Х. 1.Анне очень понравилась идея остановиться в пригородной гостинице. 2. Я очень рада, что ты решила остановиться у нас. Надеюсь, тебе здесь понравится. 3. Почему ты решила уехать отсюда? Тебе здесь не понравилось? 4. Хотя мы живем на окраине города, тебе ведь здесь нравится, не так ли? XI. 1. Откуда она родом? 2. Слово (furniture) пришло из французского языка. 3. Эта цитата из Байрона. 4. Она родом из Шотландии или Уэллса. 5. Анна так хорошо говорила по-английски, что Сьюзен удивилась, что она была родом из Германии.
XII-Мама, познакомься. Это Анна. Она из Германии, но очень хорошо говорит по-английски. Здравствуйте. Меня зовут миссис Бонд. Очень рада с вами познакомиться. Здравствуйте, какой у вас замечательный дом, миссис Бонд. Мне очень здесь нравится.
XIII. Могу я видеть мистера Брауна? Боюсь, что сейчас нет, он вышел, но скоро будет. 2. Есть сейчас кто-нибудь дома? 3.Сколько времени не будет директора? Дня три. Вам придется зайти попозже.
XIV. 1 я всегда хотела иметь такую квартиру. 2. У вас такая хорошая мебель! 3. У них так много картин в доме. 4. Эта лестница такая крутая (steep). 5.я всегда хотела иметь такое же большое окно, выходящее в сад. 6. Такой маленький холодильник не удобен. 7. Мне не нравятся такие уличные фонари. (street lamps) 8. Мне не нравятся такие дома. 9. никогда не встречала такого замечательного человека. 11. Она говорила со мной так любезно. 12. Они так дружно живут. 13.Мы так хорошо провели у них время.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
H. 1. Anna really liked the idea of staying at a suburban hotel. 2. I am very glad you decided to stay with us. I hope you enjoy it here. 3. Why have you decided to leave? You don't like here? 4. Although we live on the outskirts of the city, because here you like, isn't it? XI. 1. Where does it come from? 2. the word (furniture) comes from the French language. 3. This quote from Byron. 4. She comes from Scotland or Wales. 5. Anna so well spoken English that Susan was surprised that she was originally from Germany. XII-mom, meet. This Is Anna. She is from Germany, but very good. Hello. My name is Mrs Bond. Very glad to meet you. Hello, you have a wonderful house, Mrs Bond. I really like it here. XIII. can I see Mr Brown? I am afraid that now no, it came out, but will be soon. 2. There is now someone at home? 3. How much time will not be the Director? Day three. You will have to visit later.XIV. 1 I've always wanted to have such an apartment. 2. you have such nice furniture! 3. They have so many paintings in the House. 4. This stairway such steep (steep). 5. I always wanted to have the same great window facing the garden. 6. Such a small refrigerator is not convenient. 7. I don't like street lights. (street lamps) 8. I do not like such houses. 9. never met such a wonderful person. 11. She talked with me so kindly. 12. They live together. 13. We had a good time.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
H. 1.Anne really liked the idea to stay in a suburban hotel. 2. I am very glad that you decided to stay with us. I hope you like it here. 3. Why did you decide to go from here? You do not like it here? 4. Although we live on the outskirts of the city, because you like it here, do not you? XI. 1. Where did it come from? 2. The word (furniture) comes from the French language. 3. This quote from Byron. 4. She is originally from Scotland or Wales. 5. Anna so well spoken in English that Susan was surprised that she was originally from Germany.
The XII-Mom, meet. This is Anna. She is from Germany, but very fluent in English. Hello. My name is Mrs. Bond. Very glad to meet you. Hello, what is your wonderful home, Mrs. Bond. I really like it here.
The XIII. Can I see Mr. Brown? I'm afraid not today, he left, but soon will be. 2. There is now anybody home? 3. How many times will not be the director? Three days. You'll have to come back later.
The XIV. 1 I have always wanted to have the apartment. 2. You have such good furniture! 3. They have so many pictures in the house. 4. This staircase as steep (steep). 5. I always wanted to have the same large window facing the garden. 6. Such a small refrigerator is not convenient. 7. I do not like these street lights. (street lamps) 8. I do not like such houses. 9. never met such a wonderful person. 11. She spoke to me so kindly. 12. They live together. 13.My so well spent their time.
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