Новый шаг США ввести экономические санкции против Бирмы не нашел подде перевод - Новый шаг США ввести экономические санкции против Бирмы не нашел подде английский как сказать

Новый шаг США ввести экономические

Новый шаг США ввести экономические санкции против Бирмы не нашел поддержки у государств Азии.
Наша страна заинтересована в увеличении роста иностранных капиталовложений в свою экономику.
Одной из целей комиссии по сотрудничеству является обеспечение экономической базы для мирного процесса на Ближнем Востоке.
Куба подписала около 90 соглашений с американскими фирмами, надеясь, что эмбарго будет скоро снято.
Соглашение от 1985 года о ядерном сотрудничестве предусматривает прекращение распространения ядерного оружия в странах, не имеющих его.
Британские бизнесмены продолжают лоббировать своё правительство с тем, чтобы снять эмбарго с Ирана.
Многие товаропроизводители Гонг-Конга вкладывали крупные капиталы в предприятия в Китае и получали большие прибыли.
Руководители европейских государств строят свои торгово- экономические отношения на основе режима наибольшего благоприятствования (в торговле).
Западные страны делают все больше капиталовложений, в промышленность Восточной Европы и количество совместных предприятий в нашей стране значительно выросло, за последнее время.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
New step of the United States to impose economic sanctions against Burma not found support from among the Asian States.Our country is interested in boosting the growth of foreign investment in its economy.One of the objectives of the cooperation Commission is to provide the economic base for the Middle East peace process.Cuba has signed around 90 agreements with American companies, in the hope that the embargo will soon be lifted.Agreement of 1985 year on nuclear cooperation involves stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons in countries without it.British businessmen are lobbying their Government to lift the embargo with Iran.Many producers Hong Kong invested large funds in enterprises in China and earned big profits.Leaders of the European States are building their trade and economic relations on the basis of the most favoured nation (in trade).Western countries make more investment in industry in Eastern Europe and the number of joint ventures in the country, has increased considerably in recent times.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The new US move to impose economic sanctions against Burma have not found support among countries in Asia.
Our country is interested in increasing the growth of foreign investment in its economy.
One of the objectives of the Commission for Co-operation is to provide the economic base for the peace process in the Middle East.
Cuba has signed 90 agreements with American firms, hoping that the embargo will soon be lifted.
The agreement of 1985 on nuclear cooperation involves stopping the spread of nuclear weapons to countries that do not have it.
British businessmen continue to lobby their government in order to lift the embargo on Iran.
Many producers Hong Kong invested large amounts of capital in enterprises in China and get more profits.
Leaders of European countries build their trade and economic relations based on MFN (in trade).
Western countries are doing more and more investment in the industry in Eastern Europe and the number of joint ventures in our country significantly grown in recent years.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
A new step the U.S. to impose economic sanctions against Burma is not found support from Asian States.
our country is interested in increasing the growth of foreign investment in its economy.
One of the goals of the commission for cooperation is the economic base for the peace process in the Middle East.
Cuba has signed about 90 agreements with American firms, hopingThat the embargo will be lifted soon.
the Agreement of 1985, the nuclear cooperation provides for the termination of proliferation of nuclear weapons in countries that do not have it.
British businessmen continue to lobby their government in order to remove the embargo with Iran.
Many producers Hong Kong invested significant capital in enterprises in China and received large profits.
The European member states build their trade and economic relations on the basis the most-favored-nation clause (in the trade) .
Western countries are doing more investment,In Eastern Europe, and the number of joint ventures in our country has grown significantly, in the recent past.
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