65045, Одесса, ул. Греческая, 25/11Факс: +38048 729-67-08, Тел. 722-64 перевод - 65045, Одесса, ул. Греческая, 25/11Факс: +38048 729-67-08, Тел. 722-64 английский как сказать

65045, Одесса, ул. Греческая, 25/11

65045, Одесса, ул. Греческая, 25/11
Факс: +38048 729-67-08, Тел. 722-64-08
Тел.: +38-067-487-36-56 Администратор
E-mail: redirect@hotel-ekaterina.com

СПД Крутянский
Александр Вячеславович
Код ЄДРПОУ № 3019511790
р/с 26004377094
МФО 380805
Райффайзен Банк Аваль г. Киев

Уважаемые Господа!
Рады сообщить Вам о бронировании
номера «Чайная Роза» (одноместное размещение) и «Сауна» (одноместное размещение)
с 03.03.2014 (с 13.00) по 04.03.2014 (до 12.00) для гостей:
McGuire Michael Joseph, Ислямова Эльвира
Отмену брони можно произвести только в письменной форме.
В случае аннуляции за 3 суток до даты заезда штраф не взимается
В случае аннуляции менее этого срока или не заезда - взимается стоимость 1-х суток проживания.
Предоплата за услуги проживания не возвращается.
Время заезда 13:00. Время выезда - 12:00 дня.
Просим обратить Ваше внимание на то, что стоимость раннего заезда и позднего выезда составляет 50% суточной
стоимости номера и возможны только при наличии свободных мест в гостинице. В случае вашего решения о продлении
проживания без предварительного уведомления и согласования, администрация вправе отказать, если номера заранее
забронированы другими клиентами. Так же в случае несвоевременного уведомления о внеплановом выезде (позже, чем за 24
часа) взыскиваются штрафные санкции. Просим обратить внимание на оформление заявки резервирования: в заявке
оформленной на фирменном бланке предприятия обязательно должна присутствовать печать, подпись директора или
главного бухгалтера. А так же фразы, без которых резервирование не осуществляется: «Оплату гарантируем» и «В
случае не заезда или позднего аннулирования брони обязуемся оплатить 100% суточную стоимость номера»
В случае несоблюдения правил гостиницы отдел бронирования оставляет за собой право отменить бронь.
Гостиница работает по предоплате за одни сутки проживания.
Всегда рады приветствовать Вас в отеле «Екатерина».
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
65045, Odesa, UL. Greek, 25/11
Fax: 38048 729-67-08, Tel. 722-64-08
Tel: 38-067-487-36-56 Administrator E-mail: redirect@hotel-ekaterina.com


SPD Oleksandr Vjacheslavovich EDRPOU Code No. 3019511790

r/s MFO 380805
Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Kiev dear

we are glad to inform you about booking
rooms "tea rose" (single occupancy) and "Sauna" (single occupancy) with 03.03.2014
(13.00) for 04.03.2014 (before noon):
McGuire, Michael Joseph, Islâmova Elvira
cancellation can only be made in writing.
If cancelled up to 3 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged
If cancelled less than or not-in-charge 1 nights stay. advance payment for accommodation services
check in 13:00. Check-out time is 12:00.
Please note that the cost of early check in and late check out is 50% of the daily room rate and possible
only if seats are available at the hotel. In the case of your decision on the extension of the
stay without prior notification and approval, the Administration has the right to refuse, if in advance
booked by other customers. Just as in the case of late notification of unscheduled departure (later than 24
h) collected penalties. Please pay attention to the registration of the application in the application of reservation:
executed on the letterhead of the company must have a seal, signature of the Director or
chief accountant. And phrases, without which no reservation is carried out: "Payment guarantee» and «do not check-in
or late cancellation will pay 100% of the daily room rate"
In the case of non-compliance with the rules of hotels reservation Department reserves the right to cancel the reservation.
Works on a prepaid Hotel for one night stay.
always glad to welcome you in the hotel "Ekaterina".
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
65045, Odessa, str. Greek, 25/11
Fax: +38048 729-67-08, Tel. 722-64-08
Tel.: +38-067-487-36-56 Administrator
E-mail: redirect@hotel-ekaterina.com
Http :/ / www.hotel-ekaterina.com SPD Krutyanskii Alexander V. EDRPOU code number 3019511790 p / s 26004377094 MFO 380805 Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Kiev Dear Sirs, We are glad to inform you about booking rooms "Tea Rose" (single occupancy), and "Sauna" (single occupancy) to 03/03/2014 (13.00) on 03/04/2014 (before 12.00) Guest: Michael Joseph McGuire, Elvira Islyamova reservation cancellation can only be made ​​in writing. If canceled up to 3 days before date of arrival, no fee will be charged If canceled less than this time or no-show - will be charged 1 x overnights. Prepayment for accommodation services is not refundable. Arrival time 13:00. Check-out time - 12:00 pm. Please, pay attention to the fact that the cost of early check-in and late check-out is 50% of the daily room rate and is only possible if space is available in the hotel. If your decision to extend the stay without notice and coordination, the administration has the right to refuse if the rooms in advance booked by other customers. Just in case of untimely notice of unscheduled departure (later than 24 hours) are collected penalties. Please pay attention to the design application redundancy: the application executed on company letterhead must be present printing, signature of the director or the chief accountant. As well as the phrase, without which the reservation is not carried out, "Payment guaranteed" and "In the case of non-arrival or late cancellation policy pledge to pay 100% of the daily room rate " In the case of non-compliance with the rules of the hotel reservations department reserves the right to cancel the reservation. Hotel operates advance payment for one night stay. always glad to welcome you to "Catherine".

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
65045, Odessa, city. Greek, 25/11
Fax: 38048 729-67-08, tel. 722-64 -08
Tel. : 38-067 -487-36-56 Administrator
e-mail: redireсt@hоtel-ekаterinа.соm
Http: //www.hоtel-ekаterinа.соm

СПД Крутянскии
Code e-mail. no. 3019511790
r/c 26004377094
WFA 380805
Raiffeisen Bank Aval Kiev

dear Lord!
are pleased to inform you of the booking
rooms "tea rose" (single occupancy) and "sauna" (single or double occupancy)
c 03.03.2014 (13.00 ) on 03.04.2014 (up to 12.00 am ) for guests:
MсGuire Michael Joseph,More Elvira
cancellation can only be done in writing.
if canceled later or in case of 3 days before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.
If canceled or modified later or in case less than the period of time or is not reservation - charged cost 1-x days residence.
for the prepaid services residence does not return.
arrival time 13:00. The departure time is 12:00 am agenda.
Ask to draw your attention to the fact that the cost early arrival and late departure is 50% daily value of
the rooms and there are only the availability of space in the hotel.In case of your decision on the extension
residence without prior notice and harmonization, the administration has the right to refuse, if the numbers in advance
booked other customers.For example, in the case late notification of corrective departure (at a later date than the 24
hours) recovered punitive sanctions. Ask to draw attention to the online claiming redundancy: in the application
Scrutinize the letterhead business must always be print, signature of director or
chief accountant. And in the same sentence, without which no redundancy is provided by:"Payment guarantee" and "in
case is not arrival or late cancellation bookings will pay to 100% daily value rooms"
In the case of non-compliance with rules of the hotel the hotel reserves the right to cancel bookings.
The hotel operates on prepaid for one night accommodation.
are always happy to welcome you at the hotel "Ekaterina" .
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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