В конце прошлого века город вышел на третье место в Западной Сибири по перевод - В конце прошлого века город вышел на третье место в Западной Сибири по английский как сказать

В конце прошлого века город вышел н

В конце прошлого века город вышел на третье место в Западной Сибири по торговым оборотам - впереди оказались только Томск и Тюмень.

Бывали случаи, когда транспортная система Сибири не справлялась с перевозкой огромного количества масла и наступал кризис перепроизводства. Тогда, по свидетельствам современников, цены на сливочное масло падали так низко, что им смазывали колеса экипажей.

В это же время в Барнауле на небольших, полукустарных предприятиях выпускались знаменитые шубы - "барнаулки", в жесткой конкурентной борьбе потеснившие ранее популярные "романовские" полушубки. Высокое качество выделки "барнаулок" позволило им с успехом экспонироваться и получать награды на наиболее престижных российских и зарубежных выставках. Большой известностью пользовались и барнаульские валенки, незаменимые в условиях суровых сибирских зим. Они выпускались не только обычного черного цвета, но были и белыми, розовыми, бордовыми, а по желанию заказчика их голенища украшались затейливыми узорами из разноцветных шерстяных ниток.

В Барнауле развивалось и другое производство. Еще в 1864 году на левом берегу речки Пивоварки инженер М.Б. Пранг открыл первый в России содовый завод, проработавший около полувека. Более десяти сортов пива выпускали три пивоваренных завода, вырабатывались колбасные и кондитерские изделия. И все же Барнаул оставался городом торговым: в 1912 г. здесь насчитывалось более 500 магазинов и лавок, в которых вели торговлю купцы Морозовы, Смирновы, Суховы, Поляковы, Сбитневы, Поскотиновы и многие другие.В основе экономического благополучия Барнаула и Алтая лежало производство сельскохозяйственной продукции - в первую очередь маслоделие, слава которого вышла далеко за границы Российской Империи. Ежегодно до 16 тысяч тонн сливочного масла вывозили из Барнаула в Англию, Германию, скандинавские страны.В начале 20 века в цене было не только алтайское масло. Лондон очень интересовали сибирские пшеница и рожь. Высокое качество этих продуктов обеспечивало им громадный спрос на английском рынке. Оригинальный продукт в 40 годах решили выпускать на Барнаульском молочном заводе: из сыворотки здесь делали молочное шампанское (или иначе – молочный квас)В 60-х годах продукция барнаульских предприятий поставлялась более чем в 50 стран мира. Первые «кустарные» маслозаводы на Алтае появились в 90-х годах 19 века. К 1912 их насчитывалось уже 1300
В начале 20 века сливочное масло из Барнаула, Бийска и Камня-на-Оби вывозили, в основном, в страны Западной Европы, потому что оно отличалось высоким качеством и относительно низкими ценами
В качестве новогодних подарков трудящиеся барнаульцы отправляли на фронт пельмени, колбасу, свиное сало, шоколад и какао, масло, мед, валенки и лыжи
В начале 40-х годов хлеб был дефицитом в Барнауле. Появлялись поддельные карточки, населению не хватало почти 1000 килограммов хлеба. Без карточек его продавали только в буфете железнодорожного вокзала – по завышенным ценам. Зато в избытке было картофеля: 100 граммов хлеба можно было заменить 400 граммами картофеля.
«Барнаулка» - шуба специального фасона из овчин черного крашения, разработанная на Алтае С.И. Гуляевым в 1869 году на основе отвара сандалового дерева и раствора хромово-кислого калия. В годы ВОВ Барнаульский овчинно-шубный завод выпускал армейские шубы
Овчинно- шубная и швейная фабрики поставили полушубки и обмундирование для 2,5 млн фронтовиков
За три последние годы войны фронтовики получили от трудящихся Алтая 9 эшелонов подарков: 19,3 тыс полушубков, 107 тыс пар валенок, 284,6 тыс пар рукавиц, 47 тыс шапок

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
At the end of the last century, the city came to the third place in the Western Siberia on trade turnover-ahead were only Tomsk and Tyumen.There have been cases where Siberian transport system struggled with the movements of vast amounts of oil and was the crisis of overproduction. Then, according to contemporaries, the prices for butter falling so low that they were treated by the wheels of crews.At the same time in Barnaul in small, half domestic enterprises were the famous coats-"barnaulka River", in a tough competitive struggle moved from 4th previously popular "Romanov" coats. The high quality of manufacture "barnaulok" allowed them to successfully exhibited and receive awards at the most prestigious Russian and international exhibitions. Enjoy great fame and barnaul′skie boots, essential in the harsh Siberian winters. They were not only the usual black, but white, pink, Burgundy, and optionally their tops were decorated with intricate patterns of colored wool threads.Brisbane has been developing and other production. In 1864, on the left bank of the river Pivovarki engineer Mikhail Prang opened the first Russian soda plant, who has been nearly half a century. More than a dozen varieties of beer produced three breweries, recommendations were made sausage and confectionery. Still, the city remained a trade: Barnaul in 1912 there were more than 500 shops and stores, where merchants traded Morozovs, Smirnovy, Suhovy, Polâkovy, Sbitnevy, Poskotinovy and many others. the economic well-being of Barnaul and Altai were agricultural products, primarily maslodelie, whose fame extended far beyond the boundaries of the rossijskoj Empire. Every year up to 16 thousand tons of butter exported from Barnaul in England, Germany, the Scandinavian countries. At the beginning of the 20 century in costs was not only Altay oil. London is very interested in the Siberian wheat and rye. The high quality of these products has provided them with a huge demand for English market. The original product in 40 years decided to produce the milk factory: Barnaul from whey here did milk Champagne (or otherwise-milk drink) in the 60 's, the products of Barnaul plants was delivered to more than 50 countries around the world. The first "artisanal" creameries in Altai appeared in the 90 's of 19 century. By 1912 there were already 1300At the beginning of the 20 century butter from Barnaul, Biysk and stone-na-Obi were exported, mainly to Western European countries, because it was high quality and relatively low pricesAs new year gifts were sent to the front barnaul′cy workers ravioli, sausage, lard, chocolate and cocoa, butter, honey, boots and skisIn the early 40 's, bread was scarce in Barnaul. There were fake cards, people lacked almost 1000 kilograms of bread. Without the card its sold only at the buffet station is at inflated prices. But the potato was in abundance: 100 grams of bread you can replace 400 grams potatoes."Barnaulka"-coat black ovčin of style of painting developed in the Altai S.i. Gulâevym in 1869, on the basis of the decoction of sandalwood and solution hromovo-sour kalija. In the years of the World War II Barnaul Sheepskin-fur plant produced army coatsSheepskin for coat and garment factory-made coats and uniforms for 2.5 million veteransFor the last three years of the war veteran received from workers of the Altai 9 tiers of gifts: 19.3 thousand polušubkov, 107 thousand pairs of boots, 284.6 thousand pairs of mittens, 47 thousand caps
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
At the end of the last century the city came in third place in the Western Siberia to the trade turnover - were just ahead of Tomsk and Tyumen. There were times when the transport system could not cope with Siberia transport of huge amounts of oil and a crisis of overproduction. Then, according to contemporaries, the price of butter fell so low that they grease the wheels crews. At the same time in Barnaul in small, semi-artisan enterprises produced the famous fur coats - "Barnaulka" stiff competition surpassing the previously popular "Romanov" coats . High quality manufacture "barnaulok" allowed them to successfully exhibited and received awards at the most prestigious Russian and foreign exhibitions. Enjoyed great fame and Barnaul boots, essential in the harsh Siberian winters. They produce not only the usual black, but there were also white, pink, burgundy, and on request their tops decorated with intricate patterns of colored woolen threads. In Barnaul develop other production. In 1864 on the left bank of the river Pivovarki engineer MB Prang opened the first in Russia soda factory, worked for nearly half a century. More than ten beers produced three breweries, produce sausages and pastries. Yet Barnaul city remained trade: in 1912 there were more than 500 shops and stores, where merchants traded Morozov, Smirnov Sukhov, Polyakova, Sbitneva, Poskotinovy ​​many drugie.V based on economic well-being of Barnaul and Altai lay agricultural products - primarily butter manufacturers, whose fame has gone far beyond the borders of the Russian Empire. Every year up to 16 thousand tons of butter exported from Barnaul to England, Germany, the Scandinavian strany.V early 20th century was not only the price of oil from Altai. London was very interested in the Siberian wheat and rye. The high quality of these products provide them a huge demand for the English market. The original product in 40 years decided to release at the Barnaul dairy plant: from the serum are made ​​dairy champagne (or otherwise - milky brew) In the 60s production Barnaul enterprises exported to more than 50 countries. The first "homemade" creameries in the Altai appeared in the 90s of the 19th century. By 1912 there were already 1,300 in the early 20th century butter from Barnaul, Biysk and Kamen-na-Obi exported, mainly to Western Europe, because it has high quality and relatively low prices as Christmas gifts sent to workers barnaultsy Front dumplings, sausage, bacon, chocolate, cocoa, butter, honey, boots and skis in the early 40s was a shortage of bread in Barnaul. Appeared fake cards, the population did not have nearly 1,000 pounds of bread. Without the card it was sold only at the buffet station - at inflated prices. But it was in excess of potatoes 100 grams of bread can be replaced by 400 grams of potatoes. "Barnaulka" - a special style coat of sheepskin black dyeing, developed in the Altai SI Gulyaev in 1869 on the basis of broth sandalwood and chrome-acid solution of potassium. During the Second World War Barnaul sheepskin Fur coats plant produced army Ovchinno- Fur and sewing factories put coats and uniforms for the 2.5 million veterans in the last three years of the war veterans have received from workers Altai 9 trains gifts: 19.3 thousand coats, 107 thousand pairs boots, 284.6 thousand pairs of mittens, 47 thousand caps

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
At the end of the last century the city went out for the third place in the Western Siberia on trading speed - ahead were only Tomsk and Tyumen.lord there have been occasions,When transport system Siberia is not comforting to the transport vast quantities of oil and culminates overproduction crisis. At that time, according to contemporaries, prices for butter drops so low,The plowman's wife wheel crews.Lord at the same time in our daily life in small, полукустарных enterprises issued the famous Shuba - "landscape is rather indented",In the fiercely competitive потеснившие previously popular "they are now residents" activity, products, services.High-quality leather "барнаулок" has enabled them to successfully displayed and receive awards at the most prestigious Russian and foreign exhibitions. Enjoy great popularity and purposeful development editor,indispensable in a harsh Siberian winters. They were produced not only conventional black, but have been, and with white, pink, burgundy tiles and contemporary style furniture,
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