Put the parts below into the correct order to make a complete email fo перевод - Put the parts below into the correct order to make a complete email fo английский как сказать

Put the parts below into the correc

Put the parts below into the correct order to make a complete email for someone applying for a job.

(a) the summer programme where I worked last year. I am available for interview in Naples any weekday afternoon, and you can email
(b) as a Word document. You will notice that I have'supervised children on a range of sports and cultural activities as well as dealing

(c) Dear Sir/Madam //With reference to your advertisement on the JobFinders.com website, I am interested in applying

(d) as I enjoy working with young people. I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and am also responsible and reliable. I have attached my CV

(e) First Certificate grade A. I would be grateful if you would consider my'application You will see

j j: (f) the travel industry. During the last few summer holidays I have

| «.

(g) for the post of tour leader for Italian school students. I am 26 years old and am currently studying

(h) me or telephone me on the number below t look forward to hearing from you soon Yours faithfully
(i) for a diploma in Tourism at Naples University. After that I hope to follow a career in

(j) in the job of tour’leader. taking students to London. I feel that I would be’well-suited for this job

(k) to do something more varied and challenging, and for this reason I am interested

(I) with transport arrangements and tickets. You will also notice that my English is good and I have

(m) from my attached CV that two people can be contacted as references, one is a university professor and the other is from
(n) worked as a youth leader in Italy, and I enjoyed the work very much. Next summer i wou;o : ке
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Put the parts below into the correct order to make a complete email for someone applying for a job.(a) the summer programme where I worked last year. I am available for interview in Naples any weekday afternoon, and you can email(b) as a Word document. You will notice that I have'supervised children on a range of sports and cultural activities as well as dealing(c) Dear Sir/Madam //With reference to your advertisement on the JobFinders.com website, I am interested in applying(d) as I enjoy working with young people. I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and am also responsible and reliable. I have attached my CV(e) First Certificate grade A. I would be grateful if you would consider my'application You will seej j: (f) the travel industry. During the last few summer holidays I have| «.(g) for the post of tour leader for Italian school students. I am 26 years old and am currently studying(h) me or telephone me on the number below t look forward to hearing from you soon Yours faithfullyII(i) for a diploma in Tourism at Naples University. After that I hope to follow a career in(j) in the job of tour’leader. taking students to London. I feel that I would be’well-suited for this job(k) to do something more varied and challenging, and for this reason I am interested(I) with transport arrangements and tickets. You will also notice that my English is good and I have(m) from my attached CV that two people can be contacted as references, one is a university professor and the other is from(n) worked as a youth leader in Italy, and I enjoyed the work very much. Next summer i wou;o : ке
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
put the parts below into the correct order to make a complete email for someone applying for a job.(a) the summer programme where i worked last year. i am available for interview in naples register with us, and you can email(b) as a word document. you will notice that i have 'supervised children on a range of sports and cultural activities as well as dealing(c) dear sir / madam / / with reference to your advertisement on the JobFinders.com website, i am interested in applying(d) as i enjoy working with young people. i have a lot of energy and enthusiasm and am also responsible and reliable. i have attached my cv(e) or a first certificate. i would be grateful if you would consider my application you will seej j; (f) the travel industry. during the last few summer holidays i have| ".(g) for the post of tour leader for the italian school students. i am 26 years old and am currently studying(h) me or telephone me on the number below t look forward to hearing from you soon yours ployii(i) for a diploma in tourism at naples university. after that i hope to follow a career in(j) in the job of tour 'leader. taking students to london. i feel that i would be 'very small for this job(k) to do something more varied and challenging, and for this reason i am interested(i) with transport arrangements and tickets. you will also notice that my english is good and i have(m) from my attached cv that two people can be contacted as references, one is a university professor, and the other is from(n) worked as a youth leader in italy, and i enjoyed the work very much. next summer i van; o: ke
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