1. Когда бы вы не зашли ко мне, я всегда буду рада вас видеть 2. Я взглянул на карту еще раз, чтобы лучше запомнить местонахождение этого дома. 3. Казалось, что они никогда не были даже помолвлены, не говоря уже об их женитьбе 4. Его предложение заключалось в том, чтобы мы вернулись в город, как бы опасно это не было. 5. Желательно, чтобы ты выступил на научной конференции 6. Мне жаль, что я не заметила их раньше. 7. Я боялась, что меня заметят и отправят обратно. 8. Если бы ты прочитал статью, которую тебе рекомендовали, ты бы знал, как отвечать на подобные вопросы 9. Повтори это еще раз, чтобы они не забыли. 10.Какой бы счастливой ты не казалась, я не верю, что ты действительно счастлива. 11 Они предложили, чтобы мы встретились где-нибудь за городом. 12.Они глядели друг на друга так, словно никогда не были друзьями. 13 Отправь им телеграмму, чтобы они знали о твоем приезде. 14 Каким бы интересным не был фильм, я не хочу смотреть его. 15.Она боялась, что провалит вступительный экзамен в университет.
16.Я принесла фотографии, чтобы вы посмотрели их. 17 что бы не сказал ваш отец однажды, он все же ваш отец. 18 Мы бы с удовольствием посидели еще часок, если бы не было так 19.Он почувствовал себя плохо и сел на скамейку, чтобы не упасть. 20 досадно, что вы не взяли себя в руки в той ситуации 21 Когда бы ты не позвонил, он всегда занят или делает вид, что занят, чтобы не разговаривать с тобой 22 Тебе давно пора привести свою сестру с собой. она достаточно взрослая, чтобы быть в нашей компании. 23 Его идея, чтобы мы провели выходной вместе в родительском доме, была одобрена всеми. 24 я покидаю эту страну, чтобы быть свободным. 25 Он настаивал, чтобы я рассказала правду.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Whenever you have come to me, I'll always be glad to see you 2. I glanced at the map again to better remember the location of this House. 3. It seemed that they were never even engaged, not to mention their marriage 4. His suggestion was that we are back in town, no matter how dangerous it was not. 5. It is advisable that you made at the Scientific Conference 6. I'm sorry I didn't notice them before. 7. I'm afraid that I will notice and sent back. 8. If you had read the article, which you recommended, you would know how to answer such questions 9. Repeat this again so they are not forgotten. 10. what would be happy you didn't appear, I don't believe that you're really happy. 11, they suggested that we meet somewhere outside the city. 12. They gazed at each other as if they were never friends. 13 Send them a telegram so that they know about your arrival. 14 no matter how interesting was not a movie, I don't want to watch it. 15. She feared that fails an entrance exam at the University.16. I brought photos to you watched them. 17 that would not say your father one day, he is still your father. 18 We would gladly sat for another hour if it weren't so 19. He felt bad and sat on the bench, so as not to fall. 20 annoyed that you didn't take yourself in hand in a situation Where you were not 21 called, he always busy or pretends to busy to talk with you 22 you it's time to bring your sister along. It is sufficiently mature to be in our company. 23 his idea, so we spent the weekend together at my parents ' House, was approved by all. 24 I am leaving this country to be free. 25 He insisted that I told the truth.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Whenever you have come to me, I'll always be glad to see you 2. I looked at the card again, in order to better remember the location of the house. 3. It seems that they were never even engaged, not to mention their marriage 4. His suggestion was that we returned to the city, as if it was not dangerous. 5. It is desirable that you have addressed the conference 6. I am sorry that I have not noticed them before. 7. I am afraid that I will notice and be sent back. 8. If you read an article that you recommend, you would know how to respond to such issues 9. Repeat this once more, that they are not forgotten. You did not seem to be 10. What happy, I do not believe that you're really happy. 11 They suggested that we meet somewhere outside the city. 12.Oni looked at each other as if he had never been friends. 13 Send them a telegram, so they know about your arrival. 14 No matter how interesting the film was not, I do not want to watch it. 15.Ona afraid that fail the entrance exam to university.
16.I brought pictures that you look them. 17 that would not tell your father one day, he is still your father. 18 We would love to have sat for another hour, if it were not so 19.On felt sick and sat on the bench for support. 20 annoyed that you did not take herself in that situation 21 When you did not call, it is always busy, or pretend to be busy, not to talk to you 22 you it's time to bring your sister with you. she was old enough to be in our company. 23 The idea that we spent the weekend together in the family home, has been approved by all. 24 I will leave this country to be free. 25 He insisted,
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. if you don't come to me, i'll always be glad to see you 2. i looked at the map again, so better to remember the location of the house. 3. it seemed that they were never even engaged, not to mention their marriage. 4. his suggestion was that we went back to the town, how dangerous it is. 5. it is desirable that you made at the scientific conference 6. i'm sorry that i didn't see it before. 7. i was afraid that i will notice and be sent back. 8. if you read the article that you recommended, you would know how to answer such questions 9. say it again, so they don't forget. 10.какой would be happy you do not like, i do not believe that you really happy. 11 they suggested that we meet somewhere outside the city. 12.они stared at each other like were never friends. 13 send a telegram to know about your arrival. 14 how interesting was not the film, i don't want to see him. 15.она was afraid that fails the university entrance examination.16.я brought the photos to see them. 17 what would not say your father once, he's your father. 18 we would love to sit still for an hour or so, if it were not so 19.он felt bad and sat on the bench, not to fall. 20 it is a shame that you don't get yourself into the hands of the 21 when you didn't call, he is always busy, or pretends to be busy, not to speak with you 22 you should bring your sister with you. she's old enough to be in our company. 23 his idea to spend the weekend together in the house of his parents, was endorsed by all. 24 i leave this country, to be free. 25 he insisted that i told the truth.
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