На Востоке кулинария воздвигнута в ранг религии. В некоторых странах о перевод - На Востоке кулинария воздвигнута в ранг религии. В некоторых странах о английский как сказать

На Востоке кулинария воздвигнута в

На Востоке кулинария воздвигнута в ранг религии. В некоторых странах определенные животные священны, другие считаются «нечистыми», и в обоих случаях использовать их в пищу запрещено. Наоборот, некоторые продукты питания являются атрибутом религии. Этим и определяются основные особенности тонкой восточной кухни, а также большим разнообразием морепродуктов, огромными территориями с экзотическими плодами и фантастическими продуктами.
Азия составляет половину населения Земли, она простирается от Японии до Индонезии, от Китая до Кипра, Турции и Израиля. Здесь находятся Малайзия, Филиппины, Корея, Индия, Таиланд, Азербайджан, Армения, Грузия, Узбекистан и многие другие. Не удивительно, что ее кухня необычайно разнообразна.
Восточную кухню во многом определяет самая распространенная на ее территории религия – ислам. Основу кухни составляют баранина и рис. В сухом виде их смесь образует плов в разнообразных вариациях, а в жидком – шурпу (это очень густой суп, похожий больше не на бульон, а на подливу). Ввосточной кухне нет супов в европейском понимании. Баранина столь популярна, так как многие азиатские народы были овцеводами – кочевниками. Кроме того, баранина — это исламское ритуальное блюдо, участвующее в жертвоприношениях. Она является основой таких блюд как долма (голубцы в виноградных листьях) и шаурма (мелко рубленое мясо, завернутое в лепешку). Жаркий климат также способствовал распространению именно баранины: это мясо не так быстро портится, как, например, свинина. Острые приправы тоже способны несколько увеличить «срок жизни» мясных продуктов, поэтому в восточной кухне их огромное количество, и многие из них здесь и начали свою историю (в основном, в Индии и Китае). На Востоке распространены кисломолочные напитки – айран, кумыс, у разных народов называемые по-разному. Закуски представлены лавашем или питой, которые играют роль и ложки, и салфетки. Широко известны восточные сладости на основе фруктов и орехов: лукум, козинаки, халва, пахлава, шербет…
Нехарактерны для восточной кухни свинина (в исламских странах), а также сыр (кроме сычужного типа адыгейского), сметана (вместо нее используют йогурт) и яйца.
Естественно, в каждой стране есть и свои особые «приметы» в кулинарии.
Так, для Китая характерно использование палочек вместо привычных для нас ложки и вилки, а также употребление большого количества морепродуктов, свинины и птицы, особенно, утки. Здесь едят такие экзотичные блюда, которые европеец вряд ли рискнет попробовать: суп из мяса змеи и кошки или блюдо из гнезда морской ласточки. А вот всем известные макароны (лапшу), пельмени (дим-сам) и сыр тофу (соевый сыр) изобрели именно в Китае.
Индия — первоисточник специй и пряностей, которые известны здесь тысячи лет. Поэтому индийской кухне присуща особая изысканность вкуса. Индия славится своими сладостями. Здесь священным животным считается корова, поэтому в пищу не употребляется говядина. Вообще, вегетарианство очень распространено из-за основных религий – иудаизма и буддизма, только мусульмане едят мясо. Индийцы употребляют очень много бобовых культур и риса.
Япония. Все мы если не пробовали, то слышали о суши (суси) – брусочках из риса, водорослей и морепродуктов, сашими (сасими) – особым образом приготовленном рыбном филе и темпуре – горячих блюдах в тесте. Эти изыски японской кухни все чаще можно встретить в наших ресторанах и даже приготовить дома. Кстати, блюдо «темпура» было привезено в Японию из Европы в 16-м веке и получило небывалую популярность так, что сейчас является одним из основных признаков японской кухни. Из Японии распространились грибы шиитаке, а особый ритуал чаепития известен во всем мире.
Израиль. Здесь кухня подчинена кошерным законам: не смешивать мясные продукты с молочными, есть мясо животных только с раздвоенными копытами. Рыба, разрешенная к употреблению, должна иметь плавники и чешую и проч. Отсюда по миру распространился форшмак – блюдо из сельди, яиц, белого хлеба, сливочного масла и лука.
Армения, Грузия, Азербайджан. Здесь особую роль играет посуда и очаг. Особый очаг — тонир и глиняная посуда распространены по всему Закавказью, оказывая влияние на характер блюд. В тонире пекут овощи, коптят рыбу и птицу, парят каши. Причем, принятые первоначально у армян, эти кулинарные атрибуты перешли в азербайджанскую и грузинскую кухни, как и названия многих блюд, связанные не с составом продуктов, а с названием посуды, в которой их готовят. Это, например, тапак, путук, кчуч — виды глиняной посуды и названия блюд одновременно.
Узбекистан, Таджикистан, Казахстан, Туркмения. В этих кухнях насчитывается более тридцати видов шашлыка, более ста видов плова, около восьмидесяти видов супов, очень много хлеба, самсы (пирожков с различной начинкой) и сладостей.
Да, сколько же во всей восточной кухне вкусных блюд! Ведь вкус восточного яства — это утонченное удовольствие, а на Востоке знают толк в удовольствиях…
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Cooking in the East was erected in a rank of religion. In some countries, certain animals are sacred, others are considered "unclean", and in both cases their use in foods is prohibited. On the contrary, some foods are an attribute of the religion. These basic features and defined fine Oriental cuisine, as well as a great variety of seafood, huge territories with exotic fruits and fantastic products.Asia accounts for half the world's population, it stretches from Japan to Indonesia, from China to Cyprus, Turkey and Israel. Here are Malaysia, the Philippines, Korea, India, Thailand, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan and many others. Not surprisingly, her kitchen is extraordinarily diverse.Oriental cuisine is largely determines the most common religion in its territory-Islam. Foundation dishes make up the lamb and rice. Dry mix forms a Pilaf in various variations, and in liquid-shurpa (this very thick soup, like more than broth, and the gravy). There is no kitchen in soups ineastern European understanding. Lamb so popular because many Asian peoples were ovcevodami-nomads. Furthermore, lamb is the Islamic ritual dish participating in sacrifices. It is the Foundation of such dishes as Dolma (stuffed grape leaves) and shawarma (finely chopped meat wrapped in flat bread). Hot climate also promoted it is lamb: the meat is not as perishable, such as pork. Spicy seasonings can also increase slightly "lifetime" meat products, so in Oriental cuisine a huge number of them, and many of them are here and began its history (mainly in India and China). To the East are widespread lactic acid drinks, Ayran, Kumis, different peoples called differently. Snacks are presented or PITA PITA that play a role, and spoons, and napkins. Widely known Oriental sweets based on fruits and nuts: Turkish delight, chocolate, Halva, baklava, sherbet.Uncommon for Eastern dishes pork (in Muslim countries), as well as cheese (except rennet type Adyghe), sour cream (use yogurt instead) and eggs.Naturally, each country has its special "omens" in cooking.For example, in China use chopsticks instead of the usual for us spoons and forks as well as eating lots of seafood, pork and poultry, especially ducks. Here eating such exotic dishes that Europeans are hardly dare to try: meat soup snake and a cat or a dish of sea nest of swallows. And here is the well-known pasta (noodles), dumplings (Dim sum) and tofu (soy cheese) it is invented in China.India is a source of herbs and spices that are known here for thousands of years. So Indian cuisine characterized by special refinement of taste. India is famous for its sweets. Here cow is considered a sacred animal, so food does not use beef. Generally, vegetarianism is very common due to the major religions-Judaism and Buddhism, Muslims only eat meat. Indians consume a very lot of leguminous crops and rice.Japan. All of us if not tried, heard about Sushi (sushi)-atelier of rice, seaweed and seafood sashimi sashimi is prepared in a special way the fish filet and Tempura-hot dishes in the test. These dishes of Japanese cuisine can be found increasingly in our restaurants and even to cook at home. By the way, the dish "Tempura" was brought to Japan from Europe in the 16th century and gained popularity so that is now one of the core topics of Japanese cuisine. From Japan spread shiitake mushrooms, a special ritual of tea drinking is known throughout the world.Israel. Here the kitchen is subordinated to the kosher laws: do not mix meat with dairy, meat-eating animals with cloven hooves. Fish allowed for consumption must have fins and scales, etc. Hence the world spread mincemeat-a dish of herring, eggs, white bread, butter and onions.Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Here the special role played by the utensils and hearth. Particular hearth-tinted Windows and pottery distributed across the Caucasus, in influencing the nature of dishes. In tonir bake vegetables, smoked fish and bird soar porridge. And taken originally from the Armenians, these culinary attributes crossed into Azerbaijan and Georgian cuisine, like the titles of many dishes, not the composition of the products and with the name of the dishes, which are cooked. It is, for example, tapac, putuk, kčuč-types of pottery and the names of the dishes at the same time.Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. In these kitchens, there are more than thirty species, more than a hundred kinds of pilaf, about eighty kinds of soups, a lot of bread, Samsa (pies with different fillings) and sweets.Yes, how much throughout Eastern kitchen delicious! After all, taste is a subtle dishes of Oriental pleasure, and in the East, know a lot about the pleasures of ...
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the East cooking erected to the rank of religion. In some countries, certain animals are sacred, others are considered "unclean", and in both cases their use in food is prohibited. On the other hand, some foods are trappings of religion. This determines the basic features of fine Oriental cuisine, as well as a wide variety of seafood, large areas of exotic fruits and fantastic products.
Asia accounts for half the world's population, it stretches from Japan to Indonesia, from China to Cyprus, Turkey and Israel. Here are Malaysia, the Philippines, Korea, India, Thailand, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, and many others. Not surprisingly, its cuisine extremely varied.
Eastern cuisine largely determines the most widespread on the territory of religion - Islam. The basis of the cuisine make lamb and rice. In the dry form of the mixture forms a pilaf in a variety of variations, and a liquid - Shurpa (a very thick soup-like broth is no longer on, and gravy). Vvostochnoy no soup kitchen in the European sense. Mutton is so popular, as many Asian nations were sheep farmers - nomads. In addition, the lamb - is an Islamic ritual meal participating in the sacrifices. It is the basis of dishes like dolma (stuffed vine leaves) and shawarma (finely ground meat, wrapped in a pancake). The hot climate also helped to spread it ovine meat is not perishable, such as pork. Tabasco is also able to slightly increase the "lifetime" of meat products, so in the eastern kitchen of their huge number, and many of them are here, and began his story (mainly China and India). In the East, distributed milk drinks - Ayran, mare, different nations called differently. Snacks are presented lavash or pita bread, which play a role, and the spoons, and napkins. Widely known oriental sweets on the basis of fruits and nuts: Delight kozinaki, halva, baklava, sherbet ...
unusual for Oriental cuisine pork (in Islamic countries), and cheese (excluding rennet-type Circassian), sour cream (used instead of yogurt) and eggs .
Of course, every country has its own special "signs" in the kitchen.
So, China is characterized by the use chopsticks instead of the usual for us, spoons and forks, and drinking plenty of seafood, pork and poultry, especially duck. There are eating exotic dishes that Europeans are unlikely dare to try soup of snake meat and a dish of cat or the nest of sea swallows. And here is the famous pasta (noodles), dumplings (dim sum) and tofu (soy cheese) was invented in China.
India - the source of spices and herbs that are known here for thousands of years. Therefore, Indian cuisine has a special refinement of taste. India is famous for its sweets. Here cow is considered a sacred animal, so food is not used beef. In general, vegetarianism is very common because of the major religions - Judaism and Buddhism, only Muslims eat meat. Indians consume a lot of legumes and rice.
Japan. All of us, if not tried, you have heard of sushi (sushi) - cubes of rice, seaweed and seafood, sashimi (sashimi) - a specially prepared fish fillets and tempura - hot dishes in the test. These delights of Japanese cuisine are increasingly found in our restaurants and even to cook at home. By the way, the dish "tempura" was brought to Japan from Europe in the 16th century and gained enormous popularity since that is now one of the main features of Japanese cuisine. From Japan spread shiitake mushrooms and a special ritual of drinking tea is known all over the world.
Israel. There subordinated kitchen kosher laws: do not mix meat with dairy products, eat meat of animals with cloven hooves only. Fish permitted for consumption should have fins and scales, and so on. Hence the world has spread mincemeat - a dish of herring, eggs, white bread, butter and onion.
Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. It plays a special role utensils and hearth. Special focus - tonir and pottery spread throughout the Caucasus, affecting the character of the food. In tonir baked vegetables, smoked fish and a bird, soaring cereal. Moreover, the Armenians adopted originally, these culinary attributes passed into the Azerbaijani and Georgian cuisine, as well as the names of many dishes are not related to the composition of products, and the name of the dishes in which they are prepared. This, for example, TAPAC, Putukam, kchuch - types of pottery and the names of the dishes at the same time.
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan. These kitchens are more than thirty kinds of shish kebab, pilaf over a hundred species, about eighty kinds of soups, lots of bread, samosas (pastries with different fillings) and sweets.
Yes, the same as in the whole of eastern cuisine delicious food! After all, the taste of oriental dishes - a refined pleasure, and in the East know a lot about the pleasures of ...
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the east the cooking function in a religion. in some countries, some animals are sacred, others are "нечистыми», and in both cases, their use in food is forbidden. on the contrary,some foods are part of the religion. this defines the basic characteristics of thin eastern cuisine, as well as a large variety of seafoodlarge areas of exotic fruits and fantastic products. asia is half the world's population, it extends from japan to indonesia, from china to cyprus, turkey and israel.there are malaysia, the philippines, korea, india, thailand, azerbaijan, armenia, georgia, uzbekistan, and many others. not surprisingly, its cuisine is very diverse.east food largely determines the most likely on its territory, religion is islam. the kitchen is the lamb and rice. in a dry form of a mixture is made in a variety of ways.a liquid is шурпу (it's very thick soup, like more than soup and gravy). ввосточной no soup kitchen in the european sense. the lamb is so popular.like many asian peoples were овцеводами are nomads. in addition, the mutton is a muslim ritual meal, participating in the sacrifice.it is the basis for such dishes as dolma (stuffed cabbage in grape leaves) and gyros (shallow рубленое meat wrapped in bread). the hot climate also contributed to the dissemination of the lamb.
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