Кроме того следует отметить что при оплате за жилищные услуги в расчёт перевод - Кроме того следует отметить что при оплате за жилищные услуги в расчёт английский как сказать

Кроме того следует отметить что при

Кроме того следует отметить что при оплате за жилищные услуги в расчёте использовалась только жилая площадь квартиры, а все работы по капитальному ремонту и реконструкции жилых зданий производились за счёт государства, на что из бюджета страны выделялись необходимые средства, происходило это в виду того что в СССР жилищно-коммунальное хозяйство финансировалось за счет общественных фондов потребления и прибыли предприятий реального сектора экономики, которые имели на балансе жилые дома и объекты социально-культурного назначения. Доля платежей населения за жилищно-коммунальные услуги не превышала 4% от общего количества необходимых средств. Предприятия, имевшие собственный жилищной фонд и не имевшие средств на его содержание, получали дотации из бюджета.С развалом социалистической формы народного хозяйства и передачей с 1992 г. жилых и социально-культурных объектов на баланс местного самоуправления, с одной стороны, способствовала увеличению бюджетных расходов на ЖКХ, а с другой — положила начало новому этапу тарифной политики — повышению долевого участия потребителей в финансировании ЖКХ, удержанию роста тарифов в заданных пределах. При этом критериями определения размеров тарифов попеременно становились:-сохранение сложившегося уровня цен;-изменение в пределах индекса потребительских цен;-доведение до экономически обоснованного уровня при ограничении темпов роста; т.е. одномоментно.В отдельные годы рост цен на жилищно-коммунальные услуги составлял 40—50%. Тарифы стали фактором повышения инфляции. После кризиса 1998 г. инфляция стала опережать рост тарифов, что обусловило рост задолженности в ЖКХ, последствия которого не преодолены до сих пор. Механизмом управляемого повышения тарифов стали федеральные стандарты предельной стоимости жилищно-коммунальных услуг в расчете на 1 м2 общей площади жилья. Одновременно регулировалось повышение общего уровня тарифов и повышение доли потребителей в платежах за жилищно-коммунальные услуги. Общий уровень тарифов без увеличения платежей потребителей повысить можно, а повысить эти платежи без роста тарифов невозможно. Таким образом, повышение тарифов неизбежно ведет к повышению доли потребителей в платежах ЖКХ.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In addition it should be noted that when paying for housing services in the calculation only used living area of ​​the apartment, but all work on the overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings were made at the expense of the state to that of the national budget allocated the necessary funds, it happens since in the USSR housing and communal services financed by public funds of consumption and profits of the real sector of the economy, which had on the balance of dwelling houses and objects of social and cultural destination. The share of payments of the population for housing and communal services did not exceed 4% of the necessary funds. Enterprises that had their own housing stock and did not have funds for its maintenance, received subsidies from the budget.<br>With the collapse of the socialist forms of the economy and the transfer of 1992 residential and socio-cultural facilities in the local government balance, on the one hand, it contributed to an increase in budget expenditures on housing and communal services, and on the other - marked the beginning of a new stage in the tariff policy - to increase the equity of consumers in financing engineering retain growth rates within the prescribed limits. In this case the criteria for determining tariffs sizes alternately become: <br>Storing the established price level; <br>-change within the consumer price index; <br>-dovedenie to economically reasonable level by limiting the growth rate; those. simultaneously.<br>In some years, the rise in prices for housing and communal services amounted to 40-50%. Tariffs have become a factor of rising inflation. After the crisis of 1998, inflation began to outpace the growth rates, which resulted in the growth of debt in the housing and communal services, the effects of which have not been overcome so far. Mechanism managed tariff increases became federal standards limit the cost of housing and communal services per 1 m2 of total living space. At the same time governed by raising the general level of tariffs and increasing the share of consumers in payment for housing and communal services. The general level of tariffs without increasing user charges can increase and increase these payments without an increase in tariffs is not possible. Thus, the tariff increase will inevitably lead to an increase in the proportion of consumers in the housing and communal services payments.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In addition, it should be noted that when paying for housing services in the calculation used only the living area of the apartment, and all the work on overhaul and reconstruction of residential buildings were carried out at the expense of the state, for which the budget of the country allocated necessary funds, it happened since in the USSR housing and utilities were financed by public funds of consumption and profits of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, which had on the balance of houses and facilities socio-cultural purpose. The share of payments of the population for housing and utilities services did not exceed 4% of the total amount of funds required. Businesses that had their own housing stock and did not have the funds to maintain it received subsidies from the budget.<br>With the collapse of the socialist form of the national economy and the transfer of residential and socio-cultural facilities to the balance of local government since 1992, on the one hand, contributed to the increase in budget expenditures for housing and utilities, and on the other hand, it marked the beginning of a new phase tariff policy - to increase the share of consumers in the financing of housing and utilities, to keep the growth of tariffs within the specified limits. At the same time, the criteria for determining the size of tariffs alternately became:<br>Maintaining the current level of prices;<br>Change within the consumer price index;<br>Bringing it to an economically sound level while limiting growth; i.e. at once.<br>In some years, the increase in prices for housing and utilities was 40-50%. Tariffs have become a factor in the increase in inflation. After the crisis of 1998, inflation began to outpace the growth of tariffs, which led to an increase in debt in housing and utilities, the consequences of which have not been overcome until now. The mechanism of managed tariff increases was the federal standard of limiting the cost of housing and utilities services per 1 m2 of total housing area. At the same time, the general level of tariffs was regulated and the share of consumers in payments for housing and utilities services was increased. The general level of tariffs without increasing consumer payments can be increased, and it is impossible to increase these payments without increasing tariffs. Thus, the increase in tariffs inevitably leads to an increase in the share of consumers in utility payments.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In addition, it should be noted that only apartment areas are used in the calculation of the cost of housing services. A all housing overhaul projects are funded by the state, and the state budget allocates necessary funds for this purpose. This is because in the Soviet Union, housing and utilities were funded from public consumption funds and the profits of enterprises in the real economic sector, In the area of housing and social and cultural facilities, the balance sheet of housing and social and cultural facilities is calculated on the basis of the balance sheet of housing and social and cultural facilities. The proportion of expenditure on housing and public services shall not exceed 4% of the total required funds. Businesses that own their own homes and have no money to maintain them receive subsidies from the budget.<br>With the collapse and transfer of the socialist form of national economy since 1992. On the one hand, housing and social and cultural facilities have promoted the balance of local governments; on the other hand, the budget of housing and social and cultural facilities has increased; On the other hand, it ushered in a new stage of tariff policy, that is, increasing the participation of consumers in housing financing and maintaining tariff growth within the prescribed limits. However, the criteria for determining tax rates are alternating:<br>-Maintain the current price level;<br>-Changes in the CPI range;<br>-At the same time of limiting the growth rate, we should reach a reasonable level in economy, that is to say, a reasonable level in economy; instant<br>Over the years, housing and utility prices have risen by 40 to 50 per cent. Tariffs are a factor in inflation. After the 1998 crisis Inflation has exceeded the increase in tariffs, leading to an increase in housing loan debt, the impact of which has yet to be overcome. The Federal Housing and public service ceiling is one square meter of the total residential area, which is a mechanism to raise fees in a managed way. At the same time, management has been carried out to raise the overall tariff level and the proportion of consumers in the cost of housing and public services. If the payment of consumers is not increased, the total tariff level can be increased. If the tariff is not increased, it cannot be increased. Therefore, increasing tariffs will inevitably increase the proportion of consumers in public sector service payments.<br>
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