Современный образ жизни требует максимальной энергии, постоянного конт перевод - Современный образ жизни требует максимальной энергии, постоянного конт английский как сказать

Современный образ жизни требует мак

Современный образ жизни требует максимальной энергии, постоянного контроля и внимания. Поэтому деловые люди часто страдают хронической усталостью. Некоторые вопросы необходимо решить немедленно, поэтому мы полностью отдаемся работе, семейным делам. В подобной суете проходит весь день. Следующий день также насыщен событиями, вопросами, которые нужно срочно решить. Деловые люди успевают все, но на отдых времени уже не остается. Это и есть хроническая усталость – синдром, с которым нужно бороться. Ведь заряд сил и бодрости, полученный после хорошего отдыха, положительно скажется на вашем здоровье и работоспособности.

Основные правила отдыха:


Сложно поверить, но на отдых тоже требуются силы. Вы не должны приходить с работы усталыми или измотанными, чтобы не оставалось энергии даже на простую прогулку. Так вы не даете себе нормально отдохнуть, организм постоянно находится в стрессе. Поэтому на прогулку, чтение или занятие фитнесом необходимо оставлять силы. Нельзя всю энергию отдавать работе, отдыхать нужно уметь.

Лучше сразу избавиться от небольшой усталости, ведь она пройдет быстро, и снова можно будет заниматься рабочими делами. Сильная усталость может повлиять на здоровье, а с последствиями ее придется долго справляться.

Требуется соблюдение режима труда и отдыха, то есть отдыхать перед тем, как наступит усталость, а не после. Так можно добиться наиболее результативной работы, набираться сил, не чувствуя усталости на протяжении всего дня.


Это выражение знакомо многим. Оно имеет рациональное зерно, поэтому всегда вспоминайте о переменах, если начнете уставать.

Считается, что нагрузка на наш организм распределяется по трем частям – Тело, Ум и Душа. В зависимости от вида деятельности работает та или иная часть организма. Необходимо поэтапно нагружать себя, разделять нагрузку на ум, душу и тело, чередовать ее в течение дня. Тогда вы не будете чувствовать усталость, а рабочий день станет настоящим отдыхом.
Важно совмещать интеллектуальный труд с физическим. Всегда разбавляйте свою деятельность зарядкой, прогулкой, упражнениями. Так мозг будет отдыхать, готовиться к новому рабочему этапу. Даже смена одной интеллектуальной деятельности на другую может давать мозгу нужный отдых. Разные клетки отвечают за выполнение разных видов деятельности, поэтому такое чередование также избавляет от усталости и позволяет не только отдохнуть, но и способствует повышению работоспособности и умственной активности.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Modern lifestyle requires maximum energy, constant monitoring and attention. Therefore, business people often suffer from chronic fatigue. Some issues need to be resolved immediately, so we fully surrender work, family Division. In this hectic goes all day. The next day also eventful, issues that need to be urgently addressed. Business people manage all but the rest no longer remains. This is chronic fatigue-syndrome with which to fight. Because charge strength and vigor after a good rest, have a positive impact on your health and performance.The basic rules of the rest:RELAX BEFORE THE ADVENT OF FATIGUEIt's hard to believe, but to rest the strength needed, too. You don't have to come from work tired or exhausted to no choice of energy even on a simple walk. So you don't give yourself a normal rest, the body is constantly in stress. Therefore, for a walk, reading or fitness training, you must leave the forces. It is impossible to give all the energy work, you have to be able to relax.It is better to get rid of small fatigue, because it will happen quickly, and you can again be engaged in work matters. Severe fatigue can affect health, and with the consequences it will have for a long time.Required to observe the working and rest time regime, i.e. the rest before the advent of fatigue rather than after. So you can achieve the most effective work, gain strength without feeling tired throughout the day.REST IS A CHANGE OF ACTIVITYThis phrase is familiar to many. It has a rational kernel, so always remember about change, if you start to tire.It is believed that the load on our body is divided into three parts-body, mind and soul. Depending on the type of work a part of the body. You must gradually loading themselves, splitting the load on the mind, body and soul, alternating her during the day. Then you won't feel tired, and the work day will be a real pleasure.It is important to combine intellectual work with individuals. Always dilute its activities, charging a walk, exercise. So the brain will relax, prepare for a new production phase. Even change one of intellectual activity to another may give the brain the needed rest. Different cells are responsible for different types of activities, so this alternation also eliminates fatigue and allows you to not only relax, but also contributes to improving the health and mental activity.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Modern life requires maximum power, continuous monitoring and attention. Therefore, business people often suffer from chronic fatigue. Some questions need to be addressed immediately, so we completely surrender to work, family matters. In such a hectic runs all day. The next day is also full of events, issues that need to be urgently addressed. Business people have time to everything, but at the age of leisure is no longer remains. This is the chronic fatigue - syndrome, which must be addressed. After a charge of vivacity and strength, obtained after a good rest, have a positive impact on your health and performance.

The basic rules of stay:


hard to believe, but on vacation, too, required strength. You do not have to come to work tired or exhausted, to leave no energy, even a simple walk. So you do not give yourself a normal rest, the body is constantly under stress. Therefore, for a walk, reading or fitness activity you must leave power. It is impossible to give all the energy of the work necessary to be able to rest.

It is better to get rid of a little fatigue, because it will pass quickly, and then you can deal with the affairs of the workers. Severe fatigue can affect the health, and the effects it will have to cope for a long time.

Requires compliance with work and rest, ie a vacation before fatigue occurs, not after. So it is possible to achieve the most efficient operation, gain strength, not feeling tired during the day.


It is an expression familiar to many. It has a grain of truth, so always remember about the changes, if you start to get tired.

It is believed that the load on our body is distributed in three parts - body, mind and soul. Depending on the type of work activity one or another part of the body. It is necessary to gradually load themselves, to share the burden on the mind, body and soul, to alternate her during the day. Then you will not feel tired, and the day will be a real holiday.
It is important to combine the intellectual work with the physical. Always dilute the activity exercise, walk, exercise. So the brain will relax, prepare for a new working phase. Even a change of intellectual activity to another can give brain desired vacation. Different cells are responsible for the implementation of different activities, so this alternation also eliminates the fatigue and allows you to not only relax,
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the modern way of life requires the maximum energy, continuous monitoring and attention. therefore, business people often suffer from the chronic fatigue. some issues must be resolved immediately, and we therefore fully отдаемся work family. in such a hurry runs all day. the next day, also is rich with events, issues that need urgent solution. business people have time to rest, but time is not. it is chronic fatigue syndrome, with which to fight. because the charge of energy, obtained after a good rest, will have a positive impact on your health and efficiency.the basic rules of rest:rest before coming.it's hard to believe, but the rest are required force. you don't have to go to work tired or weary to remained energy even for a walk. so you don't have a normal rest, the body is constantly under pressure. therefore, for a walk, reading, or a fitness must leave power. not all the energy to work, you need to rest.better to get rid of a little tired, but she held fast, and again, can be to the business. severe fatigue can affect health, and its impact will have a long handle.it is necessary to comply with the work and rest, have a rest before you will be tired, not after. so you can make the most successful work, strength, feeling tired all day long.rest is a change ofthat look familiar to many people. it has a grain of truth, so always remember to change, if you start to get tired.is that the load on the system is divided to three parts: body, mind, and soul. depending on the type of activities is a part of the body. should be gradually put yourself, share the load on the mind, body and soul, the parade of her during the day. then you will not feel fatigue, a day's rest.it is important to combine the intellectual work in the physical. always neat work exercise, exercise, exercise. so the brain will be preparing a new working phase. even a single intellectual activity to another may give the brain a rest. different cells are responsible for the different types of activities, so that order also relieves fatigue and allows not only to relax, but also improves efficiency and mental activities.
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