She was always a lover of chocolate. - I have no candy not tried. 11. She is upset. She had just been to the bank, but it is not the money came from. 12. - I'm sorry! - Has already forgiven and forgotten vsё¸.
13.- You chew vsё¸ the time that we're talking. You have not heard that it's bad (bad)? - Yes, it's a bad habit. 14 - Have you heard the latest news? - Well, who has not heard of them? Everyone already knows them. 15 - Have you ever tried to give up (give up) smoking? - Many times I have tried to do this, but so far I could not do it. 16. - How long all this going on? - It vsё¸ began last year.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
lookout for these zombies. they"re talking about this question for a long time, but still haven"t decided. 2. we haven"t met since he left for london. but it"s time we write. 3. why is your hair wet? i was swimming. 4. where are my glasses? where i left them again? why i always lose? 5. the police are watching him for a few days and was about to arrest him. 6. - i"ve been here for half an hour. where have you been? - i was in the laboratory. 7. he"s got a little business. he has been for several years. 8. - did you read the instructions on the phone? - yeah, i made it a minute ago. 9. we just went to a pet shop (petshop) and just bought a lot of food, our dog. 10. - look! the box is empty. someone ate all the candy! - it"s lisa. she was always loved chocolate. - i"m not a candy, not tried. 11. she"s upset. she was just in the bank, but her money yet. 12. - i"m sorry. - всё¸ have already forgiven and forgotten.14. - you"re всё¸ while we"re talking to you. didn"t you hear what is bad (bad)? - yeah, it"s a bad habit. 14. have you heard the latest news? - well, who"s never heard of. everybody knows them. 15. - have you ever tried to quit (give up) smoking? - i"ve tried to do it, but i couldn"t do it. 16. - and how long has it been? - it"s всё¸ began last year.
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