Конечно, у нас есть аэропорт. Из Москвы до Ижевска лететь 1,5 часа. Было бы здорово, если бы мы писали друг другу почаще, интересовались текущими делами. Наверно, именно этого я и жду. И хотела спросить у тебя. Неужели я тебя так заинтересовала?
Of course, we have an airport. From Moscow to Izhevsk fly 1.5 hours. It would be great if we wrote to each other often asked questions about current affairs. Perhaps, this is what I'm waiting for. And I wanted to ask you. Am I really so interested in you?
Of course, we have the airport. From Moscow to Izhevsk fly 1.5 hours. It would be great if we wrote to each other often, interest in current affairs. Perhaps this is what I expect. And I would like to ask you. Do I love you so interested?
of course, we have the airport. from moscow to izhevsk to 1.5 hours. it would be great if we could write to each other more often interested in current affairs. i guess that's what i expect. and i wanted to ask you. do i make you interested in it?