1. Он настроил скрипку и сыграл сонату. 2. Он настроил скрипку и играл перевод - 1. Он настроил скрипку и сыграл сонату. 2. Он настроил скрипку и играл английский как сказать

1. Он настроил скрипку и сыграл сон

1. Он настроил скрипку и сыграл сонату. 2. Он настроил скрипку и играл сонату. 3. Мистер Мелл отложил книги в сторону и играл на флейте. 4. Мистер Мелл отложил книги в сторону и стал играть на флейте, 5. Том принес воды и побежал играть с приятелями. 6. Том принес воды и играл с приятелями. 7. Корабли вышли из порта и плыли в северном направлении. 8. Корабли вышли из порта и взяли курс на север. 9. Сэм закрыл дверь за Вильджоком и сел у камина. 10. Когда Сари вошла в кухню, Сэм уже закрыл дверь за Вильджоном и мешал огонь в камине. 11. В доме было тихо. Дети уснули. 12. В доме было тихо. Дети спали. 13. Когда я проснулся, солнце уже взошло. 14. Когда я проснулся, солнце уже ярко светило. 15. Когда я вышла из дома, ветер уже стих и светило солнце. 16. На днях, когда я провожала брата, я встретила на вокзале приятельницу, с которой вместе училась в школе и которую не видела много лет. 17. Когда Тавров пришел, Ольга сидела в столовой. Она читала статью, которую написала для журнала. Тавров еще не читал статьи и попросил Ольгу показать ему ее. 18. Когда мальчик вошел в комнату, его отец сидел у камина и читал письмо, которое он получил в его отсутствие. 19. На улице было еще светло, но в конторе уже горели лампы* Коростелев уже вернулся.

( B )
1. На нижнем этаже у выхода я, наконец, увидел Валю Она разгозаривала с Лещевым. (Тендряков)2. Ласкер закончил завтрак и... отдыхал в кресле, когда в дверь постучали. (Котоз) 3. Он [Коврин] вышел из дома... Уже садилось солнце... (Чехов 4. Он [Лаврецкий] встал и сел подле нее на скамейку. Она [Лиза] уже не плакала и внимательно глядела на него. (Тургенев)5. В саду в тени высокого ясеня сидели на дерновой скамейке Катя с Аркадием. Лица их изменились с тех пор, как мы их видели в последний раз. (Тургенев)6. Лил сильный дождь, когда Завьялов вышел на улицу. (Чаковский) 7. Я взглянул на часы: без десяти минут семь. Совещание уже началось. (Тендряков)8. Вечером к ним пришел старик Гейзман, В полуосвещенной комнате Алексеев играл Брамса, а Тина, Борис Борисович и старик слушали, сидя на балконе. Тина только что прочла письмо от Юрия... (Николаева) 9. Маврик вернулся из Верхотурья, когда Илюша уже работал на заводе. (Пермяк)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. He has configured the fiddle and played the Sonata. 2. He has configured the fiddle and played the Sonata. 3. Mr. Mell postponed the book aside and played the flute. 4. Mr. Mell postponed the book aside and began to play the flute, 5. That brought the water and ran off to play with his friends. 6. That brought the water and played with his buddies. 7. the ships out of port and sailed north. 8. Ships out of port and headed north. 9. Sam closed the door for Vil′džokom and sat down in front of the fireplace. 10. When Sari was in the kitchen, Sam had already closed the door for Vil′džonom and interfering with the fire in the fireplace. 11. the House was quiet. The children slept. 12. the House was quiet. The children were sleeping. 13. when I woke up, the Sun had risen. 14. when I woke up, the Sun was shining brightly. 15. when I came out of the House, the wind has dropped and the Sun was shining. 16. the other day when I saw off brother, I met a friend at the station, which, however, went to school and that she had not seen for many years. 17. when the Taurus came, She was sitting in the dining room. She read an article that she wrote for the magazine. Tauris have not yet read the article and asked her to show him Her. 18. when the boy entered the room, his father sat by the fireplace and read a letter he had received in his absence. 19. it was still light, but in Office has already burned lamp * Korostelev have already returned.( B )1. on the ground floor near the exit, I finally saw the Currency It razgozarivala with Leŝevym. (Tendrâkov)2. Lasker finished breakfast and ... resting in a chair when the door knocked. (Kotoz) 3. He [Kovrin] came out of the House ... Already was setting sun ... 4. He (Chekhov [Lavretsky] stood up and sat down beside her on the bench she [Lisa] is no longer crying and looked at it carefully. (Turgenev)5. in the garden in the shadow of high ash sat on the turf bench Katya with Arkady. Their faces have changed since we last seen. (Turgenev)6. Lil ' heavy rain when Zavyalov went outside. (Chakovskiy) 7. I looked at the clock: the ten minutes to seven. The meeting has already begun. (Tendrâkov)8. Evening there came to them the old man Gejzman, in poluosveŝennoj room Alexeev played the Brahms, and Tina, Boris Borisovich and the old man listened, sitting on the balcony. Tina just read an email from Yuriy... (Nikolaev) 9. Maverick back from Verhotur′â, where Ilyusha had worked at the plant. (Permyak)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 He set up his violin and played a sonata. 2 He set up his violin and played a sonata. 3 Mr. Mell put the book down and played the flute. 4 Mr. Mell put the book down and began to play the flute, 5 Tom brought the water and ran to play with friends. 6 Tom brought the water and playing with friends. 7 ships left port and sailed in a northerly direction. 8 ships sailed from the port and headed north. 9 Sam closed the door behind Vildzhokom and sat by the fire. 10 When Sari went into the kitchen, Sam had already closed the door behind Vildzhonom and prevented the fire. 11 The house was quiet. Children slept. 12 The house was quiet. The kids slept. 13 When I woke up, the sun had risen. 14 When I woke up, the sun was shining brightly. 15 When I left the house, the wind has a verse and the sun was shining. 16 The other day, when I walked with brother, I met a friend of a train station, with whom he went to school and you have not seen for many years. 17 When the Taurus came Olga sat in the dining room. She read a piece he wrote for the magazine. Tauri have not read the article and asked Olga to show it to him. 18 When the boy came into the room, his father sitting by the fireplace and read a letter he had received in his absence. 19 The street was still light, but in the office were already burning lamp * Korostelev already returned. (B) 1. On the ground floor at the entrance, I finally saw Valya She razgozarivala with bream. (Tendriakov) 2. Lasker finished breakfast and ... resting in a chair when the knock at the door. (Kotoz) 3 He [Kovrin] out of the house ... The sun was setting ... (Chekhov 4 He [Lavretzky] stood up and sat down beside her on the bench. She [Lisa] was not weeping and carefully looked at him. (Turgenev) 5.'s garden in the shade of high ash sat on the turf bench Katya and Arkady. Their faces have changed since we last saw them again. (Turgenev) 6. Lil heavy rain when Zav'yalov went outside. ( Chakovsky) 7 I looked at my watch: ten minutes to seven. meeting had already begun. (Tendriakov) 8. evening the old man came to him Geyzman, in half-lit room Alekseev played Brahms, and Tina, Boris and listened to the old man, sitting on the balcony. Tina had just read the letter from George ... (Nikolayev) 9 Mauricus returned from Verkhoturye when Ilya has worked at the factory. (Permjak)

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Tauri has not yet read article and asked Olga show him it. 18. When the boy entered the room, his father was sitting in front of the fireplace and read letter, which he received in his absence. 19. The street was still pale,That brought water and he ran to play with pals. 6. That brought water and played with pals. 7. Ships emerged from the port and sailed in the northern direction. 8. Ships withdrew from the port and took the course to the north. 9.1. He has set up and played a violin Sonata. 2. He has set up and played a violin Sonata. 3. Mister today postponed book to the side and played at the Constantinople. 4. Mister today postponed book to the side and has to play at Constantinople, 5.Sam closed the door for the Вильджоком and sat down in front of the fireplace. 10. When Sari entered the kitchen, Sam has already closed the door for the Вильджоном and interfere with fire in Kamina. 11. The house was quiet. Children fall asleep. 12. The house was quiet. Children were asleep. 13. When I woke up,The sun is already wondrous miracle occurred. 14. When I woke up, the sun is already bright flagstones. 15. When I got out of the house, the wind had already gone and flagstones from the sun. 16. A few days ago, when i Kronstadt teach us? brother, I was very surprised at the station theater company,With which, together she went to school, which was not seen many years. 17. When Tauri had concluded, she sat in the dining area. She had read an article that she wrote for the log.Tauri has not yet read article and asked Olga show him it. 18. When the boy entered the room, his father was sitting in front of the fireplace and read letter, which he received in his absence. 19. The street was still pale,But in the office already throw light * advertise themselves have already returned.lord ( B )
1. On the lower ground floor at the exit i, finally, saw currency it разгозаривала with Лещевым. (Тендряков)2. Ласкер finished breakfast and ... crutch in his seat,When the door "Hallo. (Котоз) 3. He [Коврин] went out of the house ... Already садилось sun ... (Chekhov 4. He [Лаврецкии] seated and sat down unto the heaven knows. It Lisa has not lain and carefully flying over to it. (Dmitry Savin)5.
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