Мой любимый вид спорта - это танцы. Это часть моей жизни.Говорят, что  перевод - Мой любимый вид спорта - это танцы. Это часть моей жизни.Говорят, что  английский как сказать

Мой любимый вид спорта - это танцы.

Мой любимый вид спорта - это танцы. Это часть моей жизни.Говорят, что танцы это язык, на котором можно разговаривать со всеми. Я согласна с этим. Сейчас я не могу представить свою жизнь без танцев. Иногда я даже не могу ходить, я танцую. Я танцую каждый день. Любимым стилем для меня всегда являлся контемп. Ведь в танце этого стиля можно не только показать свою физическую подготовку, но и станцевать, показать свои чувства. Красота этого танца завораживает и заставляет почувствовать себя свободной, забыв о неприятностях и проблемах. Для танцора не важен возраст, главное любить своё дело и танцевать душой. Танцы кажутся лёгким и не требующим усилий занятием, поэтому те, кто не танцует, никогда не поймут. Танцоры работают также усердно, как и другие спортсмены. Танцоры всегда в хорошей форме.
Мне кажется, танцы это и вид искусства и спорт. И я уверена, что танцы для меня это не только спорт, это мой образ жизни.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My favorite sport is dance. It's part of my life. It is said that dancing is the language in which it is possible to talk with everyone. I agree with this. Now I can't imagine my life without dancing. Sometimes I can't even walk, I dance. I dance every day. A favorite style for me has always been kontemp. Because in dance this style not only can show their physical training, but also dance, show their feelings. The beauty of this dance is fascinating and makes you feel free, forgetting the troubles and problems. For a dancer is not age, the important thing is to love what we do and dance. Dancing seem easy and requires no effort, so those who are not dancing, will never understand. Dancers work hard as other athletes. Dancers always in good shape.I think dancing is and art form and sport. And I am sure that dancing for me is not just a sport, it is my lifestyle.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite sports - it dances. It's part of my zhizni.Govoryat that dancing is the language in which it is possible to talk with everyone. I agree with that. Now I can not imagine my life without dancing. Sometimes I can not even walk, I dance. I dance every day. The favorite style for me has always been Contempo. After all, the dance of the style can not only demonstrate their physical fitness, but also to dance to show their feelings. The beauty of this dance is fascinating and makes you to feel free and forget about troubles and problems. For the dancer does not matter the age, the main thing to love their job and dancing soul. Dancing seem easy and effortless pastime, so those who do not dance, will never understand. The dancers work as hard as other athletes. Dancers are always in good shape.
I think dancing is an art form and Life. And I'm sure that my dancing is not just a sport, it's my way of life.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my favorite sport is dancing. it's part of my жизни.говорят, dance is the language in which you can talk with everyone. i agree with that. now i can't imagine my life without dancing.my favorite sport is dancing. it's part of my жизни.говорят, dance is the language in which you can talk with everyone. i agree with that. now i can't imagine my life without dancing.my favorite sport is dancing. it's part of my жизни.говорят, dance is the language in which you can talk with everyone. i agree with that. now i can't imagine my life without dancing.my favorite sport is dancing. it's part of my жизни.говорят, dance is the language in which you can talk with everyone. i agree with that. now i can't imagine my life without dancing.my favorite sport is dancing. it's part of my жизни.говорят, dance is the language in which you can talk with everyone. i agree with that. now i can't imagine my life without dancing.sometimes i can't even walk, i dance. i dance every day. favorite style for me has always been a контемп. in the dance, this style can not only show my physical training, but also dance.dancing seem easy and not requiring the efforts of, therefore, those who can't dance, don't understand. dancers work as hard as the other athletes. the dancers always in good shape.
i thinkdance and arts and sports. and i'm sure the dance for me is not just a sport, it's my way of life.

to show your feelings. the beauty of this dance, dazzles and makes you feel free, and the troubles and problems. for a dancer is not age, the most important thing is to love your job and dance soul.
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