Она Кити была прекраснее, чем он воображал ее. (Л. Толстой) 13. Она [Кнти] ждала, что он пригласит ее на вальс (to ask
somebody for a waltz), но он не пригласил, и она удивленно взглянула на него. (Л.
Толстой) 14. Вечером... они пошли на мол (pier), чтобы посмотреть, как придет
пароход. (Чехов) 15. Письма из дому приходили тихие, добрые, и, казалось, все уже
было прощено и забыто. (Чехов) 16. Я хочу быть артисткой, я хочу славы, успехов,
свободы, а вы хотите, чтобы я продолжала жить в этом городе, продолжала эту
пустую (dull) бесполезную жизнь, которая стала для меня невыносимой. (
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It was Kitty's more beautiful than he imagined it. (L. Tolstoy) 13. She [Kist] waited, that he would invite her to Waltz (to asksomebody for a waltz), but he is not invited, and she looked at him in surprise. (L.Tolstoy) 14. In the evening. they went to the Pier (pier) to see how comesteamer. (Czechs) 15. Letters from home came quiet, kind, and seemed to have allIt was forgiven and forgotten. (Czechs) 16. I want to be a performer, I want fame, success,freedom, and you want to I continued to live in this city continued thisblank (dull) useless life that became intolerable to me. (
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It Kitty was more beautiful than he had imagined it. (Leo Tolstoy) 13. She [COSTIS] waited for him to ask her for a waltz (to the ask
by somebody for a waltz), but he was not invited, and she looked at him in surprise. (L.
Tolstoy) 14. ... In the evening they went to the pier (pier), to see what will
ship. (Chekhov) 15. Letters from home came to a quiet, kind, and everyone seemed to have
been forgiven and forgotten. (Chekhov) 16. I want to be an artist, I want fame, success,
freedom, and you want me to continue to live in this city, continued this
empty (dull) useless life that became unbearable for me. (
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
it"s kitty was better than he imagined her. (l). fat) 13. she [кнти] waited for that he invited her to waltz (to askcenter for a waltz), but he wasn"t invited, and she surprised looked at him. (l).fat) 14. tonight... they went to the mall (pier) to see how comethe steamer. (chekhov) 15. letters from home came in the quiet, kind, and, it seemed, all alreadyit was forgiven and forgotten. (chekhov) 16. i want to be an artist, i want fame, successfreedom, do you want me to continue to live in this city, continued thisthe empty (dull), useless life, and made me miserable. (
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