Значит, сегодня вечером ты займешься со мной любовью, Кристиан?Черт во перевод - Значит, сегодня вечером ты займешься со мной любовью, Кристиан?Черт во английский как сказать

Значит, сегодня вечером ты займешьс

Значит, сегодня вечером ты займешься со мной любовью, Кристиан?
Черт возьми! Неужели я это сказала? В первый момент у него от изумления открывается рот, но он быстро приходит в себя.
– Нет, Анастейша, не значит. Во-первых, я не занимаюсь любовью. Я трахаюсь… жестко. Во-вторых, мы еще не покончили с бумагами, и, в-третьих, ты не знаешь, что тебя ждет. У тебя есть возможность передумать. Идем, я покажу тебе комнату для игр.
Я потрясена. Трахаюсь! Черт возьми, это заводит. Но зачем нам смотреть комнату для игр? Загадка.
– Ты хочешь показать мне свою игровую приставку?
Кристиан громко смеется.
– Нет, Анастейша, не угадала. Идем. – Он встает и протягивает мне руку. Я иду с ним обратно по коридору. Слева от двойных дверей, через которые мы вошли, – другая дверь, ведущая на лестницу. Мы поднимаемся на второй этаж и поворачиваем направо. Достав из кармана ключ, Кристиан отпирает еще одну дверь и делает глубокий вдох.
– Ты можешь уйти в любой момент. Вертолет стоит наготове и отвезет тебя, куда ты пожелаешь. Можешь остаться на ночь и уйти утром. Решать тебе.
– Открой же эту чертову дверь, Кристиан.
Он распахивает дверь и отступает, чтобы пропустить меня внутрь. Я глубоко вздыхаю и делаю шаг вперед…
Я словно перенеслась во времени в шестнадцатый век, в эпоху испанской Инквизиции.
Ни фига себе!
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
So, tonight you zajmeš′sâ with me love, Christian?Gosh darn! Did I say this? In the first moment of amazement he opens his mouth, but he quickly finds himself.-No, Anastacia, not means. First, I do not love. I'm fucking to ... hard. Secondly, we have not yet finished with the transaction, and, thirdly, you do not know what is waiting for you. You have the opportunity to change your mind. Come on, I'll show you a room for games.I am shocked. Fuck! Heck, it gets. But why do we watch the games room? Riddle.-Do you want to show me your game console?Christian loud laughs.-No, Anastacia, not guessed right. Go. He gets up and hands me a hand. I'm going with him back down the corridor. To the left of the double doors through which we entered another door leading to the staircase. We climb to the second floor and turn right. Taking out the key from his pocket, Christian unlocks another door and makes a deep breath.-You can withdraw at any time. Helicopter stands ready and will take you wherever you wish. You can stay the night and leave in the morning. Deal with you.-Open the fucking door, Christian.He opens the door and retreating to skip me inside. I sigh deeply and make a step forward ...I feel like the time has passed in the sixteenth century, during the Spanish Inquisition.Damn him!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
So, you want to do tonight you love to me, Christian?
Damn it! Did I say that? For a moment he opened his mouth in surprise, but he quickly recovers.
- No, Anastacia, it does not. Firstly, I did not make love. I fucked ... hard. Secondly, we have not yet finished with the papers, and, thirdly, you do not know what awaits you. You can change your mind. Come on, I'll show you a room for games.
I am shocked. Fuck! Heck, it gets. But why do we watch the game room? Riddle.
- Do you want to show me your game console?
Christian laughs loudly.
- No, Anastacia, not guessed. Come on. - He gets up and gave me his hand. I go with him back down the corridor. To the left of the double doors through which we entered, - another door leading to the stairs. We climb to the second floor and turn right. Taking a key from his pocket, Christian unlocks another door and takes a deep breath.
- You can go at any time. Helicopter stands ready and will take you where you want. You can stay the night and leave in the morning. You decide.
- Open your fucking door, Christian.
He opens the door and steps back to let me in. I take a deep breath and take a step forward ...
I like transpired in time to the sixteenth century, in the era of the Spanish Inquisition.
Those guys own!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Then, this evening you Roger with me love, Christian?
damn it! This is what I said? For the first time in the amazement opens his mouth, but he quickly comes to a.
- No, Анастеиша, does not mean. In the first place,I don't love. I трахаюсь ... fixed. Secondly, we have not yet committed suicide in securities, and, thirdly, you don't know, that you will enjoy. Do you have the opportunity to reconsider. Are Going, i'll show you a room for gaming.
I am shocked.Трахаюсь! Damn it, this gridlock. But why should we watch room for gaming? Mystery.
- I don't want to show me your game console?
Christian laugh out loud.
- No, Анастеиша, not угадала. Are going.- He is facing and pulls me in hand. I am going with him back to the corridor. On the left side from the double doors, through which we entered, and another door leading on to the ladder. We ascend to the second floor and foot to right.Straight out of your pocket the key, Christian opens another door and makes a deep breath.
- You can withdraw at any time. The helicopter is ready and will transfer you, where do you play everything. You can get to stay for the night and leave this morning.To address you.
- share your same a sad spectacle and wonder the door, Christian.
he joint celebrations the door and departs, to skip me inward. I am deeply and that i just step forward ...
I just have transpired in time to the sixteenth century,In the era of the Spanish Inquisition.
neither sumakh itself!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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