количество отслуживших в армии братьев никак не влияет на то, заберут  перевод - количество отслуживших в армии братьев никак не влияет на то, заберут  английский как сказать

количество отслуживших в армии брат

количество отслуживших в армии братьев никак не влияет на то, заберут ли Вашего хабиба в армию
не забирают, только если он - единственный сын (наличие сестер не влияет на ситуацию вообще)

если по образованию он инженер/врач/компьютерщик/технарь, то 99%, что его заберут, причем, могут забрать на 3 года, потому что эти профессии армии нужны

если образование другое, то забирают на год, если забирают

если образования нет, могут забрать на 3 года

что касается здоровья - я до сих пор в шоке, как у них там это делается...всех раздевают до трусов, ставят в строй, просят вытянуть руки, потом спрашивают: у кого есть такие-то и такие-то болезни? у кого есть - приходите завтра на медкомиссию :o
то есть, если ты не скажешь про свои недуги, тебя просто забреют в армию и даже проверять не будут

связи там не помогают, даже дети больших армейских шишек могут загреметь в армейские ряды - вот что они там будут делать - регулировщиками работать или только ходить, отмечаться 2 раза в год - вопрос другой
поэтому многие пытаются откосить, продолжая год за годом платить за обучение

вообще, система такая: если по образованию мужчина армии не нужен, то проводится лоттерея дней рождений...ага...не падайте в обморок, они именно так это там делают...
подаешь документы, через месяцок другой тебе объявляют, попадает твоя дата рождения в призыв или нет, кому повезет - получает официальную отсрочку на 3 года (а не на год, как говорилось в предыдущих постах), потом она продлевается каждые скока-то там лет, пока египтянину не стукнет 27 или 28 (тож не помню точно)

и самое главное, никакие женитьбы на русских от армии откосить не помогают...мы специально платили адвокату, чтобы выяснить этот вопрос, согласно официальному египетскому законодательству
вот женитьба на американке или британке, возможно, поможет, но только если брак был заключен задолго до призыва, к тому же инфо эта не проверенная, так как один из знакомых, муж американки, сейчас служит как миленький

откуп, что самое удивительное, тоже не работает, там просто нет его

полиция вся продажная, а в армии почему-то взяток не берут, по крайней мере у тех, кто хочет от нее откосить :D

самое ужасное, что пока с армией не разберешься, то из страны можно выехать только по бумаге из универа, которая доказывает, что ты студент
просто так подать документы в армию тож не получится, потому что их можно подавать только в строго отведенные даты, о которых сообщается в СМИ, причем дата и месяц (!) подачи документов тоже зависят от даты рождения, даты окончания университета и еще кучи разного дерьма, простите за выражение, - накипело :x

но если удача - в армию не взяли, то нужно минимум несколько месяцев, чтобы выдали бумагу, в которой официально говорится об отсрочке
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
number of brothers served in the army does not affect the fact will be taken to your Habib in the army
do not take unless he - the only son (the presence of the sisters does not affect the situation at all)

if he is an engineer by training / physician / geek / techie, 99% that it will be picked up, and can pick up for 3 years, because these professions need the army

if the formation of another, then take a year if taken

if there is no education, can take 3 years

for the health - I'm still in shock, as they have done ... there is all stripped down to their underwear, put into operation, ask your hands out and then ask:who has such and such a disease? who has - come back tomorrow for a medical examination: o
that is, unless you tell me about their ailments, you just zabreyut into the army and will not even check the connection there

do not help,even children large army cones can thunder in the army ranks - that's what they do there - adjuster work or just walk, celebrated two times a year - is another matter
so many are trying to hang,continues year after year to pay for tuition at all

, the system is this: if the education man army is not needed, it is conducted Lottery birthdays ... yeah ... do not faint, they are just so out there doing it ...
Submit documents through other mesyatsok you announce your birth date falls in the call or not, who are lucky - gets official reprieve for 3 years (but not for a year, as mentioned in previous posts)then it shall be renewed every lope out there years before the Egyptian did not knock 27 or 28 (identity not remember exactly)

and most importantly, no marriage at Russian army hang on ... we do not help specifically paid lawyerto clarify this issue, according to the official Egyptian law
's marriage to an American or a Briton might help, but only if the marriage took place long before the draft,to the same information, this is not proven as one of the familiar, the American husband, now serves as a nice little

mercy, most surprisingly, does not work, there just is not it

police whole sale,and in the army for some reason do not take bribes, at least for those who want to hang on it: d

worst of all, that while the army will not understand, then you can leave the country only on paper from University, which proves
you're a student just apply to the army identity does not work, because they may be supplied only in strictly designated date, as reported in the media, and the date and month (!) Filing also depend on the date of birth, date of graduation and still heaps of different shit, pardon the expression - boiling: x

but if luck - in the army did not take, then you need at least a few months,to have issued a paper which officially referred to postpone
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
the number of old army brothers did not affect whether your Habib will be picked up in the army not only pull
if he is the only son of (the sisters did not affect the situation in General)

If he engineer/doctor/geek/techie, the 99% that it will be picked up, and could pick up to 3 years, because these professions need army

if education other, pull for a year if the pull

If there is no education, can pick up on the 3 year

health-I'm still in shock, as they have there it is done ...all stripped to panties, put into operation, is asked to draw out the hands, then ask: who has such and such disease? a-come tomorrow at the medical examination: o
that is, if you can not be said about their ailments, you just zabreût into the army and even the check will not be

because there's no help, even the children of the large army of cones may be in army ranks-that's what they will be doing public work-or just walk in, mark the 2 times a year in another question
so many are trying to get out of it, continuing year after year, to pay for training

in General, the system is this: If a man the army education is not needed, a lottery of birthdays ...AGA ...do not drop the pass out, they are out there doing ...
any documents through mesâcok another you declare is your date of birth in the call or not, who are lucky to get official reprieve for 3 years (and not per year, as mentioned in previous posts), then she shall be renewed every DAP there years before egiptâninu not'm 27 or 28 (August 11, can't remember exactly)

and most importantly, no marriage in the Russian army from the slope does not help ...We paid the lawyer to determine this question, according to the official Egyptian law
here's marriage to an American or got Briton might help, but only if the marriage took place long before the call, the same info that is not proven, because one of the familiar, the husband of the Americans, now serves as a nice little

mercy, what is most surprising, is also not working, there's simply no his whole sale, police

While the army did not take bribes, at least those who want to get out of it it:D

the worst thing is that while the army is not sure, then you can leave the country only on paper from University, which proves you're a student just
apply identically to the army fail, because they can serve only in the strictly reserved dates, as reported in the MEDIA, with the date and month (!the filing also) depends on the date of birth, date of graduation, and have heaps of different crap, pardon the expression, I am fed: x

but if luck is not taken into the army, it needs a minimum of a few months, to have issued the paper, formally called the deferred
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The number of personnel serving in the army brothers does not affect whether or not your Habib will be picked up in the army
were not picked up, only if he is the only son of (the sisters does not affect the situation at all)

If the education he engineer/doctor/day geek/a rare quality, it is 99 %, that it will be picked up, and can pick up on the 3 year, because these professions army needed lord if education another, the picked up for the year, if they are picking up

If there is no education, can pick up the 3 year Lord with regard to health care, i still in shock, as they have this is done ... all they are stripped to cowards, pose in operational, request pull hands, then ask:There is no such-and-such and such-and-such disease? Do we have to come back tomorrow at the potential draftee :on the
that is, if you do not tell about their ills, you simply забреют into the army and even check will not be lord, there did not help,Even children are large army guys can загреметь in army ranks - that is what they will do - Kuibysheva work or just walk, observed 2 times a year - the question another
that is why many are trying to откосить,By continuing, year by year to pay for education lord at all, the system such a: if the education man army is not needed, it is лоттерея days birth ... aga ... don't loose heart in the contrary, this is exactly what they are doing there ...
Jump higher documents, through месяцок another you declare, enters your date of birth in the call or not, people are lucky enough to receive an official waiver for 3 years (and not for the year, as mentioned in previous posts),Then it has been extended every his talk-there years, as long as you know such people Japanese Masashi Ebinuma is not 27 or 28 (ect don't remember exactly) lord and most importantly, no dowries at the Russians from the army откосить does not help ... we specifically pay a lawyer,To determine this question, according to the official Egyptian law
here is Bill Clinton to disgrace or британке, may help, but only if the marriage was concluded long before appeal,The same info this is not proven, as one of the familiar, the husband; Latinos hold, now serves as a major museums lord scandal, the most amazing, also does not work, there is simply no his lord police the entire sale,And in the army why the bribes have not assumed, at least for those, who wants to from it откосить :D Lord the most horrific, that as long as the army is not разберешься, from the country you can leave only on paper from универа, which provesWhat are you a student
just simply apply to documents in the army ect does not fail, it is because their can only be submitted in the strictly reserved date, which were reported in the media, with date and month (!) Feeder is also dependent on the date of birth, date of the end of the university, and even different heap leader's favorite toys, I am sorry for the expression, - накипело :x Lord but if luck - in the army does not have, then you must at least a few more months,To issued paper, in which formally referred to the deferral
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