ПриветствиеВ Республике Корея традиционное приветствие — легкий поклон перевод - ПриветствиеВ Республике Корея традиционное приветствие — легкий поклон английский как сказать

ПриветствиеВ Республике Корея тради


В Республике Корея традиционное приветствие — легкий поклон, достаточно редко сопровождающийся рукопожатием. Во время поклона обязательным считается взгляд глаза в глаза, а дополнительным знаком уважения может служить поддерживание левой рукой запястья правой. Тот, кто помладше, должен здороваться первым и кланяться ниже.

В деловом общении поклон может сопровождаться рукопожатием, в результате которого нужно всего лишь легко коснуться друг друга руками, при этом, не сжимая руку другого и не встряхивая ее. Старший по возрасту протягивает руку для рукопожатия первым. Женщины-кореянки редко пожимают друг другу руки, а мужчина-кореец практически никогда не протягивает руку женщине. Однако если женщина-иностранка протянет руку мужчине-корейцу первой — это будет воспринято нормально.

Огромное почтение и уважение корейцев к старшим велит по долгу вежливости подходить и здороваться с ними первым, после чего обязательно надо поговорить 2-3 минуты со старшим по возрасту прежде, чем отойти. Правила корейского этикета велят всегда желать пожилым людям доброго здравия по окончании даже короткой беседы.

На вечеринках и деловых приемах не стоит самостоятельно подходить и знакомится с корейцами, лучше позаботиться о том, чтобы кто-нибудь представил вас должным образом.


Следуя многовековым традициям, кореец носит три имени: первый слог - семейное имя (фамилия), второй слог - имя рода, к которому он принадлежит, и третий - имя, которое ему дается при рождении (например, Хо-Шим-Син). Такие имена достаточно часто сбивают европейцев с толку. В свою очередь корейцы часто путают имя и фамилию европейцев.

Особенности общения

Корейцы предпочитают вести переговоры на английском языке, но иногда английский язык корейцев очень трудно понять, так как характер их мышления нередко вступает в противоречие с языковыми оборотами других народов. Говоря на английском языке, корейцы стремятся к конкретным категориям и логической последовательности, чем часто сбивают с толку собеседников, которые начинают задаваться вопросом - до конца ли тебя понимают корейские партнеры и не надо ли что-то еще прояснить.

Традиционная мораль корейцев заставляет их придавать большое значение личному общению, особенно на начальном этапе заключения международных сделок. Без личной встречи, по их мнению, нельзя решить ни одной проблемы. Поэтому если вы хотите строить успешный бизнес с корейцами не стоит заменять личное общение телефонными переговорами или письменным общением, какими бы долгими и успешными они бы не были. Никогда не отвечайте уклончиво на просьбу корейца о встрече, иначе партнеры могут оказаться на пороге вашего офиса неожиданно, без предварительной договоренности.

Первую встречу с представителями компаний из Южной Кореи лучше назначить через посредника, который знает вас и ваших будущих партнеров и сможет представить вашу организацию, расскажет о ваших предложениях, о вашем личном статусе на фирме и т.д.

При знакомстве корейцы могут задавать прямые вопросы о возрасте и семейном положении, что, по их мнению, дает возможность будущим партнерам иметь более полное представление друг о друге.

При разговоре с корейцами не стоит смотреть прямо в глаза, это может быть расценено как психологическое давление или даже как угроза. Смеясь, лучше прикрыть рот ладонью, так как в Корее открытый рот считается грубостью.

Во время еды в Корее принято пользоваться ложками и специальными длинными металлическими палочками, хотя вилки есть практически во всех корейских домах. Чай в Корее практически не пьют; любят отвары из настоя трав и кофе. Любимые алкогольные напитки в Корее – бренди, виски, коньяк; из национальных – рисовое вино и рисовый ликер.

В корейских ресторанах нет привычного для нас меню, название блюд можно прочитать в таблице, которая висит на стене ресторана. Расчет принимают не официанты, а а кассир у выхода. Чаевые в ресторанах давать не принято.

Особенности ведения переговоров

В начале деловой встречи следует представить всех участников со своей стороны и предложить сделать то же самое гостям. Заранее можно поинтересоваться, как лучше построить беседу, и предоставить возможность всем высказаться, задать вопросы.

При деловом общении стоит соблюдать расстояние между собеседниками, равное расстоянию вытянутой руки. Более близкий контакт может быть воспринят как вторжение в личное пространство.

Во время первой встречи принято обмениваться фирменными сувенирами, цель которых – оказание внимания вашей компании к потенциальному партнеру.

Настойчивость и агрессивность – основные черты делового общения корейцев. Это очень конкретные люди, сосредоточенные на результате, а не на атмосфере встречи, поэтому чаще всего, обязательно проведя протокольную часть, они сразу стараются приступить к главным вопросам бизнеса, стараясь не отвлекаться на второстепенные моменты. Корейцы привыкли вести разговор напористо, формулируя свою позицию четко и ясно.

Жителям Южной Кореи не свойственно откр
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
GreetingIn the Republic of Korea traditional greeting is an easy bow, rarely accompanied by a handshake. During the bow is considered mandatory look eye to eye, and an additional sign of respect can serve the maintenance of right wrist with your left hand. Someone who is younger, should greet first and bow down below.In business communication, the bow may be accompanied by a handshake, which only need to easily touch each other hands, without squeezing the hand of another and not shaking her. The eldest holds out his hand for a handshake. Female Koreans rarely shake hands, a Korean man almost never reaches out to the woman. However, if a foreign woman will hand the male Korean first — it will be perceived normally.Great reverence and respect Koreans to senior commands on a duty of courtesy approach and greet them first, after which they must talk 2-3 minutes with the senior age before withdraw. Korean rules of etiquette tell always wish good health for older people at the end of even a short conversation.At parties and business receptions not worth on their own approach and meets with the Koreans better ensure that anybody presented you properly.TreatmentFollowing centuries-old traditions, Korean is three names: the first syllable family name (surname), the second syllable of the name of the genus to which it belongs, and the third-the name that is given to him at birth (such as Ho-PWM-SIN). These names often enough to force down the Europeans. In turn, the Koreans often confused the name and surname of the Europeans.Features of communicationKoreans prefer to negotiate in English, but sometimes English Koreans very difficult to understand, because their thinking is often at odds with the linguistic turns of other peoples. Speaking in English, the Koreans yearn for specific categories and logical sequence than the often confusing interlocutors who are beginning to wonder whether the end you understand Korean partners and not do something else clarified.Traditional morality of Koreans forced them to attach great importance to personal communication, especially at the initial stage of international transactions. Without a personal meeting, they believed, could not be solved any problems. So if you want to build a successful business with Koreans not worth replacing personal communication telephone calls or written communication, no matter how long and they would not have been successful. Never reply to the request of Korean evasive meeting otherwise partners may be on the cusp of your Office unexpectedly, without prior arrangement.The first meeting with representatives of companies from South Korea to better assign through a middleman who knows you and your future partner and can provide your organization, talk about your offerings, your personal status in the company, etc.When checking the Koreans can ask direct questions about the age and family status, which, in their view, gives an opportunity to our future partners have a better understanding of each other.When talking with Koreans is not worth a look straight in the eye, it can be seen as psychological pressures or even as a threat. Laughing, the better to cover his mouth with the Palm, as in Korea open mouth is considered rude.While eating in Korea decided to use spoons and special long metal chopsticks, although there are plugs in virtually all Korean homes. Tea in Korea almost don't drink; love decoctions of herbs and BREW coffee. Favorite alcoholic beverages in Korea-brandy, whisky, cognac; national-rice wine and rice liquor.In Korean restaurants is not familiar to us, the name of the menu dishes can be found in the table, which hangs on the wall of the restaurant. The calculation shall take no waiters, and a cashier at the exit. Tipping in restaurants is not accepted.The specifics of the negotiationsAt the beginning of the meeting should provide all participants with its parties and invite guests to do the same. You can ask in advance how best to build a conversation and provide an opportunity for all to speak, ask questions.In business communication, it is worth to observe the distance between interlocutors, which is equal to the destination at hand. Closer contacts can be perceived as an invasion of personal space.During the first meeting accepted the Exchange branded souvenirs, the purpose of which is to provide the attention your company to a potential partner.Persistence and aggressiveness are the main features of business communication of Koreans. This is a very specific people, focused on the result rather than the atmosphere of the meeting, so more often than not, necessarily having the Protocol part, they immediately try to embark on major business issues, trying not to be distracted by peripheral issues. Koreans are accustomed to talking energetically, in formulating its position clearly.Residents of South Korea not open
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In the Republic of Korea, the traditional greeting - a slight bow, it is rarely accompanied by a handshake. While the bow is considered a must look in the eye, and an additional sign of respect may serve as maintaining the right wrist with his left hand. Those who are younger should greet the first and bow below.

In business communication nod may be accompanied by a handshake, in which only need to easily touch each other's hands, while not squeezing the other's hand and shaking it. Senior age holds out his hand for a handshake first. Women Korean women rarely shake hands, and the man-Korean almost never extends his hand woman. However, if a foreign woman the man put his hand Koreans first - it will be perceived normally.

A great reverence and respect for the elderly Koreans tells approach and greet them by first duty of courtesy, then necessarily need to talk for 2-3 minutes with the older age before you depart. Korean etiquette rules are always told to wish good health for older people at the end of even a short conversation.

At parties and business methods should not be approached independently and met with the Koreans, it is better to make sure that anyone introduced you properly.


Following centuries-old traditions, the Korean has three names: the first syllable - the family name (surname), the second syllable - the name of the genus to which it belongs, and the third - a name that he is given at birth (eg, Ho Shim-Xing). Such names often enough knock Europeans confused. In turn, the Koreans often confuse the name of Europeans.

Features of communication

Koreans prefer to negotiate in English, but sometimes Koreans English language is very difficult to understand, since the nature of their thinking is often at odds with the linguistic turns of other nations. Speaking in English, Koreans tend to specific categories and logical sequence than the often confusing interlocutors, who are beginning to wonder - until the end Do you understand Korean partners, and not whether or not something else clear.

Traditional morality Koreans makes them attach great importance to personal contact, especially at the initial stage of the conclusion of international transactions. Without a personal meeting, in their opinion, it is impossible to solve any problem. So if you want to build a successful business with the Koreans should not replace personal communication telephone calls or written communication, no matter how long and successful they have been. Never respond evasively to the Korean request for a meeting, or partners may be on the threshold of your office suddenly, without an appointment.

First meeting with representatives of companies from South Korea is better to assign through an intermediary, who knows you and your future partner and be able to present your organization, describe your suggestions about your personal status in the company, etc.

At acquaintance Koreans can ask direct questions about the age and marital status, which, in their opinion, makes it possible future partners have a better understanding of each other.

In conversation with the Koreans should not look directly into the eyes, it can be regarded as psychological pressure, or even as a threat. Laughing, the better to cover her mouth with his hand, as in Korea open mouth is considered rude.

While eating in Korea decided to use spoons and special long metal sticks, although forks are almost all Korean homes. Tea in Korea almost do not drink; like decoctions of herbal infusions and coffee. Favourite alcoholic beverages in Korea - brandy, whiskey, brandy; national - rice wine and rice liquor.

The Korean restaurant is not the usual menu for us, the name of the dishes can be found in the table, hanging on the restaurant wall. The calculation does not take the waiters and a cashier at the exit. Tipping in restaurants to give is not accepted.

Features of negotiations

at the beginning of a business meeting should provide all participants with his hand and offer to do the same guests. You can ask in advance how best to build a conversation, and enable everyone to speak, ask questions.

In business communication should keep a distance between the interlocutors, equal to the distance arm. A closer contact can be perceived as an invasion of personal space.

During the first meeting it decided to share branded souvenirs, whose purpose - to provide attention to your company to a potential partner.

Persistence and aggression - the main features of business communication Koreans. This is a very specific people, focusing on the outcome rather than the atmosphere of the meeting, so often, certainly spent part of the protocol, they immediately try to start the main business issues, trying not to be distracted by secondary points. Koreans are accustomed to talk aggressively formulating its position clearly.

Residents of South Korea is not peculiar to Revelation
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
greetingin the republic of korea, the traditional greeting is a slight bow, rarely accompanied by shaking hands. during the "compulsory is the eyes eyes eyes, and an additional sign of respect can serve to maintain the left hand wrist to the right. who is younger, should say hello first, and bow down.in business communication, the bow may be accompanied by a handshake, which only need to easily touch each other's hands without squeezing the hand of another, and встряхивая. older age reaches his hand first. female korean female has rarely shake each other's hands, and a male korean almost never holds a woman's hand. however, if a foreign woman will stretch out a hand to the man корейцу first - it will be perceived.great reverence and respect for the koreans to senior commands. just come and say hello to them first, then have to talk about 2 - 3 minutes, with the elders before step. korean etiquette rules and always want to older people in good health after even a short conversation.at parties and business parties don't have independently approached and meets with the koreans, the better to ensure that someone presented you properly.treatmentfollowing the centuries old tradition, korean has three names: the first syllable is a family name (surname), the second syllable is the kind to which it belongs, and the third is the name that he is given at birth (for example, ho shim sin). such names often hinder europeans confused. in turn, the koreans tend to confuse the name of europeans.characteristics of communicationkoreans prefer to negotiate in english, but sometimes english, korean is very difficult to understand, because the nature of their thinking often comes into conflict with the language turns of other peoples. speaking in english, the koreans tend to specific categories and the logical sequence than the often confusing people, who are beginning to wonder if you understand until the end of the korean partners and need something to clear up.traditional morality koreans makes them to attach great importance to personal communication, especially at the initial stage of international transactions. without a personal meeting, in their view, can not solve any problems. so if you want to build a successful business with koreans shouldn't replace personal contact phone calls or written communication, which would be long and successful, they would not have been. never answer evasively to request a korean meeting or partners may be on the brink of your office suddenly without prior arrangement.the first meeting with the
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