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Новый жанр публицистикиПоявился и в

Новый жанр публицистики
Появился и все больше развивается новый жанр публицистики – журналистское расследование. У этого творческого направления уже славная история. Самый большой успех был, конечно, у американских журналистов, когда они обнаружили, раскопали «уотергейтский скан¬дал», который окончился тем, что в отставку подал президент могущественной страны. Весь мир с восхищением следил за ходом рас¬следования, начатого скромными работниками газеты.
В отечественной прессе жанр расследования стал активно разви¬ваться в семидесятые годы. Вопреки строгим цензурным ограничени¬ям, изобретательно обходя запреты ЦК КПСС, в «Литературной газе¬те» два десятилетия печатались «Эксперименты ЛГ», которые были поддержаны миллионами читателей.
Сейчас у российских СМИ имеются более широкие возможности для развития этого трудного, но столь необходимого всему обществу жанра. Появились и энтузиасты, которые самостоятельно «разгреба¬ют навоз в конюшнях». Все чаще в СМИ мелькает название рубрики «Расследования». Однако публикуемые материалы не всегда соответ-ствуют смыслу рубрики. По большей части, это публикации готовых судебных расследований, к проведению которых журналисты не имеют никакого отношения.
Что же такое журналистское расследование?
Журналистское расследование не может появиться на свет без инициативы, идеи и усилий со стороны журналиста. Это материал, обладающий высокой новостной ценностью и большой значимостью для общества. Расследование основывается на множестве источников информации – людях, документах, данных и личном наблюдении. Во многих случаях на поверхность выплывают материалы, которые власти предпочли бы не раскрывать. Но иногда в материалах содер¬жится информация, полученная непосредственно от представителей власти.
Джин Робертс, в прошлом редактор «Филадельфия инкуайерер», одной из самых известных американских газет, специализирующихся на расследованиях, сказал, что журналистское расследование заклю¬чается «не в том, чтобы застать политика со спущенными штанами или выявить отдельное нарушение закона, а в том, чтобы докапывать¬ся до фактов, лежащих глубоко под поверхностью, чтобы помочь чи¬тателю в понимании того, что происходит в нашем все более сложном мире».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A new genre of journalismAppeared and increasingly develops a new genre of journalism — journalistic investigation. This creative direction already has a glorious history. The biggest success was, of course, American journalists when they discovered, excavated "Watergate scan ¬ gave, which ended so that the resignation, the President of a powerful country. The whole world followed with admiration the races begun sequence ¬ modest newspaper workers.In the domestic press genre investigation became active development ¬ in the seventies. Despite the strict censors ' restraint ¬ Yam, resourcefully avoiding prohibitions of the CPSU, in the literary Gaza ¬ those two decades were printed "LH" Experiments, which were supported by millions of readers.Russian media now have more opportunities to develop this difficult but essential to society as a whole. There are enthusiasts who independently "razgreba ¬ Ute manure at the stables. Increasingly in the media flashes by the name of "investigation". However, the published material is not always related to consolidation of the meaning of the categories. For the most part, this publication ready judicial investigations, to which journalists are irrelevant.What is the journalistic investigation?Journalistic investigation cannot be born without the initiatives, ideas and efforts on the part of the journalist. It is a material with high news value and great significance to society. The investigation was based on multiple sources of information, people, documents, data, and personal observation. In many cases, come to the surface material that the authorities would prefer not to disclose. But sometimes the materials contained ¬ contained information received directly from the authorities.Gene Roberts, an editor in the past, "Philadelphia Inquirer, one of the most famous American newspaper specializing in investigations, said the journalistic investigation was ongoing" ¬ not to catch politics with his pants down or identify a single violation of the law, but to dokapyvat' ¬ Xia to facts, lying deep below the surface to help Chi ¬ tatelju in understanding what is happening in our increasingly complex world.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The new genre of journalism
has appeared more and develop a new genre of journalism - journalistic investigation. This creative direction has a glorious history. The biggest success was, of course, American journalists when they found unearthed "skan¬dal Watergate," which ended with the fact that the resigned president of a powerful country. The whole world watched with admiration the progress ras¬sledovaniya initiated modest staff of the newspaper.
In the domestic press of the investigation genre has been actively razvi¬vatsya in the seventies. Despite strict censorship ogranicheni¬yam, ingeniously circumventing bans the CPSU Central Committee, in "Literary gaze¬te" two decades of published "Experiments LH", which were supported by millions of readers.
Now the Russian media are more opportunities for the development of this difficult but much needed all genres of society. There were also enthusiasts who own "razgreba¬yut manure in the stables." Increasingly, the media flashed the name of the "investigation" column. However, the published material does not always exist respectively, within the meaning of heading. For the most part, this publication ready prosecutions, to hold that journalists have nothing to do.
What is investigative journalism?
Investigative journalism can not be born without the initiative, ideas and effort on the part of the journalist. This material has high news value and great significance for society. The investigation is based on a variety of sources of information - people, documents, data, and personal observation. In many cases, they swim on the surface of the materials, which the authorities would prefer not to disclose. But sometimes in the materials soder¬zhitsya information obtained directly from the authorities.
Gene Roberts, a former editor of the "Philadelphia Inquirer", one of the most famous American newspapers, specialized in investigations, said that journalistic investigation zaklyu¬chaetsya "not in to catch the policies with their pants down or reveal a separate violation of the law, and to dokapyvat¬sya to facts lying deep beneath the surface to help chi¬tatelyu in understanding what is happening in our increasingly complex world. "
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a new genre of publicistsa more developed a new genre of publicists, investigative journalism. this creative direction has the glorious history. the biggest success was, of course, american journalists when they discovered, dug up the watergate скан¬дал», who is the president's resignation has powerful country. the whole world with admiration had followed the рас¬следования initiated modest by the newspaper.in the domestic press genre investigation became actively разви¬ваться in the seventies. despite the strict цензурным ограничени¬ям, ingenious bypassing the prohibitions of the communist party of the soviet union, "the literary газе¬те» two decades included the experiments лг», supported by millions of readers.now, the russian media, there are more opportunities for the development of the difficult, but necessary for societies as a whole genre. some enthusiasts who own "разгреба¬ют manure in конюшнях». increasingly in the media a name under "investigation". however, the published material was not always within the meaning of section. for the most part, the publication of trials, in which journalists have no relationship.what is journalistic investigation?journalistic investigation cannot be born without initiatives, ideas and efforts by the journalist. the material is of high news value and great significance to the society. the investigation is based on multiple sources of information, people, documents, data and personal observation. in many cases, the surface выплывают materials that the authorities would prefer not to disclose. but sometimes in the materials содер¬жится information obtained directly from the authorities.gene roberts, formerly editor of the philadelphia инкуайерер», one of the most famous american newspaper specializing in the investigation, said that заклю¬чается journalistic investigation "is not to find the policy with his pants around his ankles, or identify a violation of the law, but to докапывать¬ся to facts, which is far below the surface, to help in the understanding of чи¬тателю, what's going on in our increasingly complex world.
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